Is IQ Important or Insignificant? | Is there any purpose to knowing your IQ score?

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This video answers the question: Is IQ important? IQ is a measure of the g factor (general mental ability) also known as intelligence. Two popular IQ are the WAIS and the Stanford-Binet. There is a good deal of controversy over the value of intelligence testing, especially for those who are functioning well. IQ is a standard score, it has mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. IQ can be important depending on one’s perspective, but normally learning your IQ score is not particularly useful.
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It took me long time to realise I’m a slow learner.


"Everyone on the internet is a genius and has atleast an IQ above 140" - Unknown


Its a measurement, but I learned the smartest guy in the room and the most knowledgeable person in the room aren't usually the same person.


“People who boast about their IQ are losers” -Some dude in a wheelchair


Funny story about my sister. When she was in elementary school, her teacher called our parents and demanded they come meet with her. She told them that they needed to stop pushing my sister so hard. My parents were totally laissez-faire about our educations (odd, since our Dad had a PhD), so they were perplexed. The teacher said that she knew my sister had an IQ of 85 (I don't know where she got the number, but I think it was somehow based on the Otis-Lennon achievement test), and should not be able to perform at the level she was attaining...hence, she must be under horrible duress at home. This episode bugged my sister; so, when she had a chance to take the Wechsler in 11th grade, she jumped at it. She scored 160! She went on to get a PhD in math; was an ES3 at the Pentagon at age 35, and taught classes at MIT and Harvard.


I have a host of disabilities, slow learner, ADD, week short term memory, mild dyslexia and I think i'm "on the spectrum" too. Took me many decades to discover this. College was almost an impossibility for me, however I did manage to get through. Had a professional IQ test and came up with strengths and weaknesses scattered over the spectrum of knowledge. Averaged an IQ at 105. Think, I'm a strong in writing/verbal however, I don't care to write. I'm a machinist by trade and not the best either but experience has brought strength over the years. If you ask me, IQ is everything the pros say it is. It is real and meaningful. But its not everything in life. Love, character and hard work are qualities that may not be related to IQ and are sometimes more important.


Does anyone else find Todd funny in a very dry way? I can't tell if it's intentional or not


High IQ is great if you also have common sense, wisdom & good judgement.


My mom was a member of mensa and had an iq of 160 and it certainly wasn't "just a number". I'm from finland and I'm not sure if "lukio" translates to highschool or college, but she graduated with literally the highest possible grades and she taught me more at home than I ever learned in school. It was amazing how she could so easily understand pretty much everything she ever read or talked about.


We don’t need to deny the existence of IQ, we just need to make sure we don’t use it as a measure of somebody’s worth. There is so much more to a person. Somebody could have a super high IQ but if they have poor people skills and low empathy, they would make a terrible doctor for example.


I'm a clinical psychology undergraduate, and I really appreciate what you do, cause there is very low amount of professional videos regarding this subject. Really appreciate your work Dr. Grande.


I was really stressed after scoring a 98.
After looking up the average IQ of my dream job being at the bottom 110, but after watching this I feel much more capable.


" I am a wise man, I know one thing and that is I know nothing"- socrates


I took the Stanford-Binet (administered by my college), got 107, I'm not mad at it. Nothin' wrong with being average lol


Truly intelligent people have two things in common:
1. The ability to extrapolate from incomplete data.


why would i care about my IQ Score when my Brain develops multiple psychological disorders anyway ?


I had my IQ tested 3 times in school and the results ranged from 96 to 112; about the 83rd percentile. I graduated 77th out 444 in my high school class; so the 84th percentile.
I studied Chemical Engineering in college and did OK my first two years but really hit a wall my Jr year and changed majors.
My occupation (IT) places me in the 80th-90th percentile of socioeconomic status. My net worth and income are in the top 15% and 16.5% respectively in the US.

I'm glad I looked up this information. I;m doing about as well as could be expected from my IQ scores.


"We dont need to be smarter than them we just need to have more discipline than them"- Warren Buffett


I have always said that a high IQ and 50 cents gets you a cup of coffee. Many of the most successful people I know have average to slightly above average IQ's. By the same token, I have met people at Mensa meetings that barely got by in life. So in the long run I guess it is all a matter of what you do with what you have got.


My IQ (measured by professionals) in elementary school was 134. I did finish college and had good results on exams. But I have schizophrenia and it’s really downing my quality if life. I have a work disability because of my illness and I have to take medication. Sometimes I get sad of what I could achieve if I didn’t have this illness. But that’s life, it’s not always easy or perfect. But we can’t give up on making a better quality life for ourselves even with an illness as difficult as mine.
