Learn English: 11 ‘mind’ expressions

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Did you know that there are A LOT of expressions in English with the word "mind" in them? "Mind" is a very common word with several different meanings. In this video, I will teach you the three main ways in which "mind" is used in expressions, and then I'll give you 11 very common expressions using the word. The expressions I'll teach you include: Do you mind?, Would you mind?, What's on your mind?, my mind went blank, mind the gap, have someone in mind, give a piece of my mind, lose one's mind, cross one's mind, make up one's mind, and keep in mind. By learning these expressions, you will improve both your listening and speaking.

Hello. My name is Emma and in today's lesson I am going to teach you a bunch of new vocabulary expressions. These expressions are all very common and very useful. So, the expressions we're going to learn today all have the word "mind" in them. Okay? And there are a lot. I'm not even covering all of them because there are so many expressions in English with the word "mind", so we're only going to cover some of them, but we're going to cover the main ones.

Okay, so, when we talk about "mind", there are different ways we're talking about mind. "Mind" can have to do with the brain and with thinking or thoughts. Okay? So, sometimes when we're talking about mind we're talking about our brain or we're talking about our thoughts. Sometimes we're talking about something totally different with mind. Sometimes when we're talking about mind we're actually talking about being polite. For example: "Do you mind?" this is something where you're being polite. And then we also use "mind" when we're telling somebody to pay attention to something. For example: "Mind the gap" or "Mind the hole". So we have these three times where we're using "mind" and we have a lot of different expressions for each of these different categories. So we're going to go over each of these. I'm going to teach you a bunch of expressions where "mind" has to do with thought or brain, I'll teach you a lot of expressions where it has to do with politeness, and then I'm going to teach you a lot of "mind" expressions that have to do with paying attention. But this is pretty much one way you can look at these expressions.

So let's get started by talking about... When we're talking about mind, and thoughts, and the brain. So, first, when we talk about "mind" one meaning of "mind" can have to do with pretty much the brain, but it's not exactly the brain. Okay? So your brain is in your head and it's a physical thing. You can touch the brain, you can feel the brain, you can see the brain, smell the brain, so it's physical. Mind is not physical. You can't see the mind because the mind is where your thoughts are, where your memories are, and these are things you can't really see or feel, but they're somewhere in here; we just can't see them because they're not physical. So, for example: Einstein, very famous scientist: "Einstein had a brilliant mind." Okay? So this means Einstein had brilliant thoughts, he was very smart. He had, you know, brilliant ideas. These things are all in his mind. So it's similar to brain, although not exactly the same thing, it's very similar to brain.

We can also say: "psychologist". A psychologist is a job and people who are psychologists, they study the human mind, meaning they look at the brain and they look at people's memories, they look at the way people have ideas, and they think about: "Where do these things come from?" Okay? So they study the human mind. So, a lot of the times when we use the word "mind", we're talking about kind of your brain and your thoughts. You know, we might say: "Oh, Beethoven had an incredible mind", or you know: "In your opinion, which minds were the greatest of the 20th century? Who had the greatest mind?" Meaning: Who had the greatest ideas, and thoughts, and pretty much brain? Okay, so that's "mind".

Now, let's look at another way we use "mind" and that's in the expression: "on someone's mind". So this is a very common expression. In English we often ask: "What's on your mind?" Or we also say: "I have a lot on my mind." So, what does: "on my mind" mean? And make sure you have "on someone's mind", so it can be: "on my mind", "on your mind", "on her mind", "on John's mind", you can pretty much put any person here. What does it mean? Well, when we talk about "on our mind" we're usually talking about problems, so we're usually talking about problems that we are thinking about. These are thoughts, we're thinking about something so it's on our mind.
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Last year I passed IELTS exam with 7. Your videos have helped me a lot . I am still watching your videos till now.
I advise everybody who wants to improve his\ her English to follow your lessons
Thank you so much


Teacher Emma I wanna keep you in my mind always because you're a great teacher. Greetings. Juan


Never in my whole life I’ve been seen a teacher like you, I really appreciate your wonderful time that you spend with us. I really love you. Hi from Atlanta Georgia, and I would like to meet you one day. Keep teaching because you have the skills to teach.


"Mind" is an easy word, but I have never known such many expressions included.
thank you for great lesson!


Emma, Thank you for teaching me
You are the first lady that I can comprehend how to get English sense!


I just wanna say she is an professional English teacher, I’ve been watching her video since last week and absolutely I fall in love, I really love her expression, she speaks clear and simple, which is more easier way to understand the lessons, I ‘m rather recommended her for everyone who has lower English level !


i like this channel because her doesnt try to be clear also she talks a little bit fast and that makes me to learning more


I definitely like the way she teaches and I haven't get a chance to watch her "for a while" or "in a while" but she is one of the best teacher.


I have Emma in mind when im seeking an english lesson to learn :D


My favorite teacher by far, You’re both intelligent and beautiful. I’d like to see videos more often


You are wow, actually there are no words to express what to say . I really like the way you teach.


Thank you very much Emma!! I'm from Rwanda but I've learned a lot from u indeed. Even to hear someone when they're speaking, now a days I'm easily to understand. Anyway I can't explain how I appreciate u. May Only God bless.


Hi Emma, you are an elegant and excellent teacher. You master the techniques of teaching so that you explain everything with simplicity, clarity, and amenity. It is a pleasure to learn English with you


Thanks a lot Emma for all. I keep you and your teachings in my mind because you're one of the best english teachers on YouTube.


I can't describe how much I am happy to find you here, where ever I am I listen to you, thank you very much for this kind of exactitude and your smile you are just amazing!


Hello, Emma! I love to learn English from you because your accent is very clear and also you are a brilliant English teacher.Thank you so much. Take care.


Hello! Emma you're the best teacher. I love whatching your videos and learning from you. May God bless you for all you do for us to learn Inglish.


You’re wonderful not only as a teacher, but also as a person. Thank u.


I really love your videos, I'am learning a lot of things watching and listening. I have to say thanks and I wish one of these days I become as fluent as you, your way to explain things really catch my eyes.


Amazing explanation. Thanks!
Always keep your audience in mind when you are presenting.
Sorry, my mind went blank, would you mind giving me a minute?
An expression just crossed my mind, but I didn't catch that.
When I have a lot on my mind, I prefer to write them down.
