Another excellent video! I love this series so much.
Thanks for all the great content! I'm honestly mind-blown at how misinformed I was about socialism and communism. This stuff is pretty eye opening.
Commentary in support of comrade and his awesome fruitful labor! Greetings from Leningrad, Russia!
Yet another time you've explained something I've been thinking about in such a clear way that I think about it differently now. Excellent work you're doing.
Great video Paul! Studying the socialist experiments that have happened or are attempting to happen is important and you need a good understanding of the topics in your video to do it justice. Appreciate it! Moving forward for the people!
Great video comrade! History is made by the people, not the actions of a few ✊🚩
Gonna have to push the bell Icon. I've missed a few in this series and the production has gone way up.
Very well laid out and so important for comrades to understand. Chef's kiss!
The only stage I notice that was missing is the stage primitive communism, I think
This video series is great but here is some constructive criticism:
- slave society, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, communism are not only stages and as you said they don't move linearly. This is very eurocentric view. For example, economy of Inca Empire resembles those of feudal societies of Europe in regards to classes(they also had hereditary nobility and lower classes who did all the work) but their economy was planned and there was little to almost no trade/barter.
- contradictions of capitalism doesn't need to be resolved in the form of socialism nor is socialism and therefor communism certain to happen in the future. We can examine contradictions to "predict" what can come out of it but multiple outcomes are possible, for example we could all end up in system where capitalist relations exist but when all jobs cease to exist we may keep doing pointless bullshit jobs like in the episode of Black Mirror named Fifteen Million Merits.
Apart from that series is great so far.
wow on part 9 already? jeez feels like just yesterday u kicked this off
Great video comrade🚩🚩🚩
You got a new subscriber
This series is incredible. It's helping me understand socialism and communism SO MUCH.
Everyone I know just thinks of failed Russia or Venezuela when socialism or communism is brought up, but I'm learning those societies aren't even actual socialism or communism! Like he said in an earlier video, how can something be a "Communist State" when Communism is the ABOLITION or non-existence of the State! It makes no sense!
Hey! This is a short and easily digestible video. Good job Paul and thank you.
An excellent video, very clear and easy to digest. Thank you for your great work!
Great explainer but my favorite explanation of the subject remains Halim Alrah's summary of the communist manifesto. Not really a fair comparison though, since his video is twice as long.
Good video, comrade. Keep it up, Paul.
you have a really awesome way of explaining things, by far the best video on the topic i have found so far, cheers
Very clear and concise; great explanation!
The 18th grimoire of louis bonaparte.
If you are looking for quotes on marx's thoughts about history then that book is a gold mine.