What Actually Happens When You Put On The One Ring?

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There are few objects in fiction as iconic and terrifying as the One Ring. But, what actually happens when someone put it on? What does it to them? Let's find out!

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00:00 – Chapter 1: The Introduction
01:22 – Chapter 2: The Ring’s Powers – What Is It Actually Doing?
02:01 – Chapter 3: The Experience of Wearing the Ring – What Frodo Saw
04:01 – Chapter 4: The Eye of Sauron – The Ring’s True Danger
06:15 – Chapter 5: What Does This Mean for the Ring’s True Power?
07:21 – Chapter 6: Conclusion

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Artwork Credits:
All artwork credited in the video in order it first appeared,
Sauron - Anna Podedworna
The One Ring - Andrew Mabey
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – New Line Cinema
The Rings of Power - Jim Wisniewski
Sauron - Victor Lammert
The Journey to Mordor – Shockbolt
Wraith World - Paul Lasaine
Bilbo & Frodo Baggins - Louiz Brito
Boromir – Ted Nasmith
Frodo's Choice – ThornSpine
The One Ring - benjamin-lindquist
One Rings to Rule Them All - Austin Hartell
The Eye of Sauron – Ralph Damiani
Frodo - Gabriele Dell'Otto
Gollum's Journey Commences – Benef
Isildur sketch - Bohemian Weasel
Frodo on the Seat of Seeing – NickOnPlanetRipple
Three Rings - The Rings of Power
Gandalf - Dan Pilla
Frodo - Matthew Stewart
The Fate of Middle Earth - David Boudon
The Nazgul - SpartanK42
The Crack of Doom - D8P
The Ring - Nia K
Mount Doom - Marta Nael
The One Ring - mikenashillustration

This video is for educational and entertainment purposes, following fair use guidelines. All artwork is credited to the respective artists. Please feel free to contact us for any credit or removal requests.

#OneRing #LordoftheRings #Lotr
Рекомендации по теме

You forgot to mention that Frodo sat on the Seat of Seeing (in Amon Hen). In doing so it expanded Frodo's eyesight, and it made The One Ring work in a similar manner as a Palantir. The location itself almost gave Frodo away because it was made for that purpose. To keep watch of the lands by seers or whoever possessed a Palantir. This is why Frodo was able to see events from very far away. Hence why Sauron almost noticed him.

Had he not sat in the seat then Sauron would have a hard time looking for him.


Of course the voice was Gandalf's. The "Fool" is a dead giveaway.
Besides, he admits as much after meeting the 3 hunters in Fangorn Forrest


It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing.


that is why, Gandalf told Frodo not to wear it


This is one of the reasons why I like Sauron more than Melkor. Whilst Melkor is a literal Lucifer figure, the One is closer to the will of Lucifer in how it will twist you and everything you love. To paraphrase the Last Voyage of the Demeter, “It takes everything you love and twists and ravages it until all the good within it is destroyed. Because that is what the devil does!”


Glad to see the channel return to Tolkien proper (and not bad fan fiction). As for the ring, remember that Sauron wanted to bind himself to Middle-Earth and knew that Morgoth was condemned to the void. So beyond all regular power, it's also an anchor. A safeguard against a fate similar to his master.


Well when I got my Middleearth 4k collectors edition wich includes movies, some cards and The One Ring....I watched all six movies while playing with the ring in my hand, so yeah, probably I would try it


TBS: 8:14
Me: i dont know what my intentions...my... myyyy Prrrrecious 💍 🖐🏼


As someone else said, the visions of Frodo were given to him at least partly by where he was sitting.

A better example of the effect of the Ring is when Sam used it. Tolkien described in details the effects of the Ring on Sam: the diminished sight, the improved hearing, the temptation to turn the plateau of Gorgoroth into a garden. even the temptation of overthrowing Sauron.


I truly wonder what happens I will now watch the video to find out! (I don’t know what else to say)


Ich habe so laut gelacht, dass mein Freund rüberkam, um zu sehen, was los ist. Jetzt sehen wir uns das Video gemeinsam an💞


Video idea: Sauron with the ring vs Melkor, who wins?


If I had the ring I hope I wouldn’t try it on, but its power might be too much to resist.


I probably would lack the will to resist. I do wonder what it would be like to wear one of the elven rings.


Is this what bulbo sees too when he puts on the ring?


Question: the Nazgul cannot be touched in the mortal world, only what they wear and hold. Is frodo also untouchable when he has the ring on by creatures who do not exist in the wraith world? If not why?


What about the other Rings? What would happen if we put them on?


I still don't understand how Bilbo was able to put the ring on while dealing with the spiders of Mirkwood, and not have Sauron all over him like white on rice. Sauron was there, a few miles away, in Dol Guldur. Now maybe that's a timeline issue. Maybe the White Council had already chased Sauron off by the time Bilbo put on the ring. It would be pretty close though. Gandalf left Bilbo and the Dwarves at the Elven entrance, then rode off, presumably to help the others at DG in the south. Would I ever put on the ring? No. Like Faramir, I would leave it be, even if found by the side of the road. I'm educated, well traveled and mature enough to understand how perilous that thing is. I hope. 😊


Well Said! But my question is still what power can the One Ring project over the world?


“You’re my _wife_ now, Dave” - Sauron.
