4 Withholding Techniques Narcissists Use To Punish You

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In this video, I explain how narcissists use withholding as a way to punish and control their supply.

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It’s like withholding food, you starve to death emotionally. Narcs are sick. Much love sent to anyone dealing w a narc❤️


A Narc will start an argument then fall asleep like nothing ever happened. No Empathy. Get away for these people.


The one I was with never talk to me but he would have these amazing conversations with everybody else to the point where he would be laughing and just having a really good time even with complete strangers but when it came to me he would answer me in one or two words and never laugh never communicate just completely ignore me like I wasn't there


Mine shutdown bit by bit.
Stopped saying I love you.
Stopped showing affection.
Stopped having any respect for our relationship.
Stopped physical contact.

When everything was being withheld it was obvious it was over so I shutoff contact to her and her family.


1. Withholding affection and care
Wanted intense intimacy at the start and soon after, rejected intimacy. Ex-narc then claimed that I was being too "horny" and "demanding and that I'm unattractive and hence didn't deserve physical intimacy.
2. Withholding appreciation
Not applicable for me.
3. Stonewalling
Absolutely true. Many times my ex-narc stomped off, demanded for a smoke break in between discussions. Said I was wrong to want to talk about problems and he had enough of talking. Said he doesn't understand why I keep wanting to "talk" about issues, as if it's my fault for wanting to solve them.
4. Withholding truth
Spoke to his previous partner behind my back
Spoke of empty promises from start till end. Spun a number of lies and events that didn't happen between family and him, friends and him. When I counter check with his family and friends, ll those events he spoke of never happened.

I can attest for all these traits. Not only it drove me crazy, it took my spirit away as well. Thank you for bringing light to this matter Danish. Education is paramount in abuse.


They disrespect you and also use others to do that.


He withheld love and affection from me. No acts of kindness. Stonewalled me. Invalidated me. Argued about stupid shit. Ran hot and cold. Dr. Jeckyl and Mr Hyde personality. Sex was robotic. Disrespectful and showed no concern for my feelings. Maintained friendships with other females he barely knew before meeting me acting like it was normal and acceptable. I tried loving someone that only seemed to want to punish me for it. He always made me look like the bad guy to everyone in his circle. This hurt me the most. I finally left. So instead of having constant good loving Source he has to resort to seeking out whatever randoms he can get a hold of for attention. Also during disagreements he would Stonewall and become cold AF! The ICE KING. That was extremely painful to deal with it was like a knife through the heart. He made very weak attempts to any sort of apologies. When those wouldn't work he would just become cold and nasty with his words.


I just want to cry watching this, I mean I've done so much reading and watched so many video's but it hits me the same each time. My husband does this, if I do anything he doesn't like he shuts me out and I'm the one that always reaches out for hugs or to say I love you. Even after I say I love you he says it in a way that's so forced and almost uncomfortable. He does it to my daughter too since they butt head's. She's 9 and I think withholding that from a kid is awful. I know it makes her feel like he doesn't like her because she's told me and other people, I know how I always feel when he does it to me. You can feel it and hear it in his voice and it's really so depressing to love someone who lacks any empathy...


Yes indeed and withholding any affection, while giving it to others right in front of you.


In the beginning I was suffocated with love, gifts and praise. Then came the silent treatment, walking on eggshells phase, and finally his dishonesty. Openly flirling with other women then denying it and calling me "mad". Now he's alone, an alcoholic, very lonely and I'm free. It was akin to living hell.


Love and affection was withheld for a very long time


My word for how the narc treats you is like "furniture". You are no more important to them than a chair or a coffee table.


They seem proud of the Silent treatment.


My narcissist husband of 14 years, withheld many things but the most damaging and painful was withholding of sex after I became pregnant...this went on for 13 years. I finally ended up being weak and had an affair this year. He found out and threatened to put me in the hospital..I immediately left and havent seen him since. Now going through a very nasty and expensive divorce where he continues his abuse financially.. everyday is a healing process but its videos like these that make it all make sense finally


I used to ask my ex all the time what can I do better? And the only thing he could ever say was just trust me. Right?!?! I said trust is earned, you can't just ask for it. Wow.


And then you do exactly to them what they do to you. He fell apart. Lost control. His mind whent to never land. His underlying long term anger took his health. He still wanted to play God over me. However the true God had other plans to save me. I prayed for him when the funeral director fetched him. May God have mercy.


Very good. THANKS.
What was withheld was sex and intimacy. It started with a mound of pillows between us in bed. Then he began wearing t-shirt, underwear and pajama bottoms (body armor) to bed. Then he began to get out of bed to watch videos on my phone in the middle of the night. Then Saturday and Sunday morning he was out of bed and dressed for the day by 6 AM! There was no space left for closeness. It was horrible but very revealing. Control control, control.


He started not telling me he missed me and loved me over the phone when he was away. We talked about our day but I was always the one telling him first how I loved and missed him. No future plans, always busy with work


A narcissist's number one priority is meeting their own needs at a detriment to yours🙏Thank you for this message💐Sober truth.


They are so cold because they are snakes. ..
