12 Yoga Poses for Bone Health and Strength - Fishman Method for Osteoporosis Yoga

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These 12 yoga poses for bone strength and health are based on the Dr. Loren Fishman method Yoga for Osteoporosis. Follow along with Kendra Fitzgerald guiding you through each pose, as listed in the New York Times yoga article!

This series is perfect yoga for bone health and yoga for seniors, proven to increase bone health and bone strength.

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Workouts in the series include strength, myofascial release, mobility, plyometrics for speed and bone health, and HIIT workouts. Each video builds upon the next with the goal to help you deeply understand your own body, build strength and balance while KNOWING you're doing it right.

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Kendra (she/her) is a Corrective Exercise Specialist, Strength Coach, Yoga Teacher and Running Coach. Her years of experience with and curiosity about the human body have informed Kendra’s method of training, which focuses on alignment, proper form and corrective exercise to help her clients live pain free.

Kendra is most well known for melding her clinical expertise with creativity and a lighthearted perspective. At the end of the day, she understands that her clients are real people with real lives, it is her job to help them tune into the power of their own bodies.

#yogaforosteoporosis #osteoporosis #osteopenia #yogaforbonehealth #kendrafitzgeraldyoga #kendrafitzgerald
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you! Can you please do another video with the osteoporosis sequence using a chair.


I've been doing Kendra's version of Dr. Fishman's recommended poses for three years (after having had a bone density scan that showed bone loss). Just had another scan, and my bone density has definitely improved since my last test three years ago. It works!


The 12 poses, by their English names, were tree, triangle, warrior II, side-angle, twisted triangle, locust, bridge, supine hand-to-foot I, supine hand-to-foot II, straight-legged twist, bent-knee twist and corpse pose. Each pose was held for 30 seconds.


Really good video of Dr. Fishman's sequence. Would love to see it done with the osteopenia version of poses. Thanks for posting.


This is a nice sequence and very well produced. I just want to make sure that folks with osteoporosis know that they should modify for any forward bending of the spine by supporting their abdomen on the thighs. Also they should avoid any twisting motions where they are not upright. They should only twist with their shoulders above their hips.  When you have osteoporosis you want to avoid curving the shoulders and the hips forward towards each other. So no crow and no hurdling your abdomen from down dog to plank. One more thing, when you're in downward dog you will probably want to keep your knees bent so that you avoid curving your lower abdomen at all.This is the journey I'm on. It has taken me two doctors and a physical therapist to get this much information about how to avoid damaging my spine. I've had to figure out how to modify about half my practice and stop doing some asanas completely. I'm 51 and very enthusiastic about yoga, so this has been a real exercise in releasing the ego's attachment to what my body can and can't do. While there will be things that I can not do, I will find solace in the fact that I will become more mindful of my body due to this new challenge. Namaste


Thank you for a feel good great practice of stretches ❤!


Thank you much for your video. I recently tried to do Dr. Fishman’s yoga poses and was frustrated. I have done yoga for years. I discovered your video and had no problem. Your instructions were both clear and relaxing. Hopefully my old bones will continue to build density. I was diagnosed with osteoporosis several years ago. I am now taking Fosamax, calcium, vitamin D and doing bone strengthening exercises, mostly yoga, weights and walking. I am happy to say that I no longer have bone density in the Osteoporosis range. It is now in the osteopenia range. Bone building exercises work! Thanks again. I will be watching your video maybe not daily, but my goal is at least 3 times a week.


Thank you so much for this. You are GREAT at guiding thru this. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE make more yoga routine vids!!


Thank you for this! I have a friend who gained bone density during Dr. Fishman's study and I've been looking for the sequence. Your practice is much more palatable than the bare bones video from the study. EDIT I've' done the sequence three times now and love your instruction. I is something I can do almost every day and a good morning practice.


I have been doing the video every other day for about a year. I’m hooked! Your instruction and cues are great, and I really appreciate that you have put this out there. I hope I will see some improvement, or at least no more decline in my next dexa. I also add in the 2 seated twist poses that are recommended.


This is perfect, thank you. Adding to my bedtime routine. I’m starting a 6 month bone building plan to see if I can improve my BMD naturally. Getting a baseline scan tomorrow and will repeat in November.
Happy to keep you posted if interested!


I've been too busy the past two weeks to do much but thanks to doing your 12 poses every other day for the past two years or so, I picked up fine. Without you and your yoga I wouldn't have been able to start ballet which I really am loving. Thank you Kendra so much.


Thank you for this posting. After 3 months every morning I am seeing changes I didn't think possible.


Thank you so much for posting!! I used to be an avid Yogi but with hyper mobility issues I stopped. Then I received an Osteoporosis diagnosis and knew Vinyasa was out. I kept seeing the poses that were supposed to help. It is so nice to have them in one place with your beautiful instructions and cues in the background. Thank you!! 🙏🏼 namaste


Kendra, did you ever make a video of the sitting poses? I would love to see those demonstrated because they're the hardest ones to understand how to do them correctly. If you haven't done it already, It would be so helpful if you would could do it now. Thanks!


Love this!
Been doing it for abt 3 weeks almost every day- I truly feel the difference- thank you ❤️


This is super helpful. Question: Do you know of any other content creator who demonstrates the 12 asanas but with modifications? I'm just beginning and would benefit from adaptions. Many thanks for all you do!


What height yoga block please? Here in the UK they all seem to be oblong shaped and usually around 22 cm tall, though I've seen one 30cm...
The only oval one I see on Amazon is 23 cm but yours looks taller....Thanks


Yr exercises have some twisting of the spine, are they recommended for osteoporosis patients?


Good cueing. Would like to have the instruction/video mirrored.
