What is the Dialectical Materialist Method?

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Very clear and concise, great work! I often find DiaMat very difficult to explain and this does it beautifully


I bought your book and have been reading it the last few days. One of the most interesting and useful books ive ever read


I have this book sitting in a queue on my dresser. Thank you for your important work. 🙏


A collection of a couple of concepts I think I understand, please anyone feel free to correct any mistake.

Abstract thinking: 1:30 passing judgement on facts after isolating them of their factors or determinations.

Concrete thought: 3:33 when a thing or event has its development and interconnections with the rest of the relevant things taken into account. Achieving it is a process that goes from the less concrete to the most concrete. It starts from abstract thinking and this thinking becomes more concrete the more determinations you add to it. Which is itself a form of mental abstraction. (This part I don't get)

The true: 3:48 Concrete.

The concrete: 3:52 Unity of diverse determinations.

Determinations: (I'm not sure)

Dialectical method: 5:56 Transforming abstract thinking into concrete thought. The more concrete the thought the better it is. Its intended use is revolutionary praxis.

Concrete to abstract: Removing determinations. (Visual stimuli object recognition, language processing of sounds. I believe autistic people have trouble in this area because their brains have a difficult time filtering irrelevant information [removing determinations] to be able to focus on relevant information, specially in sound processing).

Abstract to concrete: Adding determinations. (Automatic processing of how the objects you see or words that you hear evolve and interact with each other and themselves over time to extract from it a meaning/spacial awareness. Thinking more concretely requires adding even more determinations through actual conscious thinking and effort)


As the man himself I agree the message of this video.


Such a banger brother. Kudos and good job


Leninism is the concrete analysis of the concrete situation.


I honestly still don’t understand how is this method different from Hegel’s?

It seems more like an application of Hegel’s method to historical development.


Are there any real life examples of application of the theory or case studies in this anthology?


I am definitely too dumb to understand this.


That's pretty close. The Father is unthinkable without the Son, the other of the Father. The Spirit is they can't be pulled apart or separated into opposites. Their solitary self identities and differences are sacrificed in favour of their organic communion or community. So true knowledge isn't in identities or dualisms. It doesn't stop at that and it's self sacrificing.

Hegel's concrete reason represents 2 aspects....the existence of the fact and it's nature or properties. Existence isn't a property but they are both reasons. Marx raises this in the Paris Manuscripts. Property possession is conceived of as the ontological affirmation of human existence expressed in terms of industry and manufacture. He speaks of the liberation of man from estranged bourgeois property relations....codified in law as exclusive private property rights in land, labour and capital. This is raised later viz commodity production. In exchange their natural properties and qualities are extinguished. Their use value is not counted.

Hegel's dialectic is vertical or hierarchical in the Philosophy of Mind. It moves from the lower to the higher grades of mind. It's a value system that expresses power, control and authority....in a Monarchy. In the lower grades on Anthropology Hegel refers to Habits....human practical material skills and abilities. This is Hegel's "multitude" or Marx's working class. The issue is what is of value to the subsistence and maintenance of labour or the working class or the Monarch? The capitalist class hierarchy of rank and status is upside down.


There is but one science, the science of history.


I think every Marxist should go out and talk to the working people and just listen. That doesn’t mean compromising our beliefs it just means listening.


Science often works abstractly thinking it can cut a phenomenon from its surroundings and structure of apperance and reproduction.


The more one studies Hegel, the more Hegel looks like a proto-materialist


This babble gives me "Anakin has a doctorate in Darth Plageius the Wise Studies"


American typical political thinking is what I call “presentist “ - totally devoid of historical consciousness. Amnesiac politics .


Bro, can we buy you a better camera and a light? There's no reason serious content can't also have good production.


Why not just say it and call it what it is? - Basically, common sense.


8:27 of a dude stroking himself off by quoting from the grundrisse without an actual explaination of how the general is derived from the particular, let alone anything else about dialectics
