Rick Rubin's Daily Routine

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Rick Rubin shares with Dr. Andrew Huberman his daily routine that incorporates morning sun exposure, physical activity, work during specific hours, and a wind-down routine under red light to maintain his overall wellness.

Rick Rubin is a world-renowned music producer who has worked with many award-winning artists. He also hosts the podcast Tetragrammaton and is the author of the best-selling book "The Creative Act: A Way of Being." Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab podcast.

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My daily routine is listening to Rick read from his book!🙏


I don’t wake up, I unfurl like a gentle flower toward the rising Sun. I then dance naked in a field collecting pollen in the strands of my body hair. When I’ve collected enough pollen I enter my kitchen and politely demand that my maid trans-substantiate it into a life giving elixir. Then I take a four hour bath in the ocean until I’ve become rejuvenated enough for fifteen minutes of concentrated work. After work I meditate until the sun goes to sleep. I then spread out naked absorbing moonlight to fuel my dreams.


Rick Rubin could narrate a meditation! He’s got a relaxing voice!!!!


I tried that routine. Got up, walked around naked on my balcony with red glasses on. Cops showed up just as my phone rang with my boss at the other end ''it's 10 o'clock...where the f*** are you?


Rick is a sage for himself we all need to be just that


Do not wear red glasses and try to drive! Get blue blockers or something with orange or yellow. My red glasses even came with a warning. You can't see traffic lights change among other things.


Almost forgot that i have a tip for Rick, he said in some of your conversations, that he prefer to listen to podcast and so on, he doesnt really like to spend too much time searching and playing songs one by one or so, and i will explain briefly the tip for Rick, about a month ago i decided to do the following, as i was collecting my fave songs in one music streaming platform since 2018 i have realised i have around 6000+ songs there and im getting tired to go all the time to pick some song or going back and forth to computer or my phone and it was just breaking my workflows or daily routines or times to relax and so on, i wanted to be disconnected from computer or my phone but yet still listening to my fave music, so i decided finally to sit down, and it took me 3 days of about 10-12 hours to go through it all, first 2 days was major proper selection most work done, and created a 1st playlist of about 900 songs... on a third day work was much easier as my first playlist covered majority of my fave songs and again 10 hours of work and 2nd playlist of about 400+ songs was made, and I WAS SAVED!!! now my life is free, i listen to what i love, and if i come across some memory or some song i know, or i listen through a day somewhere, i just add it to that 2nd playlist, and again im free, adding one song at a time or two songs doesnt hurt that much and again playlist is going on shuffle, saving me from computer and phone and i have time for my daily routines and they are not breaking down anything and no invasion is made to my time and life and i can enjoy emotions and feelings from the music without having the need to go and do something on devices, and still i enjoy my fave music, 2nd playlist now works as a playlist in work, continuously adding, sometimes i dont even add for a week or so, so literally to do this 3 day job, saved me huge amount of time that i have spent since 2018 sitting next to a computer and you know, you get the idea :) so that is a tip for Rick and for anyone who need to free yourself and still be able to enjoy the music without interrupting your time and workflow and daily routines, just put few days into playlist, and you save yourself from days and months or years of interruptions and taking your mind away from what youre focused on and so on, much love everyone, much love Rick, much love Andrew


For most peolle with a fulltime job (or several jobs) this is an unattainably comfortable lifestyle.


The episode was awesome! Aleays great to listen to such a legend. 💡🎙


To each his own. Sundown comes and I start a rockin'!


Rick rocks! His book about creativity is one of the bests I have ever read - thank you for that. Can you tell us more about your red glasses? That seems to be very interesting.


The no work-related things after sunset is big and him talking about any form of stimulation regarding that I can definitely relate.
Even just texting someone can be detrimental to my sleep.


That phone tip is really handy. Just discovered it due to you guys .Thanks a lot .


The red phone filter- game changer, thank you!!


Brian Eno, David Lynch, Rick Rubin. It is possible to live one’s life as art.


What do red glasses do and what kind of red glasses work ?


"Science often follows the practitioners by many decades"

Andrew is getting at such an important idea here — something that also explains the gap between scientific knowledge and meditation/yoga.


I would love to hear Rick’s thoughts about the balance between stepping away from “mankind’s loud devices” and his life’s contribution to these same devices. No shade (pardon the pun), just curious.


Rick Rubin! 🤘🏼. Looking for the red light option on my phone. And the irony of “loud devices”. Brilliant and funny.


We fall asleep. By rights we should fall awake. This is prime time for connecting our wake state to our sleep state. It’s a source for creativity.

Hypnopompic and hypnogogic states are ripe for exploration. Before going to bed, turning the lights off/down and staring at the night sky is extremely beneficial for enhancing hypnogogia.
