Unexplainable TIME SLIPS STORIES From The UK

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#timeslips #timetravels #weirdworld
A time slip is a paranormal phenomenon in which an individual or a group of individuals allegedly travels through time and witnesses events in the past. A time slip allows travel without any kind of time machine or other obvious mechanism, and it is usually only for a short period of time. The following two amazing stories happened in 1935 and 1968, and took place in Kent in south east England where two ordinary people, one a doctor and the other an elderly lady had momentarily experienced a slip in time where for only a few seconds were transported back in time.

Outro Credits:
Greenscreen Thunder Storm HD

Intro Song: Gut Feeling by Ben Kopec

Rain Drops on Glass Window -1080p Green Screen

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The first day my wife and I walked into our 1934 built home in 1992 I had a strange experience. I walked into the large hallway and took a few steps. Suddenly I stopped as everything had turned a sepia colour. Then I realised the downstairs toilet wasn't there, there were no radiators and the kitchen entrance was different, the paintwork was brown not White, and there was lino on the floor with a carpet runner. There should be fitted carpet. I looked around and saw some Butler bells on the wall. I thought I might be having a brain incident, then I heard my wife's distant voice saying are you alright. I snapped back into colour vision and everything was as it should be. Some months later our next door neighbour told us these houses had originally been built for professional people with a live in domestic, and that they still had original butler bells. I didn't say about my experience as I didn't want them to think me crazy. I did however check the original house plans and there was no hall toilet when built


While there is no conclusive proof of Timeslips, there is a mountain of circumstancial evidence going back over a hundred years which would be more than enough to convict a person in a court of law. J.W, Dunne was an English aeronautical engineer back in the time of the First World War and he was regarded as one of the most brilliant men of his time. He was also obsessed with the mystery of time. Put simply, Dunne thought that the passage of time could be compared to reading a book or watching a film. When you get to the end of a book all you have to do is turn back the pages and the dead are alive again and important events have yet to take place. Dunne thought that the future was already happening 'many pages' ahead of the present and sometimes we can skip pages or even chapters and get a glimpse of the future as it is happening. This is most likely to happen when we are asleep and our subconscious being freed from the dreary worries of everyday life, becomes relaxed and open to send and receive all kinds of information. We are receiving information every time we sleep and while this is stored away in our memories we forget almost all of it the second we wake up. Dunne placed great importance on training yourself to remember your dreams and writing down what you remember as soon as you wake up, otherwise it would be forgotten in a few minutes. It was by using this simple method that Dunne received information about future events which later turned out to be accurate in every detail. But if the future is happening as we speak, it stands to reason that the past is not only still in existence as solid reality but is being lived 'somewhere' in every detail by real people like ourselves. Surprisingly, the latest theories in the field of quantum mechanics supports the notion of a multi-dimensional universe and so proves that Dunne's theory of time is not only plausible but very possible.


I always think that these people must be really brave to tell their stories because they risk being ridiculed, especially when you are a doctor or such. I do believe in time travel/ or slips as they’re known as.


I find it amazing that so many time slip episodes occure in the UK. Some people think that ley lines are involved. My parents experienced a time slip episode which i detailed on a previous video .


I've had a time slip before too. in France, the Chantilly castle. I'm wondering if people have a time slip in a place they once lived or were connected to, in a past life. I've had so many dreams and PL memories of France, that I'm certain I am connected to the castle. I'm not saying I was royalty then, more like a child of the staff who tended to the royalty. but the castle was SO familiar, even the stables felt like home. It was one of the wildest things I've experienced in this realm!


I just realized I was in time slip, possibly. I was on a trip from US to Europe when I was in my twenties and was going to visit old castles. Wandering through the castle, it had no furniture and I got up the stairs and looked out the window, no glass just an opening. When I looked down I saw that I was dressed in different clothes. My dress was very low and I had no breasts yet. My chest felt very cold and I knew I had lung problems and would soon die. Then I looked out the window and saw tourists walking around and I was myself.


😬In USA I went to a Target store for Starbucks ( which every Target has) but all there was was only a food court going under construction it was a mess and half empty like they took away some of the old furniture sloppily covered with plastic and taped up to hold it in place.. no Starbucks.. we went to go to another exit to leave but changed our minds turned around to go back the same place we entered then there was a Starbucks and food Court with people sitting around and someone buying a coffee .. definitely time slipped😳


I read one of many near death experience stories. One particular person said when she was out of her body she could go backwards or forwards in time


The Great British Isles is an "Ancient Place of Angels and Demons"!!!
The Book of Enoch tells the story of our History 😋😀😇


These are my favorite kind of stories!


Time slip stories are one of my favorite kind of stories. I wonder if there is any evidence of what the people from the past, saw during the moment the slip happened.


Last August 2022 I was working in Fowey Cornwall in a very old building doing plaster repairs,
being a beautiful morning and looking out through a doorway a very smart lady with three golden retrievers all with neck handkerchiefs came into view about fifteen seconds from first sight to going out of view!!! Having taken some more plaster and put it on the wall turning to the door way the same lady and dogs came in view in same direction and went by??? And at the time I new this was something special to behold 😮


I went into a department store in Brighton a store I had never been to before I said I know what is around this corner and I can tell you the counter on the right sells womens underwear I walk around the corner and everything is as I thought it would be but the counter did not sell underwear I asked did this counter ever sell women's underwear she said yes many years ago.


how come no one from the 19 century wrote down a moment when they were walking down the road, and all of a sudden seeing a strange person dressed in clothes never before seen? I want to hear of the reverse perspective. That would be cool.


I was listening to "We Love You" by the Rolling Stones in my living room one day, when the music came to a part where a door slams, and some shuffling noises started. I briefly felt like I was back in 1968. Nothing around changed, it was just a weird feeling.


Wouldn't it be great if someone experiencing this would have the wherewithal to snap a photo.


One of the reasons I clicked on this was because of the photo of the car in a high street but neither of the stories was about this! This is the third time this has happened. Your stories are really interesting without using clickbait so please stop it.


I’ll tell you something right now if I somehow slipped into the past I wouldn’t go back the way I came because I wouldn’t wanna come back here. This world sucks nowadays.


and in another words, it's a simple flashback to their past lives...I've had dozens like those, eventually when you're past the shock you start noticing that you're also wearing different clothes and your body feels slightly different.


Love these stories. Great video. Well spoken and no stupid music blaring.... just enough ambiance to make the video compelling. Keep up the great work and subscribed.
