Can anyone convert to Judaism?

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Did he just say a jewish soul, comes from a higher level 🤦‍♂️


How arrogant your religion is that you think you're from higher level soul?


Thats a bit arrogant and exclusionary to assume that people are born with "jewish souls" and others aren't, hence conversions to Judaism is discouraged. There is an element of snobbishness in this. Its a born members only club like "We are special and born special. You are not so we are not interested."


Judaism sounds kinda racist to me. "I am higher than you because i have the jewish soul". Your jewish soul won't save you from hellfire though when you sin. As a muslim i say that ALL babys were born muslim and every single person has to find his way to god for himself.


That "Jewish soul" got me☻️😂


Muhammad taught that when someone converts to Islam, their past sins are forgiven, and they are considered equal to other Muslims. He emphasized the importance of welcoming new converts into the Muslim community with kindness and support. Muhammad said, "Do you not know that accepting Islam annuls all previous sins?" This highlights the concept of repentance and the transformative power of embracing Islam.


So how is that fair ? Wouldn’t The one true God want a religion for all mankind to follow ? Instead of being “ chosen “ or have to be born into?


Why are people posting the Muslim comments on here though? I’m Muslim but not going to do that, not the place for it. I can simply just watch the content.


I always felt deep inside resonance with Judaism. Growing up I always had a Jewish person around me regardless of the fact that I was raised being told my family was catholic - yet kept no Catholic traditions. During covid I took a dna test (yes, I know dna doesn’t make you Jewish) and my results were Iberian, sefardí, North African (Morocco) Balkan, English, and levant. I did more digging and traced my family to the Spanish Inquisition. So what I felt inside towards Judaism to me was my soul calling out and after 2 years I finally converted to Judaism. This isn’t a message for all the people leaving comments about Islam. I really don’t understand those. This is for the creator of the content since it’s about conversion. I love watching your vids, keep it up! Only thing I wish we spoke more about is how converts are treated as if we are less than by so many Jews. There are born Jews that eat bacon cheeseburgers and never observe Shabbat, yet I do my best to adhere to the Torahs way of life and I’m seen as subpar by so many. I wish this would change.


Yikes. This does not make your religion sound remotely likable. So I and the majority of the planet are sub-human?


Muhammad (PBUH) preached equality among all people regardless of race or ethnicity. He emphasized that all humans are equal in the eyes of God, stating, "All mankind is from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action." This principle is central to Islamic teachings on social justice and equality.


Higher level soul?
I feel sorry for Gaza.


My heart is saddened by the Jewish soul and non Jewish soul theology.


I love that Jews not only never force their ways onto others but also don't even seek converts. That's a beautiful example of tolerance.


I am not jewish although im a muslim, i figured i watched these so i can learn about different unique beliefs and stay respectful at the same time🙏 g'day and may Allah bless you, salam from malaysia 🇲🇾


I am in my slow process of converting. I did a Reform conversion, but something was still missing. I still struggle with the life change, but my heart and mind yearn for it so badly. The daily Chumash and Tanya on the Chabad app has allowed me to bring Orthodoxy into my home as I don't live in a Jewish community. I am blessed with a great Rabbi who is patient and kind. The Rebbetzin is amazing and a true role model for me and my 7 year old daughter.
I just found your channel and it was a blessing from Hashem during a confusing time for me. Now I know I'm on the right path, but I also know it's very hard to change ones lifestyle and I am patient with myself. One mitzvah at a time. 613 sounds scary, but when you read them there are a lot that are common sense or don't apply to me or my situation. The hardest is going Kosher.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us.


It’s that “chosen people” mindset…a “jewish soul”?? What the hell does that even mean? This “jewish soul” that you speak of, did Abraham have it too???


Makes sense.. higher level thinkers do not attempt to convert others...they simply act in the ways of their religion. Lower level thinkers tend to force their religion onto others. I think im a Jew 🤔


I feel like that's not the whole reason why they don't invite people to join, I guess it's also because their scriptures that you read in some places are against other races.


And they come from a higher level, let that sink in
