Foreknowledge and Foreordination
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Is foreordination conditioned by God's foreknowledge of human choices?
Dr. D.A. Carson
It really is important to see that in the most crucial passage where foreknowledge is mentioned, namely Romans 8, the text does not say that God foreknows what will happen but foreknows us; he foreknows the people themselves. And most scholars who look at those things from within the Reformed heritage understand rightly, in my view, that this is akin to knowledge of human beings that you get between a husband and wife, between God and his people. God not only knows his people, he foreknows them because he's the God who actually is before all things and stands over time. He himself is outside the time, space continuum. So, he not only knows us but foreknows us. In that sense you cannot appeal, it seems to me, to the foreknowledge of God to ground for ordination in a kind of conditional dependence on human decision in which God has had no say.
Dr. D.A. Carson
It really is important to see that in the most crucial passage where foreknowledge is mentioned, namely Romans 8, the text does not say that God foreknows what will happen but foreknows us; he foreknows the people themselves. And most scholars who look at those things from within the Reformed heritage understand rightly, in my view, that this is akin to knowledge of human beings that you get between a husband and wife, between God and his people. God not only knows his people, he foreknows them because he's the God who actually is before all things and stands over time. He himself is outside the time, space continuum. So, he not only knows us but foreknows us. In that sense you cannot appeal, it seems to me, to the foreknowledge of God to ground for ordination in a kind of conditional dependence on human decision in which God has had no say.
Foreknowledge and Foreordination
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According to the Foreknowledge of God?
Foreknowledge or foreordination?
What is the Foreknowledge of God? | Bible answers with Pastor Joe
The Essential Function of Foreknowledge
Divine Foreknowledge
Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom
God's Foreknowledge In Calvinism
Divine Foreknowledge and Predetermination
God's Foreknowledge and Human Free Will, Romans 9:14-33 - Deep in Scripture
Attributes of God #4: The Foreknowledge of God
God's Foreknowledge of Our Choices