Leadership - Engage your Team - Create a Culture of Engagement

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Create a Culture of Engagement and learn how to find the Engagement Sweet Spot - Engagement is all about FEELINGS! As Carl Buechner said -- people will forget what you say; they'll forget what you do -- but they'll never forget how you made them feel.

Engagement is the measure of the Team's Emotional Commitment to their leader and it's critically important for the bottom line.

In America disengagement costs business over $350B a year and in Australia $45B!

Gallup studies show only 30% of people are Actively Engaged despite all the attention on Engagement.

Do you really know how engaged your people are?
In the engagement surveys I conduct, the average business has about 50% Engaged AND Disengaged in total - This is a leaders first great opportunity! -
The remaining 50% - sitting on the fence waiting for a leader to engage them...I call this, the leaders "Sweet Spot".

An Actively Engaged team member is around 30% more productive than a fence sitter and retention is dramatically improved -- so it's essential that leaders work this sweet spot.

A leader's second opportunity is the disengaged people -- or "Bad Apples" -- target them as well - help them adjust their attitudes, or help them find another job!
Great leaders have Emotional Intelligence - but to really drive results and be exceptional - leaders need what I call EQ2 - Engagement Intelligence.
EQ2 involves really understanding your people, finding their individual motivators and working on these "Hot Buttons" to improve morale, attitude and results.

In my book "The People Pill" and in my engagement presentations we cover many strategies a leader can implement immediately - they cost virtually nothing and are guaranteed to make people feel great about themselves - which is the real secret to getting the best out of people and engaging them.
Some of these strategies include....
- Five Minute Desk Chats......these are a way to show people you care about them ..."Mary, what's on for the weekend"
- Sending out Personalised Handwritten Cards that recognize specific contributions, are timely & from the Heart
- Morning Teas to Celebrate Progress & Success Stories
- Holding a Breakfast of Champions to acknowledge effort
- Pretend people have a banner on their forehead "Make Me Feel Special"
Remember, people usually leave leaders not organizations and it's the line leader's responsibility for attitude and engagement!
I recommend you measure your team engagement, and implement strategies like the ones above - focus on that sweet spot to bring everyone along and create a Culture of Engagement.

It really will change your bottom line and retain - and attract - the best people!
If you think of the best boss you ever had -- it'll be someone who helped you believe in yourself, cared about you, and developed and inspired you -- in other words -- they engaged you.

Become a master of EQ2 and be the best boss YOUR team ever had!

Ken is the founder of The Wright Coach and Engage4Results Pty Ltd, a business consulting and leadership development firm. In the USA over the past 7 years, Ken has gained a reputation as "The Business Growth Expert" by helping businesses engage their people to maximize results.

Ken continues to offer Presentations, Workshops, Business Consulting and Executive Coaching, in Australia, New Zealand and USA. His most recent book "The People Pill" won Gold in the USA Business Book Awards, significantly defeating Seth Godin, Silver and Peter Drucker, Bronze.

Contact Ken for leadership development or to tailor a presentation for your business to engage leaders, team and customers.

Subscribe to my Newsletter, packed with team tips and advice!

Or call Ken on +61 414 157 657
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Thanks Ken!
As a former colleague and subordinate I can thoroughly attest to your Leadership and Engagement sentiments.
Lawrence A.


Really like the idea that people are wearing a banner on their head saying "Make me feel Special." I do that all the time with people.


Just come across this video and think it is absolutely spot on!


An engaged employee is more productive than a disengaged employee #leadership  


A great video Ken spot on about engaged employees from my own experience I can say I have come across some inspiring managers that have helped me develop as a person and in my career and also some less inspiring. Your right about disengaged people some people may refer to them as negative or sitting on the fence, but a lot of this is about the job and if it is the right job for them. I have found myself having this conversation with a few people throughout my last 12 months that I could see clearly just needed to focus on what they wanted out of life and sometimes make the move. Fear is a big issue and often people will stay in a job because it's the comfort zone and just need support and guidance to move on. I don't see them as negative to a business if the manager is engaging them and encouraging them to face their fears so all benefit. Inspiring video to listen too. Thank you for sharing


And as a former retired manager, more people need to see this one!


all of it still applies today! Genius!!!


Very nice short and sweet ! love this format, thank you.


More people need to see dis especially dey retires


Thanks Ken; this is great!
As a former colleague and subordinate I can thoroughly attest to your leadership and engagement sentiments.
Lawrence A


this is a good topic with good presentation. thank you


Dear Mr. Wright, do you allow your YouTube videos to be shown in corporate training classes for educational purposes? Thank you, Leigh Haller


I lost respect for my manager a year ago. She yells at us constantly, out of the blue☹️ I love my team though. Sadly we have no reward or incentive for good behavior. She just picks favorites and gives free products to them, regardless of their performance. It’s difficult to feel motivated to be an inspiring leader in this situation, but there is never an excuse to not do my best with what I’ve got.


Wow what a great and insightful video. It's catchy and makes you want to read the book and download that app the video mentioned


The opening quote is credited to the great Maya Angelou


Cant agree more based on actual experience!


This is AWESOME!! I will be using these tips with our managers :) xoxoxox


Hi Ken, it really good to make engaged motivation for leader


Love it Ken OK EQ2 thats new to me and alas most of my managers lol!


This movie is really inspiring 
How did you filmed this? with what program?
