HEART CHAKRA HEALING Hang Drum Music || Attract Love & Balance Emotions

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HEART CHAKRA HEALING Hang Drum Music || Attract Love & Balance Emotions

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UPC : 9356546010241

Copyright ⓒ 2020 Meditative Mind®. All Rights Reserved.
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I pray whoever reads this receives the miracle they’re waiting for. I’m glad you exist.


Hey You! Yes, YOU! I just wanted to remind you that you are loved. Even if you don’t think anybody cares about you, please know that I care. You are valid. You’re emotions are valid. Everything about you matters more than you realize. You are Important and Valued. I love you unconditionally now and always, you beautiful soul. Please keep shining. We want to see that smile each and every day.


Love yourself! Start today do not worry about the past .... Give yourself time you deserve it my child ...Oh how if only you knew the good that is coming ! If only you knew what the universe holds....Keep on going .... Keep it up ! You made it to far to turn back now ! Love and peace be with you ! Love and peace be with all of you UPDATE : WOW 1.100 likes ! thank you all so much ! YOU GUYS ROCK AND WHOEVER TOLD YOU DIFFERENT WAS WRONG


Hi there. Over the summer I developed a random onset of panic attacks. I didn’t know that anxiety could manifest in such a way, or that what I was experiencing was caused by anxiety. I went to hospital after hospital only to be told time and time again “no, you are not having a heart attack. No, nothing is wrong with you.” And having to leave panicked, in distress, with fears of dying. Swearing that there was something more wrong with me than just “anxiety.” After a couple of months, I began to abandon all hope. I couldn’t drive myself anywhere, couldn’t be alone, couldn’t use the bathroom by myself, and was so scared of dying in my sleep that someone had to sit with me and stay awake until I fell asleep. It began to seem useless. Like, what kind of life do I want to live if it has to be like this? I was (and still am) a full time college student at the time and the humility I faced by having to have someone drive me to my classes because I couldn’t do it on my own was immense. I did it though. But lo and behold, after 9 months of suffering, I have come to realize it was only the anxiety. The hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal or struggle with because my anxiety isn’t just a simple sweaty hand hold in a crowded area or a nervousness to face people, like I read online from other anxiety sufferers. My symptoms just didn’t fit the bill. I wasn’t nauseated, I didn’t feel anxious facing others, I was just fine giving a presentation to the class. No. I was scared that I was dying, my heart felt like it was twitching constantly, my legs would feel weak, I would feel weak, I would feel dizzy, I couldn’t swallow sometimes, I felt like I couldn’t breathe or that my breathing was restricted. I would get a stomach ache and immediately be convinced I was dying. And where did this all come from? I had never had any mental health struggles or anything similar to this. Suddenly I was experiencing panic attacks every few hours. It was quite hard to adjust when you go from completely normal to fearing death every day and not being able to do anything about it. But now, it’s getting easier. With the help of meditation, music like this, and talk therapy, I have began to understand my anxiety. I am accepting that a panic attack is just that; a panic attack. Not a heart attack, stroke, cancer, or death sentence. Your brain can be scary and cause physical symptoms when it’s in distress. And for anyone out there reading this, and suffering from anxiety and not knowing because you feel like your symptoms don’t fit, then I hope this offers a little bit of comfort to you. I know I had no idea what was happening to me, and it was the scariest thing I’ve ever dealt with. I hope this sheds some light on this issue, that is often overlooked. As of tonight, I am nearly 1 month without a panic attack, and 3 months away from my first college degree. Small victory to most, but a huge step of progress for me.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. It means a lot to me to share my experience with you. Always take care of and never lose touch with yourself. ❤️


*i’m sending an abundance of love, light, & healing energy to everyone reading this* 🦋🦋🦋


The comments are melting my heart. Infinite love and light to every single one of you! What a wonderful place in the universe to be. 1111 <3


“Sadness gives depth. Happiness gives height. Sadness gives roots.
Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky,
and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth.
Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes,
simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots. In
fact, it is always in proportion. That's its balance.”

Osho Rajneesh


Don’t fear the future. Embrace your journey to it. The end result will be exactly what you want. Don’t fear, don’t worry, do fret. Everything you want will come to past. I believe in you.


To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life!!!


Hopped on to this meditation while taking a bubble bath and wow what an experience. It’s also my birthday tonight and reading so many kind comments is melting my heart and is probably the best birthday gift 🌺, hope whoever reads this comment has a huge blessing coming their way soon


The MIND really has no answers, and the HEART no questions...To whomever is reading this. No questions. Shhhh. Listen.


My soul needed this secretly so much. It’s like drinking water and realizing how thirsty I was.


my comment will probably get lost but whoever reads this.. you got this! whatever you are going through will get better hang in there ❤️💯


To the 1% of you guys that are reading this, remember you are beautiful and unstoppable 🌻


I'm a truck driver and I listen to this alot it helps everything move smoothly I don't have to think of anything I just enjoy everything


This is like a big, warm hug from all there is.


To anybody reading this, whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about will get better. May the dark thoughts, overthinking, and doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and stillness fill your life.🙏


You will get through this and be stronger for having survived & thrived. Sending love and radical acceptance to all who read this. You are valid and worthy of love and good health. We are all connected. Stay in the light, my kin.


" it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

Love all you guys. Follow your heart. Speak your truth. Stay strong against the devils schemes. Stay balanced. You are love. We got this.


Remember to LIVE IN LOVE not fear.. it’s your divine right during this one lifetime to be happy inside and out!!! 🤍 Please don’t let fear rob you of the love that is in the here and now :)
