How to Hip Hinge (FIX THIS!)

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The hip hinge is the most crucial joint mechanical element of a successfully, and safely performed squat. If you want to squat more weight and keep your knees, low back and ankles injury free in the process, you are going to have to learn how to execute a properly performed hip hinge. In this video I’m going to show you how to hip hinge properly with one simple to execute external cue that you can start doing within minutes from now.

The reason why the hip hinge is so important is that it sets up the rest of the mechanics through the ankles, knees and hips during the squat. If you restrict the range of motion in the hips while attempting to squat too upright, you are going to definitely feel the repercussions of this poor form when it wreaks havoc on your knees. In order to direct the load squarely onto the quads rather than the knees you have to learn to sit back into the hips and turn on the posterior chain from the start.

Some people will tell you that the best cue is to sit back. That is tough to do if you aren’t quite sure where the sit should be initiated from in the first place. As I just pointed out, it is possible to lower your center of gravity towards the floor by initiating the movement from the knees. It won’t look pretty and you will place undo stress on the knees, however it is possible. That doesn’t make it correct however.

To begin the squat, you need to hinge at the hip and the best cue for learning how and where this needs to occur is an external cue. That is where the instant fix cue for learning how to hip hinge comes in. All you need is your hands. You don’t even need weight at this point, as the most important thing you are doing is grooving what it will feel like when properly performed.

Place the pinky side of your hand on the crease of your hips. Your hands should angle downwards following the path of the inguinal lines in your lower abdomen. Your goal should be to try and make the hand disappear in the crease between your lower stomach and upper thigh as you descend into the squat. If you can no longer see your hand and feel it squeezed between the leg and abdomen at the bottom, then you have performed this properly.

Your knees should be either a little in front of or in line with the toes at the bottom of the squat. Most importantly, your chest should be up and out with no kyphotic curving of the spine in either the thoracic or lumbar area. From here, you can do an additional drill if you find that your knees are caving in as you go down. Use a mini band or the elastic of your pants to provide feedback for you to push against to keep your knees pushing out as you descend and focus on the hip hinge.

Рекомендации по теме

Jeff, I'm 39 years old, been training since I was 17. I played pro baseball (not MLB unfortunately) and therefore it was my job to have trainers and stay fit year round. I retired 3 years ago but stepped up my game in the gym, partially due to more free time. I want to tell you, in all my years with trainers, none of them compare to you. I had some good people around me no doubt, but i wish I had your information back then. Just from discovering you 4 months ago my training and nutrition changed for the better. Thanks Jeff, I will be a lifetime follower.


"dont drop your pants in the gym" this is the type of high-quality information I come to this channel for.


You're the best trainer on youtube


I never do squats, lunges, or hip hinge exercises. I always feel it in my knees, which means I am not doing them correctly, so I stop immediately. I want to be able to do these exercises, now more than ever. After watching this video and using the hand/band movement he shows, I did a hip hinge for the first time and didn't feel it in my knees. I will be watching more regarding squats, but I really wanted to learn hip hinging the most. So easy, simple, and I am grateful!


Whoa... this changed everything. I’ve always used my knees/legs. Never would’ve thought to move this way. Truly life changing, thank you.


Told me to drop my pants jokes on you I drop them at the beginning of every video


Guys, this isn't the real Jeff. The REAL Jeff would never dare to wear shorts. This is clearly his twin brother or something.


Thank you Jeff for giving such great information. I appreciate every video you make you help me a ton you don't have to do this


Literally every time I search something about the body this chanel has it covered.... Outstanding!


Oh my God, I've never squatted properly once in my entire life until I watched this video. Jeff is my hero


This is great, thanks Jeff! I do squats all the time, and while I try to be careful about my form, my knees often end up hurting the following days. After watching this video I immediately stood up and tried it out and can feel the difference between pinching my hand vs. not by how I rotate my hips. I'm excited to see how this prevents me from jacking up my knees while squatting. Thanks!


getting over a back injury so this is most welcomed. thank you.


Thank you Jeff, I have literally started to feel a lot of pain in my knees yesterday and I think this will be why


´I've heard many people trying their best´to explain the mighty hip hinge but this one was simple, clear and fun. Always the best from Jeff. Thanks.


I've learned so much over the past few weeks just watching you're videos. Keep em coming. Especially your Sore in 6 min series. You Rock Jeff!


I dropped my pants because I was too lazy to go upstairs and get my resistance band! Sixty-two year old  with congenital hip dysplasia (bummer) -- Your videos are helping stabilize my hips.  Great adjunct to my Pilates and rebounding workouts.  Thank you!


hey jeff....can you make a video to fix uneven spinal erectors do to tight Q.L or uneven hips??
my whole left back is bigger than the right (including left obliques and abs)and i get lower back pain sometimes. I've started to loosen up me left Q.L and it has helped but i still feel my left S.E activate and the right one not at all unless i extend my back turning to the left. i tried doing a bent over band good morning while slightly turning my torso to the left and that activated my right side pretty good but i dont know if that is a safe exercise.
hope you see this message.
Keep up the great videos!!


I'm pretty sure this direction is going to change my life in the squat rack. Thanks again Jeff. You are the best.


Hi ATHLEAN X, please can you make another video on anterior pelvic tilt. Your videos are great and I can feel the pain in my muscles a lot more from when I follow your workouts, thank you.


You are reading my diary. Every video seems to answer my questions.
