What view did John Calvin and the other Reformers take on eschatology?

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How did the Reformers interpret the Bible’s teaching on eschatology, the doctrine of the last things? From one of our live events, Derek Thomas and R.C. Sproul look at John Calvin’s theology particularly.

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An optimistic amillenialist is probably better stated as postmillenial, if I understand the terms well. Whatever position, we should not say, “the Bible is…” but can only claim “X view is most Biblical”, being careful to keep primacy with Gods Word and not the system were convinced of… unlike dispensationalism.


We have been in the last days since Ascension. There will be one last day and that is when Jesus comes back to judge the Earth.


The simple answer is that the Reformers didn't reform all aspects of theology. Primarily they reformed the doctrine of justification. Eschatology followed the old Augustinian allegorical school.


"What view did John Calvin and the other Reformers take on eschatology"

Thank you kind Sir...for making a video; titled about eschatology, AKA: "The END times"! (Sorry for the VERY long "comment". But I believe it NEEDS to be espoused)

I like this title, because I am not a member of ANY Denomination, Doctrine or Dogma; all over the world. And NO...I am not a "non Denominational Group either. I gave ALL of that stuff up, 50 yrs ago. And never looked back. Praise Jesus' Holy Name.

But I read my bible and study all the time; and do research of many doctrines, etc...ever since I have been a Born Again Christian for 81 yrs (Turned 90 2 weeks ago). And I love Jesus with ALL of my "Heart, Soul and my Mind". Thus, I am beholden only to Him. And all of my faith is IN Him.

So I have NO faith even in any bible; UNTIL...I close it first and pray often to Jesus; to guide us around satan's lies; and steer us to His truths. Praise His Holy Name. I said all this to say about the "END times" and "John Calvin"...

Sadly, there are more different beliefs and debates about it; than I suppose of any other doctrine ever. Sad oh indeed. And Calvin and his "echo's"' also espoused, yet another doctrine, of the END Time. Sad indeed.

Now there are Calvin "doctrines" that I do believe, like ("OSAS"). And like ("Predestination") I do not agree, etc...And why do I not believe in Pre...n?

It is because I believe John (a VERY intelligent and devout Christian Evangelist) did not know the difference between 1. "Omniscience" vs 2. "Predestination".

Where the first: is KNOWING everything in advance, but it does NOT cause it to happen; in the future. And the 2nd is: where it is KNOWING the future; AND causes it to happen in the future. This is so important Brethren. Please do the research and study. So...

Though Jesus, who IS God, wrote the "Book of Life" before Creation; and put every thing that would ever happen in the future (where many equate that to be "Predestination"); does NOT mean Jesus causes everything that would ever happen. And WHY He gave us "Free-Will".

So, no one would ever be a "Puppet on a String". And on "Judgment Day"; it would show; AFTER that last "Seal" was broken; those who chose (willfully) NOT to believe IN Jesus; And the those that (willfully) did believe in Him...who is a perfect, Quintessential and Fair Judge; from Creation to THE end...

...In any case Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!


It might be interesting to read or hear what John Calvin wrote or said about Bible prophecy but I really haven't found any good sources. (Of course, I didn't really start looking until the 1980s.) I'm under the impression that Calvin himself never espoused post-millennialism but the best-known postmillennialist so far was probably Jonathan Edwards (1703—1758) who is considered a Calvinist. I don't entirely agree with Calvin and I don't subscribe to post-millennialism but I suppose it is possible that if Calvin had lived a couple of hundred years longer, he may eventually have developed a preference for post-millennialism.


Exploring tartaria, you tube channel proposing . That Tartaria is remnants of Christ Kingdom meaning all those beautiful buildings that we cannot replicate, all that art also pantings. And that Satan buried all profs in falls history narrative strongly recommended!?


One of my main objections to the other views of eschatology besides pretrib rapture is that I haven't heard how they explain the abomination of desolation, the antichrist will physically go into the temple and proclaim himself to be God.


Chili-ism? Is that with or without beans?


I know it was discovered and reported prior to RC's passing, but there is a 3rd C sermon that is wholly "dispensational" in that it is not only chiliastic, it is pretrib. Only to Paul was revealed the mystery of the "snatching" away of the saints prior to coming DOTL and the wrath of Danel's 70th week. "Then" in 1 Thess 5:1 is significant in the Greek.


Just like Calvin, I'm an amillenialist




The Bible is firmly amillennial. Not only do many passages teach this, but the idea of premillennialism that Jesus will return and then the Gospel will continue to be preached is just so implausible.


Amazing to me that we just dont believe Jesus’ own words. When you see me casting out demons it means the Kingdom of God has come.
Before that Satan roamed the earth up and down freely. After Jesus came satan was bound- on a leash- he could still seek to devour but not the whole earth all at ince like before Jesus came. Then he is Loosed. Which i believe is now when we see clearly all nations becoming totally evil like in the days of Noah. We are in the little season.


Without Sproul to keep him inline John Macarthur had fallen back into his dispensationalist ways. Which is very sad. His theology becomes contrary to Scripture at that point.


Calvin was a Historicist. He was not amillennial.


Israel in the new testament could mean the believers of Jewish background and the gentiles Galatians 6


So Sproul calls dispensations "radical"? Unfortunately for most Calvinists, they walk hand in hand with the heresy of preterism.


Because the teaching of revelation goes against the teaching of Calvinism, yet just another book of truth that provides proof Calvinism is a false teaching, the 5 points don't line up with scriptures. Those teaching this man made thoughts, believes is doing a harm to all who listening, our Lord tells of the false teachers and what they will suffer for doing so.
