SACRAL CHAKRA HEALING with Hang Drum Music | Feel Alive and Create the life you Desire

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Sacral Chakra Healing with Hang Drum Music | Feel Alive and Create the life you Desire

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Learn more about how to heal sacral chakra here :

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To anyone who feels blocked creatively, this message is for you. Surrender is your master key. Pick an idea... any idea. I know you have many. The block is that you're creating rules and judgements. "This idea isn't good enough", "I'm not good enough to create that", "this will never work", "people will think this idea is dumb", "I don't feel inspired enough". Hear your thoughts. Feel the inner resistance deeply, and acknowledge that they are based in fear, and therefore imaginary. There's nothing to he afraid of. Totally surrender to an idea. As you begin to create, inspiration will flow. Feel into that creative flow and follow it through your heart. Let your unbridled creativity be a guide to show you how to turn fear into love. Namaste.

With infinite Love,

The Universe, AKA You


Whoever is reading this, I wish you nothing but love, light and positivity. If you are struggling with something just know that you are given that struggle by the divine universe because you are fully capable of getting through it!


Whatever you're going through right now. I want you to know you'll find the answer and come out a winner. Keep going.


Realize how many of us are listening to this. Perceive us all as listening simultaneously. We now meet together on this same frequency, and smile wanting to share a hello with each other. Note how close we are to actually seeing our many other faces through the mind's eye. Few will ever read this comment, but we who are right now see each other directly. Not our faces necessarily, but the minds sharing the words we are now reading. It is sort of surprising, and a deep relief, to be able to look about amongst ourselves here, or that's at least my own feeling from the personal individual aspect of me. So uhm... hi there, you!


Whoever is reading this, I pray for you a heart free of sadness, a mind free of worries, a life full of gladness, a body free of illness & a day full of God’s blessings.


To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better.😍😍😍😍


Pay attention to your breath when listening to this vibration. Breathe in the high vibrations and breathe out all that which bothers you. Fear, anxiety, and envy are all just though patterns in our heads. Let them go and be completely content with being present. Peace and high vibrations to everyone here.


People with covid 19 need to meditate. Have you noticed that the ppl who are in tune with themselves, if they get it its barely affecting them and for ppl who cant full blown exercise (like me) HAVE TO MEDITATE !!! I believe that doing it regularly will save them. I truly truly do.✨🔮🎇 please do this if your feeling sick ...please !!! Call it meditation for a purpose, to save your life, if you dont believe in doing it. Hey im a nurse, i believe in science too ..but i also believe in the mind /body also believe in God. My point is ..this works !!! So why not!!


Hope everyone who reads this is doing fine in strange times like these ❤️ keep your spirit up and spread love


🧡🌊 Sacral Chakra Affirmations:

I feel passionate about my life.

I feel energized and eager to begin each day.

I feel excited about the future.

I feel adventurous.

I feel deep connection to my loved ones.

I feel passionate about my life purpose.

I feel comfortable with my sexuality.

I feel motivated to crush my goals.

I feel deep emotional healing taking place within me.

I feel joyful about the future I’m creating for myself.

I attract people who treat me with respect.

I am a lovable and desirable being.

Sex is a sacred connection.

I allow my creativity to flow through me freely.

I receive pleasure and abundance with every breath I take.

I let go of past feelings that no longer serve me.

I am spontaneous and I allow my intuition to guide me.

I enjoy pleasure in all areas of my life.

My emotions are free flowing and balanced.

I am a creative being.

It is my birthright to receive pleasure.

I honour the sacred body in which my soul resides.

My intuitive senses are awakened.

Creating art nourishes my soul and brings me joy.

I am comfortable in my body and I treat it with care.

I feel safe enjoying sex.


To the one that is needing to hear this today: “you are not alone in your struggle, you are not alone in your fear, you are not alone in your self doubts ~ when you close your eyes you can see us all together in a circle. Each little flame in the core of each being is igniting the other to become stronger until we uniting as a ring of fire ~ powerfully filling each other’s gabs with light! In this Circle you are save, you are seen and understood. You know this is the place you can always return to when life gets lonely and faith wears thin. We all in this together no matter where you are right now.”

Blessings to you


Map Your Own Journey Go on your own journey. Don’t let others hold you back; don’t hold them back. Don’t judge their journey, and don’t let them judge yours. All persons are free to have the experiences their souls lead them to.


When you feel lost the key is to Surrender. Instead of allowing the fear to sneak in to your mind, stay mindful, stay in the moment of Here and Now. Drop your focus to the heart it would help fear to fade away. Mindfully decide to embrace the unknown. Blessings dear ones.


you are not a spec in the universe you're the entire universe in a spec. you're literally all there ever was experiencing and participating in the self actualization


All the comments I've been reading here are awesome. Thank you everyone for posting such positivity. Needed it today.


The sacral chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral functions:

- Emotions, feelings
- Relationships, relating
- Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure
- Feeling the outer and inner worlds
- Creativity
- Fantasies

The sacral chakra is associated with the realm of emotions. It’s the center of our feelings and sensations. It’s particularly active in our sexuality and the expression of our sensual and sexual desires.


A healthy chakra means balanced emotions, abundant creativity, feeling alive, better physical and emotional health, feelings of sensuality and expression.


to the person reading this

i am so happy you exist

i love you I promise



Why can’t I find people like those in the comment section of you tube in real life????
BLunt but the truth is so many of you are not acting upon this consciously in real life. Writing is easy, do the exact same in real life. Stop deceiving others, start motivating others, stop lying, cheating, help others but do everything with expecting nothing in return. We have to Take the charge of humanity alone individually.


I had a hysterectomy- now I feel like I have a huge hole.. like I don't have a sacral chakra anymore. I have so much pain. No creativity, no pleasure. Listening in hopes that somehow I can heal this area. Thank you for this ❤
