EVE Online | Academy - Fitting your ship
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Picking and fitting your ship for purpose is the most important way to ensure your success in an upcoming Security mission. Generally, progression from level 1 to level 4 missions will involve stepping from a Tech 1 (T1) frigate to a T1 destroyer for level 2 missions. Level 3 missions can be completed in a cruiser or battlecruiser depending on skills and fit, and level 4 typically requires a well-prepared battleship.
The progression path of any faction's ships can be seen in the in-game ship tree. You can increase your chances of success by ensuring that you fit armor or shield tank modules which improve your resists against the damage types of the specific enemy you are fighting. This information can be found in the Show Info tab of most hostile NPCs. Additionally, PvE in EVE commonly requires that you stay and fight for an extended period of time. This means that fits for missions are better suited to fitting active shield or armor repair modules - Shield Boosters and Armor Repairers.