Ask Dickey! E22: How Do I Grow My Natural Hair?

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Dickey has advice for how to grow out your natural hair and discusses the best regimen for natural hair growth for kinky and curly textures. From keeping your hair moisturized and elongated with Wash N Go's to using protective styling for hair growth, our favorite Texture Guru has all the answers to maximize your hair growth treatment. Dickey also stresses the importance of regular hair cuts every three months to take care of those tangles, split ends, and pesky fly aways.

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Best advice. My hair is the longest it has ever been. I could never grow to my below my chin. Now it's touching and and back. It feels like a dream.


I have low porosity, 4C, fine strands and I’ve started co-washing daily. I’ve only been doing it for 1 month. I’m already noticing a difference.


Took me years to find a regimen for my hair that allowed me to retain length! Years😩 but I think I finally got it down. Yes, dusting my ends on a regular basis made all the difference in the world!


Everyone grows hair. The best question is "how do I retain my length?"


I feel blessed that God led me to you this morning!!! Yas!!! Praise be!!! I live in Ontario Canada. Harsh weather for natural hair. I will be trying your products. Thank you for speaking about trimming. I admit it am fearful of it due to loosing length. However, you explained it logically, and lovingly (your passion for educating about hair shines through). Thank you again. Happy to have my natural hair journey cross your path. Continued blessings. 🙏🏽👍🏽


Ive never really tried wash n go's but im excited to try your method today


Thank you for finally answering this question for me I have high porosity hair, 4b type hair trying to avoiding single strand knots and tangling.


Sad that I cannot trust stylists. Have had so many horrible situations. I live in NJ maybe one day I can see this gentleman.


But how am I only coming across your channel? 😭


This gentleman has taught me everything.


You spoke nothing but the truth. My hair has never been longer than just past my shoulders. I never quite understood why, but attributed it to coats our clothes rubbing against my hair and creating split ends that I wasn't cutting. I started wearing protective styles and started manipulating my hair less and less once I became very ill. My 4C hair was extremely brittle and dry and felt awful. I had that yucky dry lupus and autoimmune hair with bald patches and couldn't do anything with it. I found the perfect regimen for me and now my hair is soft, and almost down to my waist. My hair has never been this long EVER!!!!. Even with shrinkage my hair is quite long. I love my hair!!!❤❤💜💜💛💙💛💛💕♥♥♥


This video has really helped me! This is my second adventure into my Natural Hair Journey and I have just discovered that my problem is largely the way I handle my hair more so than finding the right products. I am working through the second go round of my journey and have found that products just sit on my hair but yet it feels really dry (I think that is an indicator to low porosity hair type - gotta do some research). I have learned patience and endurance and I am hoping in 3 months I will see a difference in either volume or length. Fingers crossed. :) Thanks again for this post and I am looking at your others as well to make this adventure a successful one.


I am tempted to dry cut my own hair because some people can get scissor happy. Believe it or not, I just found these videos and have been binge watching. I am taking a pause from braids and wigs to give his methods a fair chance at working for me. Wish me luck? I am high porosity type 4. I have found out that my hair loves argan conditioners


I'm so very glad to see this new series from Dickey. I've watched your old vids over and over wringing every last drop of information from them.

QUESTION FOR FUTURE VID: How do I best cater to different porosity levels in my hair? My nape area curls on its own, holds moisture well, and does what I tell it to do. My low porosity temple edges, on the other hand, are VERY resistant to ANY liquids and creams, even water immediately drips.This leads to dryness and breakage. Only the steam room seems to allow even conditioners to penetrate.

My edges seem to act well to penetrating oils on damp hair...but that leaves me "spot treating" my edges daily. Your thoughts?


Hello Dickey, I just wanted to say I love your videos. Your videos are informational and inspirational. My long-term friend and hairdresser just cut 4 to 5 inches of my hair off without any type of style, completely uneven and chopped up leaving me with 3 to 4 inches of hair. I have type 4 finely textured hair that is thriving NOW from my daily Co washing. It's so uneven I'm not wearing it out, just trying to grow it out until I can do something different with it. Thanks for all you do.


I decided to go natural and did the big chop July 2017. Still searching for a good product but im loving this journey. I ordered the kinky set to try on my 4c type hair. Hope my hair agrees with your product.😊


Thank you so much for these important videos. I have a variety of different texture hair from 3b/c/4a. I am really into learning how to grow my hair healthier and longer. I have been natural for several years now. Not knowing what products to use. I have now gone with natural aryuvedic oils route. Which had been working. I would like to know how to style my natural hair better than just leaving down or in a bun. I wash my hair every 4-6 days. Due to my busy schedule. Any recommendations on styles also is it ok to leave your hair out for every wash and go? How would I know what type of texture hair that I have just for my reference? So I may know which product to use? Thanks so again for taking time out making these videos I am glued to these videos !! Super important to me. Many blessings.


Ive heard u say apply heat to dry hair to heat the conditioner and moisturizer into the hair. i let my hair air dry. why is heat drying important?


Hi love your vids I'm 4a low porosity. I co wash everyday but my hair ends still continue to break


Mostly great advice! I disagree with the statement that everyone’s hair grows at the same rate, but otherwise, great advice. I enjoy watching your videos 👍🏾
