Becoming a Jew

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To be a Jew you have to have a Jewish mother. That is the only way. But there is one exception to this rule... an Orthodox conversion. Although converting to Judaism is not encouraged, some do accomplish this.
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abraham was a convert too... never forget


A convert is constantly tested and has a blessed life. Huge adjustment. Not easy. Patience, patience, patience


I must already be a Jew, because I tried to do as this rabbi said. I was born Catholic, and for many years tried to become a Jew and I failed. So I tried to be Catholic again, and I would get dreams at night where HaSatan would come and scorn me. One day, not too long ago, he came to me and scorned me for not following Hashem. I responded back to him something that then I heard Hashem’s voice instead and he said “you must convert”. He asked me to start praying Modeh Ani and the Shema, he told me to prepare a kosher meal for the Shabbat after thanksgiving, and then he said “will you do it?” I woke up from that dream, and I said yes. So I did what he said and upon doing that, HaSatan stopped visiting me. It’s been peaceful ever since. I’ve been speaking to a rabbi, and I am now officially working to get converted.


this message hits close to home. many times I have thought of completely abandoning torah observance, but like the video says you are only running away from yourself. It would be like looking in the mirror and wishing you looked different, but you might as well embrace your external form. If your a jew you might as well learn torah and follow mitzvos because g-d created you this way and ultimately it is only going to benefit you.


Sometimes it’s not about the Jewish faith but about the person feeing at home within the Jewish world through a spiritual, internal connection and there are folks who find the Noahide way of life lacking depth and not meeting their needs


My parents both converted through orthodox and now live mostly secular lives except I went to a Jewish school and we celebrated holidays and some Shabbats. Since they started living secular after converting am I still Jewish or do I have to convert?


I have Jewish ancestry on my father's side but am still a Gentile since I wasn't born to a Jewish mother. I recently started attending parsha classes at a local Chabad house. When I explained that I was still a Gentile to the rabbi and asked him if it was okay for me to attend, he said he didn't have a problem with it but also encouraged me not to become Jewish. As funny and odd as it may seem, it's true that rabbis try to discourage people from becoming Jewish because they themselves admit how difficult it is to learn and retain the Jewish lifestyle. However, I still want to convert to Judaism sometime in my life, but I'm in no rush. For now, I'll just continue studying Torah and learning more about Judaism at the Chabad house as long as I'm still welcomed.


well, moises said anybody who want to enjoy our trives they are welcome


Something about Judaism has resonated with me for a while, I was circumcised as a baby, although we come from a Catholic family, my father stopped going to the church, then my father dated several Jewish women, we never ate pork, it was a taboo in my house, his believes about god are similar to Judaism, so he raised me that way, after doing my family tree I suspected that I could be of Sephardi Jewish ancestry, since around 24% of Hispanic Americans had a jewish ancestors, based on DNA evidence, even the scales of flamenco come from Jewish music, being hispanic and being Mexica and my family from Spain, several last name in my family were common among Sephardi Jewish who were once 10% of the population of Spain, and were forced to convert to Christianity or leave, most of them stayed, some became Crypto Jews, there is something Jewish in our culture, and specially in my family and I feel it, but I don't know what to do. Everything about Judaism resonates with me, although I feel closer to reform or more liberal denominations, I would not want follow the 7 commandments of Noah, I would love to be a full Jew.


Rabbie Locks what advice would you give for a Conservative convert who wishes to convert orthodox but do to issues involving time, job, and family, finds it very difficult to do so at the moment. should I try my best to preform mitzvote as possible and try to follow Orthodox practices. I was converted at a really young age as a Conservative jew, but I wear a Kepah, Tallit katan, and keep kosher, I want to better myself and learn more about my Jewish heritage but find it difficult to do so any advice would be appreciated.


Hello, Rabbi, I hope you are well. I am a Bedouin Arab from southern Iraq, and in our culture we are not considered an Arab unless our father is an Arab from an Arab tribe. I do not understand how a jew can become Jewish if the mother is Jewish. Is there a reason for this?


My father told me I was Jewish my whole childhood. He was abusive and crazy. I really believed we were though. I felt this belonging with the few Jewish kids in my school. When I found out I wasn't, I was so sad. I'm still sad 30 years later. I don't think conversion is proper for me though for several reasons, none of them having to do with Jewish people.


I am planning to have an Orthodox conversion. Becoming a jew is my biggest goal right now. I don't ever plan on leaving it or turning my back on HaShem. It is my only goal and dream. Unfortunately, the closest shul is two hours away, so I'm planning to move nearby. I WILL accomplish it and stay righteous on the path for the rest of my days.


I am very proud of my Judean heritage!🕎🇮🇱💪🏽


I wasn’t expecting to see a fellow Okie in this video.


What about the Moabitess Ruth who followed Naomi? She married Boaz then eventually King David was selected to be remembered forever out of this lineage


Why is conversion discouraged? Didn't many great sages come from converts? Isn't the Messiah himself a descendant of a convert?


If you read the Torah it states there is only one Creator, the God of Israel, none else, and every other gods are idols. Conversion rules are tradition created by men. Abraham did not face a Bet Din or go to a Mikvah. Judaism should be more open to outsiders. Torah should rule, not the tradition of men.


King David's great grandmother Ruth was not Jewish but she was a righteous convert.


Can I convert to Judaism if none(i think none) of my family is Jewish? (Or if my mother is not Jewish)
If you could anwser that would be appreciated : )
