PREDESTINATION DEBATE CHALLENGE | Dr. Leighton Flowers | James White | Soteriology 101

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Once again, Dr. James White, of Alpha and Omega Ministries, has brought a critique of Dr. Leighton Flowers' views on the doctrine of Predestination.

Let's Dive in!

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#Leighton Flowers #Predestination #Calvinism #Provisionism #Calvinist #Salvation
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I used to respect James White many years ago, but not in the last 5 years. I've always greatly respected Dr Flowers for his biblical demeanor, honesty, scholarship, and most importantly, his Christian BEHAVIOUR!!!
Joshua 24:15 ...As for me and my house we will...
Cearly this is God given FREE WILL to make a personal choice as to who will I worship!!!


Leighton Flowers and James White's back-and-forth are absolutely historical. I love it. GO PROVISIONISM!


I have been predestined to believe Jesus is everything and my salvation rests on him and him alone and also predestined to reject the entire tulip.


The pride is so entrenched in calvinists like White that it is very difficult for them to even consider they could be wrong or have been deceived.


This is a great video. I learned about your channel through James whites dividing line. He talked about a tweet you made of a wooden puppet with strings that said this is how god works in Calvinism. Glad I found this channel.


My wife and I recently decided we could no longer sit under the authority of Calvinist elders in a Grace Baptist Church. I had not fully realised that it was Calvinist/Reformed over the three full years of our association and it was not glaringly apparent after we joined membership, but in the past six months various comments slipped into the preaching of the Word that really troubled my conscience. The penny dropped when the elder revealed his hand on Predestination and the Elect, but until that point neither mum wife or I realised..
We had always attempted to hold Calvinism and Arminianism in tension, never fully realising that a Calvinist interpretation of Predestination was much like speaking to a Mormon, who uses the same words as a Christian but it means something quite different to what we would understand.
Thank you Leighton for your amazing work to expose Calvinism to be a different Gospel
Yours in Christ
Kim and Keith UK


40:05 James White's systematic distortion of his opponent's ideas makes it quite hard to believe he's not being purposefully misleading.


Proverbs 1:29 "For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD."


I always appreciate your work and your humility brother. Hope you and your family are doing well, God Bless


Can’t thank God enough for this channel!


The predestination of God and freewill of people seem contradicting to some. But when you understand the foreknowledge of God, you can see how they are not contradicting at all but work perfectly together.


Thank you Leighton!

I've been reading through scripture for years.
There are just simply too many "if/then" and "because" statements throughout the entire bible, for me to be able to accept the theistic determinism of Calvinism.

We're all wrong sometimes,
I think Janes White should begin considering that it could be possible that his theistic determinism philosophy is incorrect.


Great episode! I believe White will be afraid to accept this debate. *Leighton rolls his eyes*


My family started leading a disciple making group. We felt led to do this. We started to teach reading creation to the cross, hold each other accountable, a follow up on these "I WILL" statements that were statements saying EXAMPLE: "I will talk to my neighbor who I had an argument with" and making sure they did this each week. THEN 2 weeks in a Calvinist came and bulldozed his way in and is now leading our group. We no longer are doing creation to cross, "I WILL" statements, or holding each other accountable. Because he is older and knows the bible, he feels he has authority and is now leading the group and talks 80% of the time. The group has bared good fruit since we had a new NON believer give his life to Christ and bring his pregnant girlfriend in group as well BUT bad theology keeps taking up too much of the time and this guy and his wife seem to have this attitude that seems to suggest we don't understand scripture when I ask questions like "is God the author of evil?" and "Does he willingly send people to hell?" We fear the new believers and guests are confused beyond measure when we disagree on this topic. We asked to sit down and discuss outside group and they haven't responded yet. Can you guys all pray that we can have this discussion. I have compiled a bunch of scripture and words that strongly suggests free will is definitely biblical and that God doesn't desire anyone to go to hell. Thank you all and God bless and thank you Dr. Flowers for shedding so much light onto this.


Dr Flowers you are so gracious to those who you disagree with. It is nice to see. Enjoy your show for many reasons but that one for sure.


Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father *through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ* Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.
{1 Peter 1:2}

In summary,
Through sanctification is separation from the ways of the world, (living in the flesh) walking after Jesus, (in the Spirit / Obedience) and the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus, is symbolic of the Atonement, cleansing our record of sin at the Mercyseat, being coverd and justified in Christ righteousness.

It would be irrational to think to place this in a person before they were born and had ever lived.


Is he ignorant or malicious? Honestly, I think he's just lazy and prideful. He thinks he's won the argument already and doesn't have to listen anymore.


Back in the early 20th century, Ben M Bogard, a Missionary Baptist (ABA) leader, debated a Calvinist. He stood and asked if the Calvinist believed that this debate was predestined. The man replied "yes". Bro. Bogard picked up his briefcase and walked out of the debate.


When I used White as a resource when I was going through which bible translations I should be trusting; he didn’t come across as such an obtuse jerk. Perhaps it was because the people he was debating were pretty kooky. Compared to Flowers his manner is blatant in contrast.

Thank you Leighton, you and others brought me out of the disgust I had with the thought God predetermined people to hell. The funny thing is that’s how I naturally read the text, before I learnt hermeneutics.


If I did not know anything about molinism, for a long time I did not, I still rejected being a Calvinist or reformed. As soon as I understood them to believe, regardless of how many different ways to try to get around it, that God chooses this one to go to heaven, but doesn’t choose this one. I knew it that moment that was a failed belief system. They say everyone deserves to go to hell because they choose to sin. The ones they get saved should be thankful. Then they say God didn’t do anything wrong to the others because they did it to themselves. But like Flowers said if they had no choice but to do wrong because they couldn’t choose right unless called how can God hold it against them. It’s such a ridiculous theory.

I know the reform people who read this say I just don’t understand. I’m pretty sure I will never understand because it sounds like they do nothing but double talk.
