Blender Character Modeling Tutorial - For Absolute Beginners - Part 1

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This Tutorial is for ABSOLUTE Beginners.. in this part you will learn :

Intro: (00:00)
How to get Blender: (00:50)
Splash Screen: (01:05)
How to Navigate the viewport in Blender: (01:38)
Blender Layout: (04:50)
Introducing the Reference Images: (06:15)
Blender Topography: (07:10)
Upload Reference Images: (07:40)
Blender Outliner: (10:10)
Blender 3D Cursor: (11:44)
Start Modelling: (12:09)


References Free Download:

Blender 3.0 Free Download:

Learn how to Create a 3D Character from scratch :

Sculpting Character - Time-lapse :

learn Quixel Mixer :

Blender Quick Tips :

Music :

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What the hell did I just watch, why is this the first video that actually explained a easy process for this. You sir are a genius. I stupid for not thinking of following the guide lines of topology. Look forward to the next video


Finally a tutorial that isn't focused on the little details and that goes straight to the practical part. Super beginner friendly!


I love that you go through a lot of information quickly. Not that I can pick it all up that quickly... but you understand I have the power to pause and playback the areas I'm having trouble with and pick out the pieces of information I need with a few play throughs of that stretch. Great tutorial.


Thank you for not taking 50 hours to explain the basic functions - I feel like a lot of people learn while doing anyways and watching dragged out tutorials can really make people lose interest. I look forward to continuing this series and referencing it tons.


If you're stuck on 14:10 you're origin of the plane you added earlier mirrors that. To solve this you need to select cursor and place it on the first plane of the face tile. click Object, Set Origin, and Origin to 3d Cursor and the dot should move there along with the other side of the face merging together just like in the video at 14:13. Hope this helps someone, You're doing great for making this far in the video as well! let's complete this course!!!


I'm not an absolute beginner, and I'm not a pro, but I'm amazed at the amount of information you smartly stuffed into this short video.
Everybody, you're on youtube, you can replay and pause as much as you'd like and every word in this video matters!


As someone who did a bit of modeling for 3D prints before, I thought "there´s no way to combine a how to move and a proper character modeling lesson in one video" but oh boy, was I wrong. This is actually super solid for a beginner video and it helped me a ton! Thank you.
I really appreciate how there is absolutely no fluff in this video.

Though already knowing how to move and scale things probably helps a ton.


For those who were struggling to get the Shade Smooth option upon right clicking like I did ( 13:57 ) You need to go up to the top left corner of your window where it says "Edit Mode" and switch to "Object Mode". Then the option should appear for you :)


Probably the most underrated channel where you can learn blender for insane that you are doing this for free Sir....I mean on udemy the people teach this course for worth $100, but you are a legend Sir....Respect and love from Pakistan :)


For anyone not getting the vertices lined up in front view and side view properly, do not touch the scale of the head topology reference photo. Just move it, and adjust it according to the side view's head. Great tutorial.


The Intro and Navigation are so helpful!
So many tutorials jump into explaining the "just do this" approach rather than the actual "What you need to do" in order to "just do this", all in one video and efficiently. Thank you.


i've spend hours looking for good blender vids so i can start and this seems to be the one guy for me


Finally someone that has a tutorial off this type off modeling! It feels like I have been searching for hours!


I've subscribed to your channel a while ago because I love your way of explaining the ins and outs of Blender. But honestly your accent and tone of voice is what really makes the difference 🙂 Love it! Almost a next generation Bob Ross. Please keep doing what you're doing!


You deserve every bit of success, no-nonsense tutorial. Great video.


Modelling didn't take me anywhere except for learning about topology.. the easy fast and satisfying method for me is to combine basic shapes with subdivision and solidify modifiers on.. then glue, booleans cleanup and etopo when necessary


This works great if you happen to have reference images of the exact topology you want to end up with... which is only possible if the character you are modelling has already been modelled...


Really good tutorial so far. A few things I noticed: It would have been easier to follow if you first added the Mirror modifier and _then_ added the Subdivision Surface modifier. Also, I almost missed the "on cage" option and was confused why your vertices moved after you applied the Subdivision Surface mod and mine didn't. So, it would have been good to point that "on cage" option out more clearly.
Other than that, pretty awesome so far.


Great tutorial, bro. Your method is same as mine but I'd like to follow along how you do it just looking for useful techniques I might not be aware of. Looking forward to the next episode. Keep up the good work. Wish you all the best.


I would like to say this is a great tutorial. I watch all your "episodes" before doing this and did notice it started to feel rushed in later "episodes". I will point out for future viewers that this tutorial failed to mention how important it is to line the ref images for the head with the "Z" (Blue) Line. You have to center it like he did or else you will have problems when you add mirror modifiers later on. Hope this helps those in the future! This is a great tutorial by someone with a lot of skill and experience to share.
