Do Christians sin? | Andrew Farley

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How are believers righteous and yet still sin? Here's a call from tonight's program - our first night LIVE on Sirius XM (channel 131 at 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern every weekday!).

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Anyone that thinks they are living right, I have went through the bible and recorded over 700 sins that the bible condemns..If you think you're keeping them, then you're lying to yourself, God and everyone else..THATS why GRACE is needed.. That's why Jesus Came. WE sin all day, everyday..Our good works are just That " GOOD WORKS" Which DOES NOT equal Not sinning, it means doing good..


Important that you clarified this because I have heard some even among those who understand the grace message to a greater extent say that christians cannot sin.Rightly said.Our focus should be on the finished work of Christ and not a spotless perfect/sinless way of life.


The way i look at it : is that our spirit is born again and its sealed by the Holy Spirit, we have a new heart.
But our body is not born again we are still in the same body and we can still sin in our body but not in our spirit.
Thats how i see it.
Our spirit is made rightouess even if we sin in our body it has no effect on our perfectly born again spirit, it is sealed by the Holy Spirit like a weckjar.
This sin can have effect in our body our soul, we can get sick in our body and our soulncan becomr.bitter
But our spirit remains pure before God, it is sealed.


What i mean to say is Andrew really helps with scripture and dividing and applying it to the believers new life


Read romans. Ur flesh dies in christ, now you walk in spirit. If your not walking in the spirit, the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom. Most folk don’t understand paul. Now you have grave and spirit to walk in gods torah


I am a first time to ask question abt the Scripture can you explain Matt 7:21-23 Not every one who says Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heave. Many believers are scared with this verse .


The question should not be...
"Do Christians sin"?

The question needs to be....
"Do Christians, rape and murder women, and molest children"

Thet are SINS, arent they?
If you want to know, in all sincerity, where I'm coming from biblically.... just ask.


The fact that God forgives my sin but leaves me to suffer the consequences of my sin is confusing. How is this good news? This causes me to doubt messages that say "God sees you as if you had never sinned". How can they both be true?
If the wages of sin is death, but Jesus paid the wage so that I could experience Life but He doesn't remove the consequences, how am I supposed to experience abundant Life (His life)?


How do you get still out of no longer I who do it.


he didn't die for the unforgivable sin or the sin of unbelief, just throwing that out lol


If professing Christians are truly born again, they are not at all tempted by the foolish things those entrapped by the power of sin are suffering! The transformed follower of Jesus only feels sorry for those who don't yet have what s/he does!

Of course, religion, especially Churchianity, has a strong tendency to claim all sorts of behaviors are "sinful" when, in fact, they are not...only to turn around and commit actual sins, which are those actions (or sometimes inactions) that result in hurting people or callously ignoring their suffering!

Leading a sinful life, that is, a life in which one hurts others and/or is callous toward the suffering of others, is the most miserable way to live! A sinful, selfish life, is a delusion! Trampling over others to achieve gain of some sort, whether it's for money or power or fame, etc., never satisfies!

That's why people who already have a lot of money, power or fame always want more, more, more! Their souls are empty and hurting others/not helping the needy to fill up one's inner void with the things the world has to offer never works!

God is saddened by the ways we humans hurt each other and, because He loves EVERYONE, much as He hates the bad things we do, His desire is that we stop hurting each other to experience the joy of leading lives of doing good and helping the suffering!

As far as what most of the Jews of Jesus' day believed about the Last Age--a restored, literal, independent, theocratic nation of Israel, beginning with a violent liberation from Rome in Judea, by a special man God would send to lead them to victory, the Messiah--let's face it, it didn't happen, certainly not within the timeframe Jesus predicted (before his generation passed away) HIS Kingdom would begin to spread from Judea to all the rest of the world...but the reason is because HE was not the EXPECTED Messiah!

Jesus disagreed with his fellow Jews, even his own disciples, who wanted so badly for HIM to be the military king they wanted to seize the Throne of David! He was very careful about letting people know what he really thought about the "Kingdom of God, " but he frequently alluded to it. For example, every time he or his disciples healed someone, he wanted the people looking on to hear, "The Kingdom has come close to you!" That would have been a very odd thing to say if he thought the "Kingdom of God" was going to be a literal government, on earth, with Jerusalem as its capital!

But Jesus finally did come out and explain what HE thought the Kingdom was and where it would be located--a "kingdom" in the hearts of PEOPLE (Luke 17:20-21)!

Sadly, after his death, his followers continued to see him as the Expected Messiah, waiting for him to return with an angelic army to wipe out the Romans and all their collaborators.

Worse, toward the end of the First Century, when Gentiles took over the Church, they REALLY failed to get Jesus! They took him for a new god that would give their souls a free ticket to the Elysian Fields, the place in Greek Mythology that seemed to them very similar to the Jewish God's home--Heaven.

However, an in depth and unbiased examination of the Canonical Gospels reveals what Jesus was really all about--transforming individual lives, one at a time, from doing bad to doing good, and every time a person is "born again, " s/he becomes one more addition to the real "Kingdom of God."


actually in genness it says a man has a evil hart sence his youth so you're wrong


We are not called to be born again!... You keep saying that!... Please do your research!... Don't make it up as you go along... Point out scripture!...
