China's military build-up threatens US, poses challenges for global commerce & supply chains

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#China #USA
The United States and China together now account for over a half of the world's defence spending. In recent years, military competition between the two has intensified in the contested waters of the Western Pacific, with the South China Sea and Taiwan both potentially dangerous flashpoints. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry -- faculty member at China's Tsinghua University, former US Defense Attaché to China, Lieutenant General, US Army (Retd) and former US Ambassador to Afghanistan -- discusses the state of the US-China military rivalry and the factors that will shape its future course.
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Which stupid host on earth ask three questions simultaneously to his guest and expect that poor guy to remember 🤣


US has 5800 nuclear warheads, China has 300. US's defence budget is $732 billion, China's $261 billion. US arms export is $10.5 billion, China exports $1 billion. US has 600 military bases around the world (excluding inside US), China? - 1. Which country is a bigger threat to world peace?


As I commented previously, when the day arrives when India reaches, economically/militarily to challenge
US No.1 status in the world, India will, as is the case now with China, India will be demonised and
threatened in the same way because US cannot entertain the idea of being No.2. You will
have forgotten what happened when Japan appeared to be going in that direction,
how they were demonised, that Toshiba was destroyed in the same way as they are trying to do
to Huawei!!!


Military spending 2020 Fact Sheet
United States 732.0B$ 3.4% GDP
China 261.0B$ 1.9% GDP
India 71.1B$ 2.4% GDP
The US and India should focus on economy rather than military spending.


Sooner or later there's going to be war or war like situation in the South China Sea for many years to come... so, it makes sense for Bharat & all other countries to decouple their economies to that of China
The world should not be dependent on supplies that ought to come through the South China Sea


Maybe we should build up our manufacturing base before we start rattling our swords. One of my vendors told me there is not one U.S.
company that is building stainless steel machine screws, nuts, and bolts for stock delivery. Everything is made to order with lead times approx. 6 months.

If this situation has changed I would welcome being corrected here.

If this situation hasn't changed then our adversaries will view us as the proverbial Paper Tiger. Or, as fools.

So we wind down in Afghanistan and we crank up the rhetoric somewhere else? Let's turn some of our sword money into plowshares. Let's rebuild our standing in the world by delivering vaccines, food, and expertise to the Third World. .

Let's feed, house, and educate our homeless, our neglected veterans, and our third world-like poor here at home. Let's expand voting and labor rights here at home before we talk about "more free and fair" elections abroad.

Let's rebuild our economic base so that when military response to defend our shores or to project power to truly defend human rights, we won't be laughed at as clowns.

Certainly a tiny tax on all traded financial instruments (equities, currency, hedge, commodity, energy, futures, etc. trades) would be painless to the taxed parties. And the enormous proceeds could be dedicated to raising the living standards of the bottom half of Americans.

Wealth transfer? Absolutely. Painless and nearly invisible to the top half of Americans? Absolutely. This tax (with proceeds properly directed to improve conditions of the bottom half) coupled with anti-monopoly regulations to enforce truly free and not rigged markets "might" allow the American experiment to continue..


50:25 "whut" kind of statics is that?
More than 50% of variations in estimation?


India has ambitions big as all out doors ! You have that unmatched ability to kid yourselves, that you are world power number 3; YOU ARE NOT ! India does not have the fire power to be "A MILITARY POWER THAT IS RECOGNISED IN YOUR OWN RIGHT". At best India has to find a world backer (the USA or Great Britain etc.). You like to claim super power status but you don't even have a weapons industry that is capable of manufacturing anything bigger than a submachine gun; Graham Allis quoted Late Lee Kuan Yew as saying, "INDIA IS NOT A REAL COUNTRY". India claims peer status with People's Republic of China's navy, what a laugh, India in total has 192 ships, when PR China has 425 ships and the USA has 395 ships. India you are not the equal of China, get a hold of yourselves.


China has more interest in keeping global sea lanes open than America has as it does much more global trade using the sea route than USA does


India is the only country with which China has not settled its land borders. India will do well to settle this border even if it means giving a couple of barren hill tops in the uninhabitable border area. The long term advantage to India will be immense.
