John Mew wants to take the GDC to the high court

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Currently the full proceeds of the patreon is directed to the video team, who donate the rest of their time for free. Please help in spreading this message.

best wishes,
Orthotropics Video Team.

This channel is part of the International Association of Facial Growth Guidance. A nonprofit organisation which aims to raise awareness of alternative orthodontic methods and ideas, which too few people are informed of.

The main aim of the platform is to precipitate debate on why teeth are crooked. Most people are not aware that (in most cases) the dental profession has little or no idea why the teeth are crooked, or for that matter why children need major surgery. Clearly there are genetic issues, however the science is clear, the weight of quality research papers, in respected peer reviewed journals, show that our modern lifestyle is a more important factor and most importantly we can do something about this.

This is especially important as sleep apnoea, TMD, forward head posture and a most otolaryngology problems are implicated as other symptoms of the same underlying problem.

Disclaimer; We regularly post discussions and debates from guests and colleges. The IAFGG is not responsible for all the opinions, statements or content of the material posted, especially that from guess lecturers.

The secretary can be contacted at:

Orthodontic Health Limited
Tel. No: 00442086603695
Address: 16A Pampisford Road
Greater London
United Kingdom

This channel also acts as a forum to make openly, speculative suggestions, to find common ground with other professionals (in both related and seemingly unrelated fields), educated lay people and members of the public at large, to either support or detract on the information provided, but either way engage in the scientific process. In the pursuit of the truth it is normal in science to make speculative comments which may not have full scientific support, and we welcome feedback and discussion.

In general, the videos posted on this web site are not advertisements, and will clearly be labelled as such if necessary. Apart from educational books, the association does not sell anything or encourage anyone to have any form of treatment. It does aim to make people think, consider all options, ask questions and become fully informed.

The underlying pathology of malocclusion and the related symptoms is referred to as Craniofacial Dystrophy;

The association feels that it should be possible to prevent or at least minimise the level of craniofacial dystrophy through simple public health measures.
Рекомендации по теме

John mew deserves the nobel prize for pioneering orthotropics.


Hope it goes well. I donated but wish I could afford to donate more. If this donation is still open when I get a job I will donate more.


I discovered your channel by accident. I thought I was clicking on one video and landed here. Being the granddaughter of a pioneering America orthodontist I decided to check out your clips. My grandfather was Raymond C Willett, DMD, Washington University in Saint Louis. My mother was one of his patients; having her wired from age four to her late teens. She had had rickets and her jaw didn’t grow properly. Her teeth were huge for such a small space ended up having several permanent teeth removed. I imagine if your orthotropic therapies were available she would have had her upper pallet widened.
I never saw photos of her smiling as a young girl, and by the time I became aware of such things, her teeth were badly crooked! My teeth were also crooked and got braces as an adult. After a bit over two years i had them removed. Ever since then I’ve had a problem finding the right place to put them! I guess I could have used help from orthotropics. I’ll keep poking around your channel and see what all you and your son have to say!


James 3:4-5

King James Version

"4 Behold also the ships, which though they be so great, and are driven of fierce winds, yet are they turned about with a very small helm, whithersoever the governor listeth.
5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!"


As an acupuncturist I proved it is possible for moving musculoskeletal systems. Because we human beings own a self-adjustable system.
Sorry for Dr. Mew has a legal battle to dealing with for wasting time and money.


@ Prof John Mew How do you correct a cross bite using Orthotropics?


I hate when people say something is impossible or doesn't work just because it hasn't been proven in studies, because it also hasn't been proven to not work. This is proof.


Christ be with you Good Doctors. The truth will prevail


Good on you John. I'll be donating, this is lifechanging work.


Yes. This needs to be in the spotlight of modern health.


John Mew and Mike Mew are absolute legends. The work and help they provide for free despite being heavily barricaded by the harmful traditional orthodontic practitioners, the gospel, is nothing short of amazing. I pray John lives to see mewing provided to the world at large and accepted by the world at large. He deserves it.


So much money rely on orthodontics so it's not surprising. I hope you get through that and orthotropics become more famous and known


Keep on doing the great work, Sir John Mew. You are the true example of an expert in his profession! This is genuine lived science and experience. We support you as good as we can.
Much love from Austria(Salzburg)


If your theory becomes widely known as true this will be revolutionary


great job gentlemen and good luck in November


This is just sad that you are being silenced


There's so many topics in science that are corrupted, I pray you will have success


diet is definitely the biggest influencer of bad posture, specifically lack of organ meats/animal fat, and over consumption of grain, /seeds/vegetables/process foods.


Love this channel John & Mike! I’ll be back here to educate myself in the future. All very interesting, and kind of makes me second guess my own fixed braces, that I’m wearing at the moment.


Dr. Mew I wish you the best and wish I could help beyond the donation I plan to give. It is very obvious that you are correct but those in power would rather push an agenda and care nothing about the truth.
