Why Smart Meters are a bad idea? The Risks of using Energy Smart Meters.

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Watch this video before considering installing or using an energy #SmartMeter

What is a smart meter and how do they work? In this video I identify and clarify the risks of installing and using energy Smart Meters and why I believe it is a bad idea with little benefit or reward.

#SmartMeters #SmartMetersUK #Risks #SaveEnergy #Privacy #Dangers #Benefits #Health #Conspiracy #Government


Smart Meters, Smart Meters UK, Smart Meters good or bad, Smart Meters pros and cons, Smart Meters dangers, Smart Meters Critics, Smart Meters Reviews, Smart Meters Privacy, Smart Meters News, Smart Meters Law, Smart Meters Compulsory, Smart Meters Health, Smart Meters Solar Panels, Smart Meters Cost, Smart Meter Installation, Smart Meters problems, Smart Meters app, Smart Meter reading, Electricity, Energy, Save Money, Save Energy Bills, British Gas, EDF, SSE, Scottish Power, NPower, Hacks, Free, Conspiracy

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My understanding is, currently, if an energy provider want's to cut you off they have to obtain a Court Order for access to your home as, otherwise, they'd be trespassing if you denied them access. A smart meter can disconnect you remotely literally by a click of a computer mouse at head office. Who benefits here I


The word “MANDATORY” does not mean it’s law, only if one complies. even after they make smart meters mandatory, it doesn’t mean it laws by law. People should research legal terms.


Just the fact that this is being pushed raises my alarm!


I've already had this conversation with EDF. They constantly peck away, warning us that the analog meter will be switched off at some upcoming date, I can't remember when that is supposed to be.
I'm not having a smart meter, they can shove it where the sun doesn't shine. If it comes to it, I will make my own arrangements for power supply and they can fork off.


It doesn't save you money unless you turn things off.


I had clicked on and off a few videos before I found this. This provided all the information I was looking for.
I was sceptical and now I know why. I was right about the jab as with this. Thank you.


What annoys me is that we have had the cost of the meter roll out put on our bills without our consent. It’s hundreds of pounds to get the detail of what I’m using. I have already had power monitoring in my house for 10+ years so I know I’ve reduced my usage down to about 80 watts base load. There’s no way I can reduce it further without turning off things I actually use so a smart meter is not going to benefit me.

On top of that the damm things are able to measure power factor and charge accordingly at the moment we don’t pay for power factor adjustment.

My parents have one installed and the home unit crashes on a weekly basis. If they can’t program that then I don’t trust them with accurate metering and security.


Thank you, frightening the use they can make of smart meters. My direct debit for gas increased from £95 a month to 334. A month. I have disputed that I am using more gas since since my husband died i am using much less heating. I have had a tremendous trouble to persuade them that the smart meter reader is faulty. I would get rid of it, but once it is installed no company will allow you yo get rid of it.


As a ham radio operator I think the RF part of them is a concern.


After the jab fiasco, they think I'm going to get a smart meter? No way!


The other thing they never mention is the cost, although small, to run the smart meter and its display, which is added to your bill.


Everything electric isn’t always a good idea. I saw a funny story about a man who had left in his electric car with family only to break down down the road. They couldn’t find a charging point anywhere and the rac guy said “I’m not an electrician, it’s basically a laptop on wheels” now this family are stuck with this expensive useless car 😅😅


You know at one time most people were SMART Enough to know when they were using GAS and ELECTRIC smart meters only give the Energy Thieves to have full control of your energy ! They would have to pay me a hell of a lot before i had one


There was a case in the US where information from a smart meter was used in court as evidence, this related to use of hot water and cleaning a crime scene. The extra usage came into focus when compared to the average daily use of the tenant. The same could happen here. imagine saying that you live alone, then the meter grasses you up as you have 2 baths during the evening. I doubt it will be long before all agencies are able to benefit from the information harvested.
Someone also mentioned the other day, that when combined with a dimmer switch in the house, that the electrical field is pulled in further.
Regardless. not having one.


I have experienced a house fire due to faulty electrics and heard that the smart metres can cause fires. So not happy to install one until there is clear evidence they’re safe.


Thank you. I already did not trust this technology and have not installed one, but your list and the useful links to your sources in the description are a reassuring message that I did the right thing.


The last time I looked for an energy deal (my current fixed tariff is about to end) I got what seemed an excellent quote but then found out I would be forced to have a smart meter. So it seems there is some "price strong arm tactics".


Yet he has no problem having a cell phone in his pocket all day long. Also, worried about security while having computers around the house.


Just a side note, a generation 2 onwards can be changed remotely by suppliers. Also DNO'S want everybody in/on streets, estates etc to install them so they can lower the voltage at off peak times (during the day usually) potentially saving THEM energy. (Called smart street/local) problem arises some household appliances will not work correctly and go faulty because of lower voltages.
Smart meters are about CONTROL ONLY !!


Smart meters are clocking up power usage when no power is being used on particular types of device. Heat pumps seem to case a smart meter to register more electricity that they could not possibly be using. It may be a particular type of electric motor in some heat pumps which generates a waveform which confuses the smart meter electronics.
