Prideful? Here’s How to Stop and Be Humble

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For those of you who are not in the position to give financially at this time, thank you for tuning in, spreading the word, and (most importantly) lifting up Ascension in prayer!

Today Fr. Mike encourages us to consider pursuing this one antidote in combatting pride and to helping you grow in humility today!

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“Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” I read that somewhere. Thinking of God and others more than yourself. That made sense to me.


I have an extreme level of pride and I was very angry at my family and relatives from the past. I am SORRY GOD!!! I am not better than anyone, and I forgive everyone from my past as they may have made mistakes just as I have made thousands if not millions. I love you God. I am a lowly person not better than anyone. Please forgive my Father God.


Our Lord has blessed me with humbleness…… I’ve farmed for 40 years and admired the incredible beauty of what Gods blessings and bounty bring to each of us. That said I’ve farmed for 40 years and it’s a daily lesson in being humbled believe me… We are nothing without our Lord and Savior


I struggle with pride. Thank you for the advice father. I have started counting to 5 before I speak, it's now become a habit and I found it helps.


Thanks! Your videos have helped me growing as Christian, and accept me as I am. Greetings from 🇨🇴!


Holy Infant Jesus of Prague, please give the entire Ascension Presents team gifts and the grace and help to accept them.


I was taught humility is the only virtue the devil can’t imitate.


I wish I had money to give currently but hubby just got laid off. Just made the step finally to talking to someone about starting RCIA classes and it all started after listening to Fr Mike's Bible in a year podcast. Never thought in a million years I'd be on this path but here I am.


Thanks for all you do in bringing the Word to life for so many people!


"Great question camper" I love how simple he breaks things down and he's so inviting to listen to and doesn't make it feel like a lecture but like a friend giving advice. God bless Father Mike!


Fr. Mike your videos have given me so much joy these last 5 years. You seem to pop up just when I need to hear your words! I was born and raised a Catholic and attended 12 years of Catholic school.

I haven't been to church in several years mainly because of my health. I have been in and out of the hospital many times because my yet to be diagnosed condition. They can't seem to find the cause of my muscle issue. Today I was at the Cleveland Clinic for a muscle biopsy. Two years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I consider myself extremely lucky because I did not have to have chemo or radiation. It was all contained.

Because of you and AP I have started praying the rosary every night before I go to bed, something I have not done since I was very young. I have you to thank for the change that has been happening in my life. Someday I will feel good enough to start attending Sunday mass. I wish I could donate more to help with the cost of making the videos, disability pay isn't the greatest but I will continue to donate when I have the extra funds.

Thank you for all that you do and have done to make my life brighter. God bless you!


I was praying for humility and this pops out in my notification 🥺


O Lord God, please help me to be holy, humble and patient. Thank you Father Mike Schmitz. I am so, so thankful to Almighty God for my family and all the blessings He has given to me and my family. I personally do not celebrate Thanksgiving. I am originally from Honduras where we do not celebrate thanksgiving. So, I will be working twelve hours day shift at the hospital where I work. Say a prayer for my team. The Unit where I work is Behavioural Health Medicine and Surgical Medicine.
Praise The LORD o my soul, praise The LORD o my soul.


Man, thank you for this! I’m stuck in such a miserable headspace and the world and everything appears bleak. I have a lot to be grateful for- if a fraction was taken away, I’d regret ignoring the many blessings I have. I’m really going to give this some serious thought. Probably should write to remind myself when my pride begins to creep back in. Thank you again!


You’ve deepened my Catholic faith! We love all of you at Ascension you in our house. We are grateful for all you do! Thank you!

Merry McVey


I don't know if you actually look at these comments, Fr. Mike. In case you do - I just wanted to say how much I appreciate what you do. I just discovered and started the Bible in a Year series. I am only on day 14 and I have already learned so much! I wish our faith had been taught like this in school. I may have led a very different life. Your honest delivery of reflections and how they relate to all of us is both refreshing and comforting. I get the impression you can clearly relate to the challenges that I, myself face. THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOCATION. Know that you are making a difference in the lives of many of us. Stay strong and I pray that God will flood you with grace and strength!


Thank you to the whole team of Ascension Presents! God bless your ministry 🇻🇦⚜️


Another way to be humble is to love Our Lady as much as you can, since she is the perfect model of humilty. Ask her for the grace to love her, especially with an agape love. The lover desires to be like and imitate the one whom he loves. In other words love her, and you will be like her.


I am not a Christian and I see God as a Universal energy. I find so much help in this even though I am not religious but spiritual. ❤💖


I once knew for quite a while that I had a toxic pride building up in me as I experienced high levels of professional success & income that reflected it.

I knew then to pray for humility, and I got it. Lost my job, and then took a lesser one where I shared an office with a Catholic and started my road to confirmation.

I found freedom on my knees, and true love of self through God’s love for me.

Humility is the greatest blessing one person can receive in my opinion. Just my two cents.
