Don't Clean Your PS5 Like This

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When you clean your PS5, avoid doing this! Here's what you need to know before you clean your Playstation 5. Very important, never clean the PS5 dust catcher with an air-duster! This is a big mistake. Use a vacuum with attachment to clean your PS5. Be careful with the PS5 cooling fan screws! Also, when removing the Playstation 5 cooling fan, use a pair of needle nose pliers! Using your hands for this is a bad idea. These are my best tips & tricks to clean your PS5 easy! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE & leave a "LIKE" rating if you found this video useful.
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My PS5 is so clean, its still in the box in a warehouse in a factory in another country....*cries internally*


This dude turning into the Batman of Playstation consoles. Always have a solution to everything lol


I love how straightforward you are. Wish more people were like this.


I love these videos. So quick and concise. No BS or fluff. Keep up the good work!


Pro tip: don't try to disconnect the cooling fan. Many people have broken the board trying to do so.


Just did mine it was simple. I figured it's been about year it has to be dusty but to my surprise it was actually mostly clean. Still gave it a deep cleaning ready to go. People shouldn't be afraid the cover even came off with ease. Just push up with slight pressure towards you, then down. It slides right off. 1st time doing this so if I can do it anyone can.


I'm too afraid to take my PS5 apart for cleaning, especially the fan. I just use a pair of microfiber dust gloves and run my hands and fingers across the outer vents. It works like a charm, my PS5 still looks like it just came out of the box.


You should never let the fan blow while blowing it out. You might turn it more rpms than what it is meant for, damaging it.


I work in a secondhand laptop shop, we also do cleaning services for the insides of a laptop. I'm in sales department, but I hang out with the in-house technician a lot while working, learning what I can about laptop service and repairs, so I can help him out when repairs and service orders are backed up.

I learned alot from him, the types of solutions used (strictly use electronic cleaning solution, almost instant drying), to neatly place the screws in the shape of which part and where you took it out from, so you know exactly which screw goes in which hole, to use microfibre cloth on the surface of the laptops, to always make sure no wires are tugged ever, never manually spin or blow air hard enough to spin the cooling fan. He's very detailed and he's more than happy to share what he knows and has experienced with me. I use this knowledge to clean my PS5, I dare say everything he taught me, is such a boon. Bless him.


Thank You for you all your hard work and posting all this content ! We really appreciate it 💪🏼


No bs intro, no ridiculous add, short and sweet thanks my friend


Not quite brave enough to take apart the fan, I recently cleaned mine and just ran cotton buds around the intakes, dust catchers and around the fan area (as best I could reach) not a perfect job but definitely a lot cleaner than it was


I still find it funny how easy sony have made cleaning this thing, considering the ps4 was so difficult.
I also cleaned both my ps2 and ps3, both had a similar way of doing it but the aluminium panel on the top of the ps3 original made it difficult to see the internals while the ps2 just got you straight to it, but with the ps2 you had the problem that there were seemingly two parts to it, and it was difficult to get to the bottom of it, without having to disconnect everything. I'm happy that it's become so easy with the ps5 as it is extremely user friendly, almost like a pc.


Facts on using an air can in the dust catchers, I agree that’s not a good idea. Obviously you can’t clean this console like you could the PS4, but I cannot see myself removing that fan in the PS5. I keep a cover over my PS5 to mitigate dust going into the console when I’m not playing it.


Pushing dust around with a dry microfiber towel is scratching it. The dust is an abrasive like sandpaper.


I clean my consoles about every 2-3 weeks and they stay pretty clean. My ps4 pro which I’ve had since day 1 had almost no dust in it which i was surprised after watching some people clean their systems. I actually thought about getting a dust filter for the top of the series x. And people never put your consoles on carpet.


Don't forget that while cleaning center panel with mfc you should not press too hard. I did so and now can see scratches...


I use a microfiber cloth but the black shiny plastic in the middle still gets tiny scratches


Me who hasn’t even cleaned my PS3 since 2008: Nah, my PS5 is gonna be fine 😇


Watched my friend as he blew all the juice from the air duster into his console, that shit started smoking. Word to the wise, never tilt the can horizontally, always keep it vertical.
