5 Weird Phone Calling Habits of a Narcissist

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00:00 Introduction: Weird Phone Calling Habits of a Narcissist
01:03 Narcissistic Injury: Hanging Up Abruptly
04:20 Neglect Through Phone Calls: Distractions and Noises
06:09 Ghostly Appearances: Sudden Interruptions
08:53 Talking at You: Zero Patience for Listening
11:04 Obsessive Calling: Intentional Disruptions
12:49 Conclusion: Share Your Experiences
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Register for the upcoming webinar: Release Grief After Narcissistic Abuse


1. They will hang up on you when you give them a narcissistic injury.
2. They make weird noises, have side conversations, don't listen, play music etc. during the call.
3. They will appear and disappear during the call.
4. They talk talk talk at you and don't listen. It's all about them
5. They will incessantly call when they know you have an important call or meeting.


It's scary how much you know every detail of my marriage of 30 yrs. Divorced now, praise God❤


I remember when I used to apologise for things that were not my fault, just to please him. I can't believe how weak I


And they get SO bored if something isn't about them. Then they keep re-steering the "conversations" until it is.


Wow. It makes sense now. This is why I have severe “phone anxiety” and won’t even pick up a call no matter who it is.


They call to dump their energy on you, throw a tantrum, blame shift, be a victim and hung up the phone before you say anything! They can’t carry a conversation. If you confront the line disconnects!


I am the one who hangs up on the narcissist. I do this because I can only take so much of the non-stop talking. I will also stay quiet and multitask on other things. When he notices that I am quiet, he will ask, "oh is there anything you have to say or add"? My response is no, or I'll say something like, since you like to talk for the both of us, go for it. He can't take the silence and then he will say "ok, we'll talk later. The cycle repeats with baiting, devaluing, discard. I am so ready for this divorce to be finalized.


Avoid getting suck in a car during a fight, my ex would drive very dangerously.


After 940 days of no contact with my ex wife, low and behold I get a text to call her which I ignored, next day same thing a text to call her again same response finally third day in a row she calls me one ring and hangs up, needless to say I ignored it, don’t need to hear anything she has to say, I am the phoenix


I could be on the phone talking to him about something serious; a job problem, a health issue, and he'd start talking to his pets.


Its scary how accurate this is for the narcissist in my life.


It is very interesting because when you examine the behavior of a narcissist and break it down, there are startling similarities. They are easy to see once you are awakened.


Talking at me: Zero patience for listening. This is my mom. Literally everything is about her. She talks incessantly, doesn’t even pause for me to speak. If I call her and mention anything I’m going through (recently cancer, chemo, multiple surgeries, death of my son), she completely ignores me and immediately starts talking about herself and what she’s going through, which are little minor things that everyone deals with day to day. She talks and talks and every subject turns into another, and another, on and on she rambles. My problems are not even acknowledged. Forget any support or encouragement, they’re not even acknowledged. She calls people to talk, not to have a conversation.


Another one I have experienced quite a bit over the years: They say things completely unrelated to what you have said to them because at their end they have people with them and they want to make you sound unreasonable/crazy. So it sounds to their audience like a totally different conversation from the one you are trying to have with them.


Yes, this is spot on. I'm sick of being talked at instead of having a proper conversation. I'm ignoring his calls from now on.


This is spot on. The one which resonates the most is "Talking at You...Zero patience for listening".


I used to hang up on my narcissistic father in law.
I refuse to be spoken to like I am lower than another.
He told everyone in the family how rude I was but failed to tell them why I hung up on him.
This encouraged the family to treat me terrible and blame me.
When I tried to explain how he was treating me, this is what I heard: “You know he only cares about you, wants the best for you”.
By telling me every decision is wrong, I should listen to him, obviously I do not know what I am doing?
Then turning around and encouraging gang stalking against me?
He wanted the best for me.


The distraction technique is certainly a weird one: the narcissist rings you up and you imagine that there will be some sort of exchange. But, typically, she is walking home from work, or out and about somewhere, and the point is to use you as an audience for the next 20 minutes of her life: talking to shop assistants, reacting to funny dogs, listening in to some street musician etc etc An authentic conversation is the last thing on her agenda.

I'm glad to say such phone calls are now a thing of the past. I find whatsapp very useful, A brief, written message every few weeks avoids the otherwise rather drastic remedy of stopping all contact.

Thanks for this post: I've found it very helpful!


This intriguing video serves as a poignant reminder of the heartache I've been enduring since my 7 year relationship came to an end 4 months ago. My cherished partner, the love of my life, made the difficult decision to part ways, leaving me consumed by thoughts of him. Despite my earnest attempts to win him back, I find myself facing frustration and an overwhelming sense of emptiness, unable to envision a life without his presence. Despite my efforts to move on, I'm compelled to confess my lingering feelings and longing for him here.
