Gaining Height Post-Puberty, Growing after 20 is real?

Показать описание
At what age do most boys and girls stop growing in height?
What role do growth plates play in determining height growth?
Can height increase after the growth plates have fused? What evidence supports this?
How do weight-bearing exercises and nutrition impact height growth in young adults?
What are the benefits and risks associated with growth hormone therapy for height increase?
Are natural supplements effective in promoting height growth? What does research say?
How does spinal decompression contribute to height growth?
Can hanging exercises actually lead to height increase in adults?
Important Highlights
"The vast majority of boys and girls stop growing by age 18 and 16, respectively, primarily due to the fusion of growth plates."
"Electroceutical devices show potential in stimulating height growth by affecting the growth plates."
"A combination of weight-bearing exercise, stretching, and nutrition can slightly increase height in young adults."
"Growth hormone therapy, despite potential health risks, has shown efficacy in height increase for young adults with closed growth plates."
"Studies suggest natural supplements like ashwagandha and ginkgo biloba might influence height growth."
"Spinal decompression, including traction therapy, can contribute to minor height increases through vertebral gap expansion."
"Regular hanging exercises are believed to promote height growth by increasing vertebral spacing and stimulating growth hormone production."
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I personally started growing taller after 6 months of bodybuilding and on top of that I am 24 which science did not prove yet


*See the title
Me: Don't do that, don't give me hope


god nerfed me at 5'8 cuz i would have been too powerful if i was taller




I had two male friends that were 24 years old. They started exercising and both grew taller like 2-3 inches.


When I was 18 I was 5’11 in a half. Today I’m 20 and I’m a little above 6’1. Also my third head grew an extra .5 if you know what I mean. So yeah still growing baby!!!! WOOHOOO


Im 21 year old and still growing in height. 162cm right now, goal is 175 cm :) I'll see y'all after 1 year to see results!


You may not believe it because this is the internet and people lie.

I was 6’1” at 21 had a late growth spurt over a 2 month period, I stopped at 6’7”

My dorm mate shit a brick 😂

Science doesn’t know everything.


I have cousins who were about 170 cm at age of 18. they are now above 23 and 175cm or more in height.


Literally grown after 23 three inches now 24


I personally grew 1 and half inch between 22 and 24 after bodybuilding. I think it depended a lot on the amount of high protein and nutritious food I was consuming along with heavy compound exercises.


I was 169cm at 17/18 & today am approximately 5'10 at 21 (5'9.5, volumized hair makeup for that) what I did was
1. went into a good protein diet
2. gained a normal V-Taper body without the definitions, never went to gym all homemade
3. focused majorly on shoulder, back & chest (this gives a tall illusion + healthy aswell)
4. started playing football (sprint & pressure on legs)
5. stretched tf outta my body opening neck, back, hip & knee portions
6. got my posture fixed by changing simple habits
7. hang on a shelve I've once in awhile, even if not that I always to Tadasan (yoga) basically stretching the body standing on toes & taking hand up & above
8. whenever i get out i wear normal shoes but if y'all want can wear thicker sole shoes
9. tho I've got 3inch insoles in my formals which i brought when i was 18, it makes me easy 6'1

so from 5'6.9 to 6'1 all in 3-4 years, enjoy the process & most importantly REMEMBER 5'5 to 5'8 nobody cares ! similarly 5'9 to 6 again nobody really notices.. these height zones are similar (tho depends which country you from)
so dont overthink as its us who think alot cuz we give it alot of importance, just know that for an average guy a man with 500M bank balance & a man with 1B is almost same cuz ultimately they're Rich so a few inches here & there doesnt make much difference its all in our head, all the best


I'm 5'11 (180 cm) and have considered getting limb lengthening surgery to correct this. It is quite expensive (at least $75k), painful and has a long recovery process. Not sure if it is really worth it. I was raised in Turkey and I don't remember the Turks being obsessed with height the way Americans are. I don't understand it, but it seems to be a phenomena primarily in the US and UK. Makes me thankful I was able to grow up in a society and experience a culture where a mans height doesn't determine his value.


Im 38 and i keep growing from 6 and 1/2 to 6 foot 3 in a year


Well ig I’m not in that vast majority of boys. When I turned 19 in August of last year, I was 5’11. Now almost a year later, a month from my 20th birthday I’m 6’6😁😁😁


Last year I began doing pt to address shoulder impingement and back pain that I have been dealing with for over ten years. I noticed I was getting taller. Idk I was just feeling and standing taller. I mentioned my theory to a friend and he immediately exclaimed yeah!! I noticed there was something different about you!!! I was thinking you got taller!! And me telling him the pt story and my thoughts proved to him he wasn’t crazy and him telling me he was already noticing I got taller proved I wasn’t crazy. But I stopped the pt and well, I shrunk back down. Im 5 ten and 28 years old. But I stopped growing in like 8th grade. If anything maybe I grew my last inch or so freshman year high school. But I don’t think so. I think I remember being 5’10 in 8th grade and I never grew again. Until last year. But I shrunk back down again.


I am 6"3" and I wouldn't give up an inch if you paid me! What luck with the ladies; I don't even have to try.


When I was 18 I was 5’6.5/5’7, now I’m 24 and 5’8/5’9, aiming for 5’9 or 5’10 by 25


Actually my is now 20 start and my height is 173 but now I achieve in a year 183 cm then this all are miss they are effective on me I grow 13 cm in a year that's why my height is now 6.2 inch then thank you God for this height then I am the taller of my relatives and my family thank you so much 186cm


When i was 16 i am of 5 feet 9 inch tall and now at age of 18 i am still 5 feet 9 inch tall😂