6-Minute Lean Legs Upside Down Workout 💥 Pelvic Floor Strength Without Kegels!

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Inversions while menstruating: Most yogic traditions encourage women to AVOID inversions (such as shoulder stand) during their period. From a physiological standpoint, doing inverted poses during your period will not harm you. However, many women (including myself) prefer, energetically, to avoid inversions while menstruating. I like to "let it flow" during that time of the month, and inversions feel like they're preventing that from happening. My advice: Save this workout until AFTER your period!



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Dr. Brianne Grogan, PT, DPT offers health and fitness information intended to assist you in improving your general health and well-being. These videos and written text are designed for entertainment and educational purposes only. Please consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program.

All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks, particularly exercise done independently without individualized supervision from a qualified fitness trainer or healthcare professional. Due to the nature of video instruction, you must take full responsibility for your safety and know your personal limits. *Stop if you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath.*

By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge FemFusion Wellness LLC / YouTransformed LLC / Brianne Grogan from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of FemFusion Wellness LLC / YouTransformed LLC / Brianne Grogan's negligence.

Do not rely on the information presented as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice because of something you may have read, heard, or viewed on this site or channel. The use of any information provided on this (or any associated) video or website is solely at your own risk.

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Fitting MORE MOVEMENT into your day not only increases energy, improves your mood, boosts strength, and tones your body, it has also been shown to prevent chronic illnesses such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes (to name just two common conditions). Movement breaks will help you fit MORE FITNESS into your day. Do a little bit a lot, and see how good you can feel!

For vibrant pelvic health: Eat clean. Move every day. Shine brighter!
#pelvichealth #core #pelvicfloor
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👉🏽Note: If you have prolapse, be very careful with moves that have both feet off the floor. ⚠ The difficulty is less in the feet being straight up toward the ceiling, and more in the **transition** in and out of the position. Bring one leg toward your chest at a time and use your breath to help manage your intra-abdominal pressure (exhale as you enter and exit the legs up position). If it doesn't work for you — if you feel too much downward pressure during the transition — then skip this video for now and perhaps you can work up to it later!

👉🏽Note 2: if you have any concerns about the full "shoulderstand" pose, use the modification I show with your pelvis on a yoga block and your legs straight up toward the ceiling. This is called "waterfall pose" and it's great for anyone who's not ready for shoulderstand.

🖤❤💖 Enough with the caveats, just have fun! And if it's not for you, no worries!!! I have 700+ other videos for you to choose from here on my channel, lol! 😂


I don't know what time is it now where you are living so I just want to say Hi to you, and how your exercise has helped me a lot since I started to do them there has been a massive change in
On my pelvic floor, I have examined myself, and I feel my pelvic wall coming back nothing was there before I started your exercise but now there is close I went to the doctor and she examined me and told me my bladder fell and would have to do surgery I did not do the surgery said to myself, I am going to go and youtube and typing in pelvic exercise and there I see your videos and from there I started to do your exercise everything is coming back to normal thank you so, so much ❤️❤️🎁


I’ve also done these with clients with the pelvis on the 9 in small ball during my Pilates class. It can add a nice balance component that also strengthens the core, while also giving support to those not ready for shoulder balance. Good exercises!


Excellent video. You are amazing, motivating and very clear with your instructions.


You are amazing, I just found ur channel. I have so many problems with my pelvic area, uterus and I have pcos. Really trying to get better, will definitely start some of your exercises. 🥰


I have high BP but I will modify with the block and incorporate this in to a practice. Thank you ☺️


Awesome video, thank you. Can you make a video based on weight loss exercises that is prolapse safe?


Thankfully, I remembered this workout! I broke my big toe and now I am trying to find leg exercises to stay even while wearing a boot. Turns out inversions aren't great for prolapse alone but also for broken feet. Let's see what happens if I make this video part of my routine for the next 5-6 weeks :D


Hello dr.bri can you please do video on controlling urinary incontinence .please. thankyou


Thanks! Nice session! Also....It’s nice to do fish pose after shoulderstand!


Thank you for these!! Can I do them from a headstand, since I can balance on it easier than a shoulder stand?


How to prepare the body for shoulder stand inversion?


It's extremely effective but it's too much tough 😔


Hi thank you for this video, how many times do we do these excise thank you this workout.


Damn! I used to do that when I was young. Now I cant get my butt up.


Can I start out with a lesser count? I'm 66 and don't have that much stamina.


Could you pls share most effective 5min kegel exercise workout while on bed


How do you feel about standing abs workout for prolapse??


It's funny I do these as a joke ever since I was a child. Wow I didn't know it helped the pelvic floor....
