Paul never met Jesus, yet he invented Christianity - Rabbi Tovia Singer at Beyneynu Conference 2022

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#ToviaSinger #Judaism #Christianity #Messiah #paul
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"When your fellow tells you in secret saying "let us go and serve foreign worship *WHICH YOU NOR YOUR FOREFATHERS HAVE KNOWN OF* not desire them, don't listen to them, do not have pity on them, do not have mercy on them and do not try to cover for them, for you shall surely cause him to be killed... *because they seeked to lead you astray from 'ה your God* " Deuteronomy 13.

"The word that came to Jeremiah concerning all the Jews dwelling in Egypt...because of their evil, which they did to provoke Me... *to worship foreign worships, which they did not know of, NOT THEM, NOT YOU, NOR YOUR FOREFATHERS* ." Jeremiah 44:1-5.

"...worships they didn't know of, *NEWLY INVENTED gods that YOUR FOREFATHERS DID NOT FEAR* ". Anything that is newly invented, what our forefathers didn't experience, worship, know, or fear, is IDOLATRY and against the 1st two commandments where all Jews heard God command that He alone is our God and to not have any other god but Him or to ever leave the path He commanded us in going. *Case closed.*


Seems all Paul's letters are just Paul arguing with people and misquoting the Tanakh.


"With regard to everything that I have told you, be watchful to keep, *and the name of any other god, do not even utter, it shouldn't be heard on your lips"* Exodus 23:13. Saying that "jeZeus is god" *is just as equivalent to saying "ba'al is god", both 100% idolatry.*


Rabbi Singer is an extremely bright Rabbi and historian. I wish he would have mentioned that Paul was " Saul Of Tarsus " . That tells us a lot about him. Tarsus was not only a non-Jewish city it was the center for most of the Pagan religions . That is how he was so aware what the Pagans would never accept in the Jewish religion and wanted them eliminated from his new religion.


What are God's instructions to identify a false prophet? "But any "prophet" who dares speak in My Name a matter in which I have not commanded him to...shall be put to death. *And should you ask yourself "How can we know* whether this prophecy is something 'ה did or didn't speak?"- That which the "prophet" predicts in the name of 'ה, *but that prediction does not come/happen, that is the matter in which 'ה did not speak, the "prophet" spoke it malevolently, * do not fear him" Deuteronomy 18 verses 20-22.
*matthew 16 verse 28: “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”* *God kept his word and ki!!ed jesus.*


The egyptian idol/diety was the sheep/lamb (Exodus 8:22), and hence we were commanded to slaughter the egyptian diety the eve of passover to show that the Jewish faith is the truth and not the sheep idolatry of the egyptians. *HOW IRONIC that the christian diety which they call a lamb is also taken out on the same exact day!* a day set aside to uproot idolatry, understand this.


*The Creator forewarned us about christianity here:* "Behold I am putting before you a blessing and a curse. The blessing is if you listen to the commandments of 'ה your God that I am commanding you today. And the CURSE is if you will not listen to the commandments of 'ה your God and IF YOU STRAY from the path that I am commanding you today *to go and worship foreign gods WHICH YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN OF"* Deuteronomy 11:26-28.


"And you shall be *oh so careful* for yourselves, for you did not see any image on the day that 'ה spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire. *Lest you CORRUPT YOURSELVES and make for yourselves a graven image, the representation of any form, THE LIKENESS OF A MALE or female*, " Deuteronomy 4--->"I am YHVH, *that* is My Name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images." Isaiah 42:8--->"And to whom can you liken to God? what form could you ever attribute to Him?" Isaiah 40:18--->"Now, to whom will you compare/liken Me that I should be equal?" says the Holy One." Isaiah 40:25--->"To whom can you liken Me and make Me equal and compare Me that we may be alike?" Isaiah 46:5.


"And it will be, *that it is all those who will call in the name of 'ה (not the christian deeply greek jeZeus hercules pegasis idol) whom will be saved, * because on mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be a saved remnant, as 'ה has promised..." Joel 3:5.


The jeZEUS story has given the world 2, 000 years of nonstop war..


It only says again and again in the Torah at the end of the sentences of commandment after commandment this is forever, for all time, an eternal statute, as a sign between G-d and you for all your generations.

G-d could of easily left those words out and not kept repeating them but hey, G-d probably didn't really mean it. He was exaggerating. He was just trolling making sure we thought it was forever. What a kidder eh christians


Shana Tova, have a healthy and prosperous new year...


_Paul admits during his ministry, preaching his Paulinism (Christianity of today), he falsely acted in order to draw people to his faith. In the following passage he openly confesses that he used deception for conversion:_

_“Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.” – 1 Corinthians 9:19-23_


When a Rabbi has to explain the New Testament you know something good is about to come about


Beautiful lecture and teaching, Bless you ❤


From the mouth of the horse himself: matthew 23 2&3 “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat./The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses....So you must be careful to do everything they tell you/So practice and obey whatever they tell you, "


Am I the only one who's afraid of missionaries?
Thank u rabbi singer❤


"They shall be ashamed and terrified forever; let them be disgraced and perish. And they shall know that You, Your Name is 'ה, *ALONE*, Most High over all the earth" Psalm 83:18, 19.


WHERE IS EVIDENCE ....Tovia Makes statements with NO CONTEXTUAL FACTS!


"And the Rules and the Laws and the Torah and the Commandments which He wrote for you, you must be watchful to observe *for the rest of all days/time, * and *DO NOT* fear any other god" 2Kings 17:37.
