Why Do We Still Sin In Ramadan? | Dr. Omar Suleiman

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The meaning and implications of the hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad says, “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed, and the devils are put in chains.”

#omarsuleiman #ramadan2024 #ramadan
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Not all devils are locked
Satanyahu still roaming free


Ways to get good deeds even after you die!

1. Give somebody a copy of the Quran, every time they read from it, you earn good deeds.

2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital, every time someone uses it, you get good deeds too!

3. Help in building a masjid.

4. Place a watercooler in a public area

5. Plant a tree, whenever a person or an animal sits under it, you get good deeds.

6. Share this message! :)


A student asked his teacher: "If the shaytan (devil) is locked up during Ramadan, why do people still do bad things?"
Teacher answered: "What happens when you stir a cup of coffee for a long time? After you take the spoon out the coffee continues to stir on its own, right? Shaytan is that stirrer and we are his coffee. Our bad habits continue to stir even when he is away."


- [00:00]💡 Ramadan brings spiritual opportunities as the doors of paradise open and the gates of Hellfire close.
- [03:37]🔒 While major devils are locked away in Ramadan, minor ones, including those whispering temptations, remain active.
- [06:24]💭 Devils can only whisper and tempt; they have no control unless willingly followed.
- [11:44]🕌 Remembrance of Allah acts as a fortress against devilish whispers and temptations.
- [17:53]💰 Charity in Ramadan limits the influence of devils, creating an environment of goodness.
- [21:16]📜 Completing Ramadan with worship and repentance can lead to a life sentence for devils, locking them out permanently.


Israelis still exist.. so this is obvious


1: No Eating Or Drinking Whilst Fasting
2: Pray All Your 𝟓 Daily Salaah's
On Time
3: Lower Your Gaze
4: Study & Learn Islamic Knowledge
5: No Arguing Or Fighting & Avoid Sins
6: Recite & Learn The Glorious Qur'aan
7: No Smoking Try Quitting For Good
8: No Swearing & Lying Backbiting
9: Make Lots Of Duaa
10: Don't Waste Time On Useless Activities
11:Give In Charity Help The Poor &
12:Do Not listen To Music
13:Do Lots Of Dhikr

Keep your tounge moist with remembrance of allah

Some Dhikr:
Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azeem
Allahu Akbar
La illaha ilallah
Throughout Day Do Dhikr
During Driving, Riding, Walking, Running, Working no matter what are you doing remember allah.

Also Make Dua's during fasting
Allahuma inni as'aluka jannah
Allahuma ajirni Min'an Naar
Allahumma inni as'aluka husnal khatimah

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we have our own part to take into consideration as well; you can't indulge in bad habits for 11 months and expect to go through ramadan with ease.
sometimes the harsh reality is that we have become a shaytan to ourselves.


This wisper thing is real, This Ramadhan something whispered in my ear to break my fast and reminded me all of my pains


People are making the sin. Not the devils!! Devil's whispers to push you for sins


The random images and videos in this are so unhinged 😭😭😭😭😭 I do not wanna see the lipstick man in this and some werewolf please 😭😭😭


The disturbing images are not necessary.


How we will finish All quran in ramadan Fajr : 5 Pages Dhuhur : 3 Pages Asr : 2 Pages Magrib : 4Pages Ishaa : 3 Pages Suhur : 3 Pages ( 1 Page is 2 Sides❤


Some devils may me lurking but the most destructive one is chained up, either way it’s our faults if we sin because we have *LESS* influence and waswasa so don’t blame the devils especially since this is far more maintainable in Ramadan may الله make it easier for us all Ameen ❤


Rabbana atina fi dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan waqina 'adhaban-nar

Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.


Out of my experience devil is working really patiently. He is starting little by little. He says leave Sunnahs of prayers. After you leave he says you are really tired you will pray later before another prayer. Then you gonna accustomed to pray late and late. Then he says let you not pray this prayer. You had better to eat instead to save your time and etc. At the end of the day you see yourself you lost all your good deed and amals. But it is far away to go back and restructure your iman. So to devil we have to be strict and strong. If he says don’t… don’t… don’t… we have to do that and that and that. Otherwise we gonna end up hopeless like devil himself.


La Hawla Wa La Quwata Illa Billah 🌿🌻🍀🏵️🌹


🙌🏽 ya rubb  please forgive my brothers and sisters alive and dead Ameen . You just earned billions of hasanat (good deeds) in sha Allah & say it every salah  🤲🏿🤲🏾🤲🏽🤲🏼🤲🏻☺️🌙⭐📿ﷺ

السلام عليكم ربي اغفر لجميع إخواني وأخواتي الأحياء منهم والأموات آمينﷺ


May Allah forgive us. Jazak Allahu khairan


May Allah SWT Blessing be upon palestine and Yemen and all those who boycott israhell products and those who raise there voice on going genocide that is happening in Palestine, ya allah bless South Africa coz they love palestine and i love them, Aameen 🤲 making this dua in a small village in kenya


Alhamdulillah masha Allah let's read the Quran everyday and put it in practice 🙏 Amin
