Does Israel give Citizenship to Converts to Judaism?

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ANTISEMITES use the State of Israel as an empty excuse to 'justify' their irrational hatred, violence, and slaughter of Jewish civilians. For them, if Israel would not grant citizenship to converts, this would 'prove' Israel is 'racist'; and if Israel does grant citizenship to converts, then it somehow 'proves' that Israel is not an indigenous people in 'Palestine' (the Land of Israel). Of course, they hold all other countries, including the Palestinian Authority and Gaza, to a completely different standard.

Are all converts accepted by the State of Israel?

According to the State of Israel's Law of Return, full Israeli citizenship is the legal right of all Jews everywhere, including converts to Judaism. However, in practice, the State of Israel only accepts converts from certain major Jewish organizations. Although the State of Israel's laws can and should be improved, it is reasonable and necessary to define the word 'Jew' and to have some limits in place. This is because anyone can claim to be Jewish, even if they are not sincere. Consequently, the State of Israel only accepts converts from widely recognized Jewish organizations, such as converts from the Reform Movement, Conservative Judaism, and major Orthodox organizations. The Reform Movement and Conservative Judaism are each single organizations with centralized administration. Orthodox Judaism, on the other hand, does not have a single centralized authority functioning in modern times. This means that Orthodox Jewish converts are sometimes not recognized by the State of Israel, even though they may be more strict and devout than Reform converts who are accepted by the State of Israel.

To make matters more complicated for Orthodox Jewish converts, the most extreme sectors of the Orthodox Jewish world have what is essentially a monopoly on recognition of Orthodox conversions in Israel. Many moderate Orthodox Jews recognize that this is unfair and a serious problem. Consequently, an Orthodox conversion does not necessarily ensure automatic Israeli citizenship. There are ways around this bureaucracy and corruption, but it is not simple. For this reason, it is important that people who convert to Orthodox Judaism do so from a sincere heart. Moving to Israel should not be their motivation to convert, even if it may become a possibility for them in the future. What is most important is that we recognize that the God of Israel is the God of all creation, and that we embrace His Torah, for His Guidance is our wisdom and a promise and hope for our children. 🙏

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I remember writing to the Israeli Consulate and asking if non Jews can become Israelis. Their answer was yes. You had to immigrate to Israel, live there for a minimum of 5 years and then go through their naturalization process. Pretty much like most western countries.

It is my understanding that Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people and that's why they have the "Law of Return" for Jews.


I submit that a time is coming not too far away that these Rabbis in Israel will be welcoming converts with open arms . War causes one to give pause and rethink these ways we have been mistreating the converts, and These Rabbis most not all won’t fight a war. They rely on the exertions of others. If we really believe in HaShem and his Torah we need to create and accept the converts. May it be soon and in our day. Beezrat HaShem!


it shouldn't matter how one observes if you converted to Judaism shouldn't matter which sect. You are should be accepted by Israel. also there are many born Jews who are allowed to do the return home if they want. There should be a simple recognization, because in the Torah it basically explains to teach the person Judaism and let them in the mikvah. Literally that'ss what it explains in the Torah. So by that definition every convert in every sect should be considered Jewish.


Great video! This is a very confusing subject amongst converts. I would also add that while those who converted Conservative or Reform are more readily granted citizenship. They are usually not considered officially Jewish according to the Rabbinate, but simply Israelis. If they desire to be officially recognized as Israeli Jews, they must undergo conversion according to the protocol of the Rabbinate. I wish the converting courts outside of Israel would seek to better understand and explain this to those converting.


There are some who convert through multiple branches. Which one would the state of Israel use ie. some may start in Reform before an Orthodox conversion. Would the state of Israel allow that person in on the Reform conversion if they did not acknowledge the Orthodox?


I want to convert from Christianity to Judaism. This was one question that was playing on my mind regarding converting to the Jewish faith. Can I make Aliyah if I convert to any other denomination other than Orthodox Judaism ? Thanks! 😊


how do they have right to come to Israel when it is not really their homeland


Shalom rabbi, what's your opinion on an unrecognized orthodox conversion accepted by one community, such as a Young Israel community, and if the convert decides to relocate to another orthodox community, how should the convert proceed?


Who's more reviled by the orthodox reflrm or conservstive converts? Because ive ready some pretty nasty stories from reform converts who said they were blatently labelled as not jewish


But doesn't that mean the state of Israel has "rascialised" jewish identity ie secular jewish billionaire from Florida can move to Israel but a convert ro orthodox Judaism can't move there even I'd let's say they are shunned by family and friends for converting?


Greetings from Finland Yosef by Yair and Miriam Klemet,


When, where and from whom did you receive semikhah?


I dont have any jewish blood, but i fell in love jews people and israel, and now i am thinking about conversion to Judaism ✡️ am i acceptable ? YHWH ❤️


If one converted Conservative through the main conservative movement, can they make aliya and then do a orthodox conversion in Israel?


Tell me how I can convert step by step


they kinda got you on this point, if you allow convert to come you are not indigenous if you do not you are an ethnic state. other countries were not build the same as yours so no reason to hold them to the same standard so your counter is BS


Can i get it if i converted to judaism or volunteered in idf as a soldier?


If I'm a convert to Naturei Karta, will I be able to claim citizenship?


Hey, thank you for the content. I want to start my conversation process soon but i dont know which jew i wanna be. I feel observent but we dont have this here in germany... orthodox and reform only. And the longtherm goal is definitely moving to israel


I have Jewish ancestry and I converted via reform and plan on immigrating but I am switching to orthodox 😅
