How To Re-Attract Your Ex Back

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How to re-attract your ex back. It's absolutely critical that you understand attraction is fragile and re-attracting your ex means not making mistakes and doing insecure things that will quickly turn them off again. You must learn how to become secure and confident around your ex. Any insecure behaviors will hurt their attraction to you. Coach Craig gives very specific things you need to do to improve your chances of getting your ex back.

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I’m not watching because I want my ex back… I’m watching to support Coach Craig and to learn to be attractive in my next relationship ❤


We broke up 9 months later she came back asked me to help because she had been abused by her new partner I helped her get sober and fight the courts and deal with mental health and poor physical health. She left 8 months later when she started drinking again and cheated. I asked her to come home and talk to me and she wouldn’t. So I just left. Now I’m trying to keep distant from her


Cool video, I'm still struggling with the end of my 7-year relationship. My significant other, who I considered to be the love of my life, left me a month ago, and I can't seem to shake the constant thoughts of her. Despite my efforts to bring her back into my life, nothing has worked, and I feel frustrated and hopeless. I've tried to move on, but my heart still longs for her, and I don't see myself with anyone else. I apologize for sharing this here, but I just can't seem to stop missing her.


Took the leap and purchased ' the knowledge volume 1'. Here we go craig. Look at Me Doing the work 🤗 its my mission to come back with a success story.


You might not be aware of it yet but your ex has already changed the relationship dynamic & put a serious dent in the love & trust you once had. You’re grieving the loss of something. It was taken too soon & it feels unfair, just like when someone dies.
Attempting to reanimate the corpse of a beloved relationship seldom works out how we want it to sadly.


I will see him in two weeks! Im so excited! I will do all your advices! Thanks!❤


This truly works (like craig said only once you are back in contact with your ex). It worked for me a good few years ago now. Craig gave me similar advice in coaching calls and emails, tailored to my situation. My ex came back and we were happy for a while. Sadly i didnt keep doing the work and we broke up again (or maybe it just wasnt meant to be). Im now in a new relationship and i still remind myself of this advice as i think it is important for keeping attraction alive in a long term relationship. For example following an argument, even after we have talked about the issue and made up, i will often want to keep talking about it even days later. I think anxious people often focus on wanting to fix everything and want reassurance etc. This advice reminds me there is a point where this behaviour becomes off putting and it is better to focus on having a good time together. This strengthens the attraction and connection which may in itself iron out issues. Thanks craig, margaret (whose spirit is with us) and victoria


Maaan am I struggling today. It's 9 days since I last heard from him and I've convinced myself I'm never going to hear from him again. It's so hard to work on yourself when I don't seem to care about anything anymore. I miss him so terribly. He is my best friend and love of my life 😔


2 years almost and havent heard a word. But ive heard from 3 other ex’s that i don’t care about in that timeframe


I’m proud of myself yesterday was my exs birthday and I didn’t reach no matter how bad I wanted to text her happy birthday


See that’s what is difficult. We are long distance and he doesn’t want to talk on the phone at all for some reason. He initiates texts and memes every few days but no real conversation on a deeper level. He has mentioned me coming there and him coming here but no solid plans. Uuugh I just want this to be over.


She's actually a coworker. Makes it so tough. Never dated, but we are close.


im 37 and my ex is 35 and we was in a 11 year relationship. we spilt up a 1 1\2 ago when i left our home but in that time we was sleeping together and getting on very well. we also have a 5yo son. before we split up she got a new social life with a bunch of single mothers that we already knew but would be good for her and our son to have little friends! so a 1 1\2 go by being spilt up but seeing each other and getting on well. the last time we slept together was the 12th of dec and on the 16th she said we need to stop and went cold! my world turned up side and it was the first time i realised id lost everything! anyway 2 weeks go by and i got it out of her that she's talking to someone else! ive truly seen my errors and can see hers but she's not interested because of the new stuff she's feeling even tho at this point she's probably only meet him once, she's really isn't the type of girl to be sleeping around that's why i fear she's really looking at the new guy as a serious mate! i think she's a FEARFUL AVOIDANT! she's turned so cold she's unrecognisable. since that time ive worked on myself by hitting the gym and actually feel loads better apart from this nightmare im living in! what's my chances of getting her back?


But if he says he's not ready to date me again right now after we had 3 dates and texting is the only way to stay connected..then what should I do?


4 months into a break up with a pwbpd. They monkey branched and moved in with the guy a month later. Cheated on him for the last 3 months and he knows. They seem unshakeable. Can't go full no contact because we have a child together but felt the transition from back up to total vilify. I don’t see any hope. Not that i accepted the back up placement or anything. But my daughter needs her mom and her mom has all but abandoned her.


I messed up really bad even knowing what I should do because I panicked every time he reaches out and I think I just fumbled it all… and he really just wants to be friends now. But still odd. Because he contacts me all the time. Or at least much more often than I would expect. At least several times a week. Only about a week and a half we didn’t talk. But when he was curious again… after I made mistakes prior. I messed up. Because we had an awkward phone call. And then I started ignoring him. But he was just sending memes or whatever. And he’s been sending me pictures from vacation. I had a conversation with him after the times I ignored him… when he said “I’m sorry I was a bad boyfriend” I just said “thanks for telling me wish you the best” but then I mentioned.. “it’s okay I’ve just been busy with my puppy” and we talked about it… because I was high. And it was a bad idea. And he reached out to me again showing vacation pictures and making inside jokes


Hey Guys this is so true.
I did great at almost all the steps in this video besides the "where do I stand" area :(. It initially only took her 4 days to reach out to me after she broke up with me and after a span of maybe 2-3 weeks, we started texting, going out on dates, etc. On our last date instead of ME living in the moment, I SELF-Sabotaged myself by asking her for more clarity on where I stood and what she wanted from me. At that specific moment, we worked it out but 3 days later I ultimately informed her that I don't feel as if I was being heard in regards to my needs and yet I'm giving her what she wanted.
All in all I OVERWHLED her. That's the ONLY thing I can think of that went wrong and just from that one instant I haven't heard from her in 7 weeks smh. If I could do it again I would have just lived in the moment (I don't have any regrets but it just sucks because I knew I shouldn't have said it before I actually said it anyway lol)..
I've run into her since (last week to be exact) but I simply just told her that its good to see her, gave her a compliment on her new haircut, and told her I forgive her (she started to cry) but I had somewhere to be and also didn't want to overdue my stay as for she was studying so I got that off my chest and walked away with my head high (I was shocked at how much strength I had at that moment but I think it came from doing the self-work over these past 7 weeks. I still have hope but that one moment in time caused me 7 weeks of not hearing from her).
I'm keeping the hope alive but I'm continuing to invest in ME. Good luck to you all and learn from my mistake.


What about a ghosting situation? Would you still not address it?


He reached out and offered friendship and I reacted out of anxiety and questioned him about what he was feeling and could we slowly get back to where we were. I then said no to friendship but recanted and said I’d try. He said we could spend some time doing the things we used to do. I said great, could we talk again? No answer but it’s been 5 days. I believe he’s on the autism spectrum and is scared now. I know I’ve pushed him away again.
I have been considering my anxious behavior and believe I could return to the girl he was attracted to if given the opportunity. Do you think it’s too late?
He said he loved and missed me and had many wonderful memories with me. Is that enough to bring him back?
