12 Yoga Poses for Bone Health and Strength - Fishman Method for Osteoporosis Yoga

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These 12 yoga poses for bone strength and health are based on the Dr. Loren Fishman method Yoga for Osteoporosis. Follow along with Kendra Fitzgerald guiding you through each pose, as listed in the New York Times yoga article!
This series is perfect yoga for bone health and yoga for seniors, proven to increase bone health and bone strength.
WANT TO WORKOUT MORE WITH ME? I've got ya covered!
COMPLETE WORKOUTS w/ A PLAN!: Mastering Your Body Mechanics - Come workout with me ad-free in this complete video series. Download your workout guide based on what you need (upper back pain / neck pain? lower back pain? diastasis recti? we've got a track coming for you!)
Workouts in the series include strength, myofascial release, mobility, plyometrics for speed and bone health, and HIIT workouts. Each video builds upon the next with the goal to help you deeply understand your own body, build strength and balance while KNOWING you're doing it right.
See my pregnancy and postpartum channel @devotedmamas for more in-depth core and pelvic floor workouts.
Kendra (she/her) is a Corrective Exercise Specialist, Strength Coach, Yoga Teacher and Running Coach. Her years of experience with and curiosity about the human body have informed Kendra’s method of training, which focuses on alignment, proper form and corrective exercise to help her clients live pain free.
Kendra is most well known for melding her clinical expertise with creativity and a lighthearted perspective. At the end of the day, she understands that her clients are real people with real lives, it is her job to help them tune into the power of their own bodies.
#yogaforosteoporosis #osteoporosis #osteopenia #yogaforbonehealth #kendrafitzgeraldyoga #kendrafitzgerald
This series is perfect yoga for bone health and yoga for seniors, proven to increase bone health and bone strength.
WANT TO WORKOUT MORE WITH ME? I've got ya covered!
COMPLETE WORKOUTS w/ A PLAN!: Mastering Your Body Mechanics - Come workout with me ad-free in this complete video series. Download your workout guide based on what you need (upper back pain / neck pain? lower back pain? diastasis recti? we've got a track coming for you!)
Workouts in the series include strength, myofascial release, mobility, plyometrics for speed and bone health, and HIIT workouts. Each video builds upon the next with the goal to help you deeply understand your own body, build strength and balance while KNOWING you're doing it right.
See my pregnancy and postpartum channel @devotedmamas for more in-depth core and pelvic floor workouts.
Kendra (she/her) is a Corrective Exercise Specialist, Strength Coach, Yoga Teacher and Running Coach. Her years of experience with and curiosity about the human body have informed Kendra’s method of training, which focuses on alignment, proper form and corrective exercise to help her clients live pain free.
Kendra is most well known for melding her clinical expertise with creativity and a lighthearted perspective. At the end of the day, she understands that her clients are real people with real lives, it is her job to help them tune into the power of their own bodies.
#yogaforosteoporosis #osteoporosis #osteopenia #yogaforbonehealth #kendrafitzgeraldyoga #kendrafitzgerald