Does PHP Suck?! - The Answer May Surprise You!

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Does PHP SUCK?! Most programmers will tell you it does....but does it?!
We'll get to the bottom of it in this video today. The answer may just surprise you and change your life forever!

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“There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.”

― Bjarne Stroustrup


Ah, the PHP, a language that's officially been dead since 1995 according to the super awesome master basement coder gurus on the Internet.


Thank you Codemy, I appreciate the free course! I had no idea it was possible to create a site quickly with Php! Thank you!


PHP is the most acessible, easy to learn programming language at all time for web development. You can get rich with that nice tool with almost nothing. People hate PHP, because their favorite language do half of the PHP does, with dozens of line of code. Look for JS for example, they have to change the language(typescript for OOP, frameworks every week, broken package manager) to do half of what PHP does natively.


Haha This was so fun to watch ! Thank you John, and I agree. A simple website with a landing page is faster to build and host with php than Django for ex, but as it gets bigger Naah


I am comparing the PHP Zend Engine with Chrome V8 Engine it appears PHP is slow compared to Node JS any reason?


I love this format, I learned php at school and it is true that we understand it quickly, it is powerful too


Thank you John! great gift and amazing yt channel!


Hi Codemy, so in order to make your own site the tools you'll need are JavaScript, Php, CSS, HTML and SQL? Or is there anything else I hadn't considered?


This was exactly what I needed. Thanks again!


I originally learned webdev stuff
with php. It was the language I was using when things started to click for me and I still remember how excited I was when I learned how to start serving dynamic content.

What pushed me away was an official tutorial video from laravel about getting started with the framework. I wanted to learn more about REST apis and had a more complex version of an existing app I wanted to build. Had heard really great things about laravel. While trying to get it set up I was missing some of the prerequisites, like using composer and other boilerplate stuff. I was struggling with that and the guy in the video was like “if you’re having trouble at this point, you’re not ready yet.” No resources available about what composer was or what I should learn about to get a framework environment working. At that point I had done a lot with the language itself but had less experience with CLI stuff and had never needed a package manager. Going back to practice more php wouldn’t have helped me there.

Frustrated with “not being ready” and already aware of the language having a bad reputation, I decided to check out node js and very quickly had a server spun up locally serving an html file. Then found my way to express and learned about routing and handling dynamic endpoints from the many learning resources available for it. I don’t necessarily advocate for node as a backend language because of it’s limitations with performance and how much is abstracted away in 3rd party dependencies, but in my experience it was so much easier to get started for learning more about backend and building rest apis. Great experience for a beginner wanting to level up. Nowadays I’m a big fan of go, also been curious about rust.

I doubt a lot of people share my experience, but I think the attitude from the laravel learning resources was a turn off for me.


Thank you very much for the free php course even though you worked hard for these videos you still make this course free. Btw is this course free forever (Sorry for bad english)


I'm a senior full-stack developer at a large e-commerce agency in the UK and I make very decent money while working fully remotely, building online stores with Magento and Woocommerce.
There are jobs literally begging to be filled by people who know just enough php, just enough js and are basically compentent with a linux terminal. They pay decently, and offer a fantastic platform to a great career in web development. I should know.


"Fuck PHP."

― Bjarne Stroustrup


While it's undeniable that PHP has served a lot of websites, i feel like you're dismissing the criticisms of the language itself. When you look at it in respect to other languages you find that there have been a ton of poor design choices made over the (many) years. There's a reason it's in the top 5 most dreaded languages and it's not just because of interns without coding standards. With PHP 8 it seems like it's finally taking a turn for the better (after ~20 years).


I've used many languages over the years for websites. Starting with PHP, trying Python and NodeJS.
I did quite a bit of PHP myself. Today, I dislike PHP. I had to fix other mistakes, yes.
But that's not the reason why I dislike it.

I recently had to write a new software in PHP. I knew that PHP got WAY better. And I used the new advantages.
It had to fetch and then process some data and present it to the frontend. Work was going at snails pace.
Not because of my inferior skill. But data processing in PHP was such a hassle.
In the end, I got frustrated with PHP. So much in fact, I hated going to work.
I managed to convince my boss that it might be a better idea to write the API in a different language (Go) since it's better at handling the data.
Endresult? The API in Go was done in a couple of days instead of the weeks I spend with PHP.
Also: Even with the network delay, the Go/PHP-Hybrid solution was way faster.

In summary: To say "PHP sucks because 'real programmers' have to clean up after the mess of 'newbs'" isn't correct.
No sane programmer should fault the language if they can help it.

But for what it's worth: We maintain WordPress pages. A customer had to update his PHP version. All of a sudden, the page refused to work.
The reason were 2 (paid aka "Pro") Plugins. They declared a variable as a string and used it as an array. Like:

$result = "";
$result[] = "Yea";

The newer version didn't allow this anymore. I wasn't sure what was worse: The fact that PHP allowed this or the fact that only the paid plugins did this, while the free ones were unaffected.
A simple

$result = [];

was all it needed to fix this.


Excellent!!! 😂😂😂 Now I know that Billy has been in the "business" where I am 😱


I don't know enough PHP, but the only feature I hate (currently) is type juggling, which is just context-based temporary type-coercion.

Fun fact: Its syntax, and the fact that it has type juggling, resembles shell langs a lot


didn't see you for two weeks thanks for uploading
