How Has China Built up Its Military So Fast (But Is It Any Good)

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🌐 Uncover the fascinating details behind China's unprecedented military expansion! 🚀 Dive into the complexities of its military buildup since 1996, exploring the historical context and pivotal moments. 🤔 Why is China strengthening its forces? 🤯 Discover the impact on the Indo-Pacific balance of power and the intricate strategies behind its rapid advancements. From naval expansion 🚢 to hypersonic missiles 🚀, China's transformation is reshaping global dynamics. Join us on this eye-opening journey! 🔍 What are your thoughts on China's military ambitions? Share in the comments! 🗨️ Don't forget to like 👍 and subscribe for more expert military analysis! 🎥💥 #ChinaMilitary #IndoPacific #MilitaryAnalysis #GlobalSecurity #themilitaryshow
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Why is it only the USA can increase its military spending but others will be criticised?.


how can you not when you are surrounded by more than a dozen military bases by people who said you are a threat to them and intent to fight you?


If you have US airbases all over your coastal area and the Western powers worried about their pole position, of course you would strengthen military,


How can you say China is at war with the US? China does not have military bases surrounding the US. China military is for defensive.


If you are Being surrounded by enemies would you not trying to build up more arms to prepare for any conflict.


China's weapon systems are developed specifically to counter US threat in its backyards. US weapon systems are for world domination. Therefore, the analogy is between a specialist and a general practitioner...Unless you have a common flu, the general practitioner will also recommend you to see a specialist...


I am glad most of the audiences who replied have a clear recognition on the stand off between China and the US: Korean War, Vietnam War to the Taiwan War that the US endeavor to push, it is the US threatening China for decades, not the opposite.


My ancestors created fireworks to celebrate the New Year. Y'alls decided to point it at a fellow human being to shoot to kill. Hey man, don't hate the player, hate the game. We coming


For every car made in the US, China makes 2.8 cars. China makes more steel in a month than the US does in a year


China China and the world love China for it's a peace loving nation.


We dont have $1000 military coffee cup now


China's growth in the next 15 years will put the last 15 years to shame. Why? Because before China was still lacking in engine tech and could not or did not want to enter into mass production yet since they would still face a choke point and only be able to field as many Russian engines or whatever else they needed for the J-20 etc.

But now China has complete supply chain and complete tech chain independence, something even USA does not have. Now combined with chinas massive economy and manufacturing might, as well as China being more economical and stronger in PPP terms, or the fact that China has 1.4 billion united, literate, and hard working citizens, USA or anyone else cannot compete at all.

And don't even mention India, they aren't united or hard working or even literate, let alone well educated. China also now has many unis in the top 100 in the world, and many Chinese also study at the best foreign unis in the world including USA, and unlike say, Indian students who might also study there, Chinese ones go back home and contribute to their country. China has opportunities unlike India, who's best and brightest all want to become Americans and work for American companies since no Indian company can pay them comparable salaries, or more importantly, those opportunities don't even exist to begin with. There are no Indian apple, Microsoft, Google, Huawei, Alibaba, tencent, baidu, tiktok, byte dance, etc etc.

India will need another 50 years of hard work nonstop to be where China is today, IF they made all the right decisions today, changed their system and culture, and ended corruption and backwards culture and bumped their literacy rate from 70~% to like 95%+.

When you can't even do the most basic and important thing like making all Indians literate, and you still have like 400 million Indians who can't even read or write, then yeah. Any talk of being a developed, modern power is just delusion. Having nukes or buying advanced weapons from other advanced countries doesn't make you yourself developed or advanced or make you a great power, or earn you respect from the rest of the world.


In the video 1:55, 16:04 and 18:38, the footage you repeated use three times is UWSA(United Wa State Army) not PLA and not Chinese. UWSA a independent armed forces from Myanmar composed of Wa people in Myanmar, you can easily recognize them from their uniforms and shoulder badges, or if you are Asian, you can also distinguish the difference between East Asians and Southeast Asians easily.


China is strong enough that the USA cannot deal with alone.


A steak in China cost much less than that in USA and goes a long way unlike in USA. So if China spent 230 billion USD in defence is much more or closer to that of USA. A component in China may cost $3 to manufacture whereas the same would cost $30 or more in USA.


China - world's largest expanding navy
US - world's fastest shrinking navy


I do believe that Taiwan will be reunited with China in a peaceful ways and not on a war in a very near future. ❤❤❤👍👍👍


As far as tonnage goes, that doesn't mean shit! China is more concerned with near seas operations, rather than blue water operations that the US concentrate on! If thus ever truly kicks off, China will have it's entire navy at it's disposal, plus all it's landbased systems too! The US will not. Hopefully politicians will actually talk to each other, and provent this conflict from ever taking place. Not holding my breath though!


While China’s military progress is a hot topic, do not forget the fact that US is the only super power on this globe, whereas no matter how China develops its military, China remains a regional power. Overall, US military still has superior advantages than China’s. There is not much comparison. Also, China is a nation that does not like wars with other nations. They prefer doing business instead. That is why China has not gotten into war for over four decades. Chinese mentality is different to that of Angelia Saxons.


Two reasons to justify the buildup of the Chinese military: one China steadily fast increasing GDP which usually means proportional increase of its military spending; two the hostile forces surrounding its board by just looking at about 3 hundreds of military bases on its board from US.
