Don't Buy Clear Coat till You Watch This

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Product Review of DupliColor 1K Extreme Gloss Finish Clear Coat.

Spoiler Alert: it turned yellow and 'sagged'/dripped
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You can prevent runs by heating the clear and panel before spraying and maintaining heat in the "spray booth" during the initial drying period. Other than contamination, clear either is already yellow in the tin or won't turn yellow for quite a long time. Clears which are somewhat yellow will of course look worse the thicker it gets, e.g., where it runs. Where possible do tests with new products before using them to save expensive rework. Where time allows (e.g., DIY projects) give a very generous drying time between wet coats and clean meticulously. Best of luck.


For everyone saying that he did something incorrectly, I had the same exact experience, and I know what I am doing. Just finished painting hood and fenders with a pearl white, everything was laying smooth no runs, perfect color match, when I got to the clear stage I realized I was 1/2 a can short of the clear. Rather than waiting 3 days to ship an oder online, I ran over to my local Autozone and picked up a can of this crap for $20 thinking it was the same. Filled in the spots that needed more, and just like that ruined my 4 hour $300 paint job. Instantly began to turn piss yellow. You could see the streaks of yellow next to the clear coat I was using before. About 10 minutes later I came to check on it, sure enough a few nice juice runs. Took 3 times as long to be dry to the touch, this product is all around crap. TouchupDirect is a good company. I would order everything through them.


I’ve used this stuff to clear whole fenders and bumpers. The gloss isnt extreme but it’s definitely glossy. A quick wetland and polish will give us a glossy look like oem


I just did a wheel arch rust fix with welding and new metal, did hours and hours of work, white paint matched perfectly and then i spray this clear and it turned yellow. Perfect gloss but yellow 🤦🏻‍♂️


Dude I've used this so many times and have had no issues. Also you need to take into consideration what the original paint on your truck is made of and what product Is it
Like enamel, lacquer, etc.
Some paints won't work well with a different product. Also you painted a portion of your hood. You should have wet sanded the entire hood and work up to 2000 grit to bust down the original clear coat then clean it off with denatured alcohol/Deglosser or another product with a microfiber cloth. Make sure you shoot your clear with light coats sweeping motion it's not a rush
and in a place where it is room temperature and comfortable it needs to breathe. No humidity no freezing cold, not when it's steaming hot or rainy.
When I shoot clear on a vehicle I use same products and I do it in a booth or shop with no doors open and let it sit until it cures. The temperature from outside coming in will mess with your clear.
I do it for a living man, I'm just saying from experience to help out. You can always do a test run on something else before you go through with your project hope that helps.


First off yes it is trash but you can’t paint in the first place I didn’t have a problem with runs cause I know how to do it but yes it’s trash it has a yellish haze to it


I had the same yellowing on my Dupli-Color Tafetta White and it is terrible. I should have read the reviews prior.


Awww man I wish I knew this before I painted my white fender on my truck stupid dupli color clear coat


Sounds like you sprayed the next coats on too quickly. You're supposed to let them sit like 10-15 min between each. I did 5 coats on my tail lights and only got one run and was using the 1k mica pearl clear. My 02 outback had small feathered cracks throughout that were allowing water to fill up in them so I clear them with the pearl heavily just cause it was the same price as the regular clear ($20) sanded them first with 2000 grit and used wax and grease remover before spraying and they look dope and air tight now and look like a damn nebula haha. I also used silicone along the seams on the sides on the backside after spraying where water was getting in too. No paint or clear will stick to silicone just fyi. Worked great for me tho would recommend waiting longer than the 3hrs they say as it is still tacky though I did it outside in the moist evening air of tn in October too with no heat. You need a warm environment for best results or just piss it on


I used it on a white motorcycle tank that I worked really hard to great paint job only to have the white turn yellow with this stuff. 👎🏽


Cant you just sand off the clear coat? And then reapply with a better one? And if u did, did it work?


Thanks same thing happened to me on my white bumper


Too bad I didn't see this video before. I painted my car's hood twice 😢 AND still need yo do It all over again.


Buddy with all do respect.. You did something in correct. Ive used iver 50 cans of 1k Duplicolr.. Have yiu considered it was simply a bad can? Its also half the price as 2k and yoh can purchase it st the local store unlike EASTWOOD.. PS. Duplicollr owens Eastwood and VHT and then Sherwinwilliams ownes all 3 companies. Little knowledge for you. Take Care


Well hell now I know why my damn fender is yellowish beige I followed the directions to the letter.
Well let's start over!; Yay,


Somebody should file a lawsuit! Ruined my car!!!


White doesn’t even need a clear. Use any 2 stage as your base. If using white, no clear needed


Just finished painting and sanding front bumper for two days, bought same product now the whole thing is #%*$&@


Well im here trying to find a solution cause i just did this mistake 😂 and sounds like it might just have to sand and reclear with good clear lol but i know never to buy this 1k clear again lol


Water sand with 1000 grit then 2000 grit .. buff with meguiars mirror glaze
