Dr. Rhonda Patrick | Zero Q+A

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We sat down with Dr. Rhonda Patrick to get answers to some of your frequently asked questions.

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Can you discuss in further detail why you recommend a water-only fast versus consuming coffee or amino acids while in a fasted state? I am looking to optimize my morning workouts with amino acids or a caffeine boost and want to know what benefits I am potentially missing out on versus the benefits I likely still receive.

First of all, thanks for all that you do! You have changed my life. Is there any more evidence yet surrounding if having coffee, tea, supplements, etc. while fasting disrupts the benefits of fasting? What about electrolytes?

Has there been evidence that one method of fasting is better than others?

Will consumption of exogenous ketones disrupt a fasting state?

I practice a simple 12 hour eating window and a 24 hour fast once a week. My question is, are there any downsides to training fasted as I usually do? The exercises involved are heavy weight training and moderate cardio afterwards. Just wanted to know if I’m metabolically doing harm or having adverse effects on the intended goals. Thanks and much love to your work.

Can you elaborate on the growth-longevity trade off? By fasting we down-regulate the aging pathways such as mTOR, growth hormone, and IGF1, but in order to build muscle through resistance training we need to eat protein and have these pathways activated in order to maintain/build muscle. Is there a way we can get the best of both worlds? Is this trade off overstated? How so? Thank you!

The ideal way to break a fast; is there a method to the madness with macro timing as it pertains to glycogen levels, or is it fine to eat anything in particular once you reach your eating window?

Does caffeine interfere with autophagy?

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Rhonda inspired me to start taking my health seriously in preparation for getting pregnant. Lost nearly 30 pounds in the last few months and still going strong! Thanks for everything Rhonda x


This was fantastic. Dr. Rhonda Patrick is extremely intelligent and very informative.


She’s awesome. I listened to all of her joe Rogan podcasts.


LOVE Dr. Rhonda. She is the reason I downloaded the app. Been using IF a couple years now after hearing Dr. Rhonda discuss the benefits. Sixty-five years old and down 50 pounds with no looking back. This is sooo easy. Never was a big breakfast fan so skipping this is no big deal. One meal a day is very easy to accomplish when I am too busy to eat. Thank-you Dr. Rhonda for your information and inspiration!


I do OMAD. One hour window with no coffee or tea. Just water for the other 23 hours. Giving up coffee was rough but I love it. 110 days in, lost 40lbs from 186 down to 146 and I’m still going. No plateaus and all skin inflammation and problems GONE. Once every 2 weeks or so I will eat with an 8 hour window, have coffee, have fun, whatever.


YAY! First time seeing Dr Patrick outside of the JRE podcast 🖤


Rhonda you are an encyclopedia of new knowledge on metabolism and Mike you are an excellent interviewer Great combination thank you both.Hoping for more interviews like this


You’ve no idea how much cognitive clutter I’ve had to parse through to lay to rest the frustrations of seemingly contrary phenomena, ie., protein/mtor/muscle/ growth/ cancer. etc. Say WHAT!? Dr Patrick found the missing puzzle piece for me. As did Dr Attia regarding another issue before her on another podcast you posted. SUBSCRIBED. The questions you receive represent the current pulse of the health and nutritional status of concerned thinking people who are searching for answers. Good work, thank you.


Always a pleasure to listen to Dr. Rhonda Patrick! She is so knowledgable and informative.


Rhonda Rocks!!! She is so passionate and intelligent and a total pleasure to listen to. Keep up the great work!!! 👏🏻👍🏻😊


From my experience weight loss on 3-5 day fasts is greater without coffee, but pretty tough if you depend on caffeine. Less coffee means better sleep which means the fast is easier because you feel better, or fresher with more energy to help you get through grehlin surges, especially after caffeine withdrawal symptoms have eased.


Thank you for the info!
We need funding to research effects of black coffee on autophagy/the gut/etc vs water only.


Loved the video but.. you said without further adue lets get into it .. BUT before that lets talk about... ect lol. Thanks for getting rhonda on!


Is this available on a podcast? If not, it should be!


On minute 29 Dr Patrick mentions about the meta analysis of feeding, fasting and exercise. It should be noted that many of the studies in the meta analysis are not “ketogenic” in nature as there are not that many ketogenic research. Therefore there will be some bias or missed information that may not particularly be geared towards individuals practicing a ketogenic lifestyle.

The record long distance runner is on Keto.


It was worth listening to the entire video just to hear that black coffee may enhance autophagy at the very end. Plus she's awesome.


Mike, you are a very good interviewer and your clarifications throughout were very helpful. Would kindly ask that you consciously eliminate the affirmative noises and uh hums, which are natural in conversation but which are tough on the listener in a taped interview. Very minor point and not a criticism. Please keep these coming, and the app is fantastic.


Fasting with caffeine still benefits up to 30%.Ok.
Now, if you fast without the caffeine, how much more you will benefits?
Thanks from Brazil


This is amazing, I do time based eating and I like to fast, and before I do I drink coffee with butter in it. I am ready to follow whatever protocalls she recommends. If she has a book or if Zero has any book? I'm a student and a life long learner and a new subscriber. Let's go!! IBFI-1?? Apofagy?? Emtor?? Love it!!! How to you time your eating to your sercadum rythum??


Should I stop my daily 500mg of NR during a 48h fast for best benefits? NR could reduce the stress in the body caused by fast because it provide a form of energy to the cells.
