HOW To Deal With An INSECURE Boyfriend | Dating An Insecure Man

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HOW To Deal With An INSECURE Boyfriend | Dating An Insecure Man... In this dating advice video, I will explain how to deal with an insecure boyfriend and what to do if you are dating an insecure man. This dating advice will help you deal with an insecure boyfriend on first dates, online dating, or elsewhere in the dating process. If you are dating an insecure man, take heed to this dating advice to learn how to handle an insecure guy.

When dealing with an insecure guy, start by identifying the root cause, as it will help you know how to handle an insecure guy correctly. Insecure men can be hard to deal with, but this dating advice will reveal the secrets to dealing with an insecure guy.

Women go through a lot in the quest for love and some end up dating an insecure guy. Insecure men come with their sets of challenges, but a the end of this video, you will know how to handle an insecure guy. I want you to remember that while supporting an insecure man is crucial, you cannot single-handedly fix his insecurities.

As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray that you find this video helpful and that you can enjoy dating and have a fulfilling, healthy relationship.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- How to deal with an insecure boyfriend
- How to deal with an insecure man
- Dating an sisecure guy
- Insecure men
- How to handle an insecure guy
- Online dating
- Dealnig with an insecure man
- Dealing with an insecure guy
- Insecure man
- Dating advice
- Understand men
- Dating tips
- Relationships coach
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



I hope you enjoyed my video " HOW To Deal With An INSECURE Boyfriend | Dating An Insecure Man"


#DatingAnInsecureGuy #InsecureMen #HowToHandleAnInsecureGuy #HowToDealWithAnInsecureBoyfriend #HowToDealWithAnInsecureMan
#OnlineDating #UnderstandMen #RelationshipCoach #DealingWithAnInsecureMan #StephanSpeaks
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An insecure man is exhausting. My looks have suddenly become a problem to him and its accusations every day in every phone call. I've lost interest in him


But also, alot of men act like they are overly confident, but really, it's hiding their insecurities


An insecure man nearly destroyed me. No amount of reassurance, dressing down, staying home and not seeing my friends was enough for him. His favorite line " it's not that I don't trust you, I just don't trust other people." So he made me responsible for the actions and intentions of other people, sometimes people I didn't even know or see. Always 21 questions, always accusing, always snooping, always always always. Sometimes there's nothing you can do.


8 years of my young life wasted on an insecure man. I don’t even recognize myself, I doubt myself a lot when I use to be very sure and confident, I myself have become very insecure when I use to be quite secure in myself. Ladies if a man has insecurities and doesn’t want to face and fix it just LEAVE!!! Time is way to precious


Reject - internalizing his I needed this video a year ago, I was willing to change, adjust at every accusation, work on myself, but I realized, I can't accept punishment like I'm a child. I realize that when he was hurt, he wanted to hurt me back (emotionally) and would make things up to tell me I was flawed... and even though everyone needs improvement, I am not willing to accept his claims as truths... If every month, there is something I'm doing, then obviously, I'm not for you..
I lost myself trying to conform and am now struggling to reconfirm that I am a capable, reasonable, beautiful, talented & smart...


A confident woman who stays with an insecure man will slowly start watering herself down so much that in the end she won’t even recognize herself anymore. Ask me how I know. 🥺


I think the answer to so many relationship issues in the world today is wait as long as possible to get naked. Sex complicates things with hormones and strong emotions. This isn't a religious thing, and it doesn't need to be hold out for marriage. Just take the time to form a strong foundation and find out about each other's needs and wants.


If you stay with an insecure man and keep giving him chance after chance, he will always blame you because in his screwed up head, he truly believes you're doing something behind his back and he will eventuality hurt you and leave you broken-hearted in the end. If you see the red flags, don't even think twice. Just RUN!


This video is very important for us women to learn. Connecting with a broken man can leave you drained and heartbroken. Thank you Stephan 😊 🙏


I saw the little red flags, I noticed that he was insecure but I didn’t have an issue with that because I didn’t know it was going to really impact the relationship in a bad way. I broke up with him days ago. He’s a really good guy and I love him so much but I just can’t handle constant accusations and bad assumptions.


I dated someone that had insecurity problems for three years thinking that it was going to change it never change.


An opportunity for growth should NEVER be rejected


I agree with this! Not everyone is going to be 100% "healed." Shoot, I'm not! I find that word is so overused nowadays. As long as the person is not toxic or hurtful to you, there is a possibility. We can never change anyone so they have to want to do the work themselves. Love your content and find it very insightful and helpful, thank you!


being able to differentiate between possessiveness and protectiveness is exactly what shields women from abusive relationships. but at the same time, a lot of abusive women use protective empaths themselves. we need to also be aware of the person who needs to be protected. playing the victim can be a manipulation tactic


My boyfriend accused me of cheating on him because I fell asleep for two hours and didn’t text him back. No matter how much I tried to explain myself he just refused to believe me and had this entire narrative planned out in his head. He is extremely insecure. I just don’t know how to navigate the situation. I want to work through it with him but he clearly doesn’t trust me.


No one can love anyone through something they are not ready to change or if they do not see a reason to change. A person can be there to support you if they want change. I have gone through my own healing and it came at the time I was finished healing. There is no need to speak to someone who is there to support you in a negative way. Be gracious that someone is there to support you during your time of need. In today's world most people are worried about themselves only. Be grateful.


I went through this in a marriage of 13 years. Left me insecure and unsure of who I am as a woman. My healing is still a work in progress. I enabled him, and I did all of the changing. I lived every day trying not to make him mad or jealous. He became narcissistic and possessive.


Please stay CLEAR from INSECURE people! They are TOXIC! Set standards. A grounded woman is going to be with a grounded man. It’s simple, I’m not going to purchase a lemon vehicle knowing it’s a hassle to constantly visit the repair shop and it just breaks down anyway. Know your worth! How many individuals do YOU know who suffer from insecurities really get help and change themselves? Time is PRECIOUS so don’t waste your time on something that is not grounded. Have STANDARDS! ❤


Yessss. I met my ex husband in 1988. He tried to take my life once he realized that I got therapy from childhood trauma. He saw me changing. It triggered his insecurities. In the beginning I did ignore the red flags. Awesome Video Stephan!!! Truth sets us free. Actually I did not know I was codependent. Thank God I reached out for help.


It’s hard to not be defensive when you constantly continue to put him in the security place and he continues leave that “security place”. At the beginning of my relationship, my boyfriend was so insecure about the men who was talking to me. He would ask me “ who approached me, who text you”, taking my phone, being paranoid about what he didn’t see. It was so stressful to the point that I wanted to break up with him. He told me that it was because his ex cheated on him that he was behaving like that. I told him “I’m not your ex, learn how to trust me or we would break up”. He finally stopped his no sense after that 😒
