Sensory issues

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"I dont have sensory issues" *actually gags when she mentions room temperature water because I can only handle ice cold*


I already know I'm autistic, but this made me realize that "Pepsi makes my teeth feel awful" is a sensory issue.


My mom has vivid memories of me throwing a raging fit as a toddler. Why? She bought me a coat that was fleece lined, I have curly hair, and when the hood was on....I could not stand hearing my own hair inside the coat. And the outside was suede. I'm sure it was a nice coat, but not for me 🤣


that rain jacket bit is so real! its loud, its stiff, whenever I wear one (which is hardly ever) I just don't want to move!


I did not know this about my self... My now adult water assumed this was something I understood and just didn't talk about it...I do not drink stuff from the socks on my get with have to line up the line... clothes I had to sew up after violently ripping out the tags... Refusing to buy a recliner because it felt "icky"...I feel bad when people give me clothes...if they feel funny when i open the box, I am not touching it again...people touch me and I don't like the way they feel...the feeling of the spray eye glass cleaner just sucks... and there's more...I don't think I am autistic but I feel this young lady is a kindred spirit


Incredibly relatable, I seriously didn't think i had any sensory issues until i started realizing all the things i don't like that everyone else doesn't mind. Getting yelled at throughout my childhood and being ralked about by people i thought were friends sure did help me to remember that yeah, not liking some things is a sensory issue 💀 the clothes texture, the feeling of certain hair brushes, having wet hands, fizzy drinks making me feel like ripping my hair out, the sound of certain things making me feel the same way- and the list just keeps going on and on


These comments have made me realize I have more sensory issues than I thought


It's not the tags for me per se, it's the material they use. I *LOVE* silk tags. Silk is my #1 stimming material, I carry around a silk ribbon. But some have this hard, scratchy material. Whoever decided on those is an absolute monster.


Honestly the tag one is so real, I like the ones where the writing is on the clothes, less scratchy


The funny thing is when someone else has a sensory aversion to something you never would have noticed/thought of! Like lots of sensory stuff bothers me, but I used to have a friend who *hated* the feeling of the dishes in my house because they had come out of the dishwasher and had that squeaky texture and I just never noticed it or never bothered me because I was so used to it. I know even in the same exact environment two people will have different like “triggers” but it’s interesting to notice the things that people are more or less used to based on their habits


The tags, Rain jacket, and socks are too relatable for me. I also hate the feeling of anything gritty on my teeth


I HATE RAIN JACKETS TOO! I've never been able too and it made my parents and teachers really concerned when I was younger.


The raincoat, fruit, and the socks is a whole hecking mood


I'm autistic and love the feel of clothes out of the dryer! In Australia, we mainly hang out the washing on the clothesline and I love that sundried smell!


Morgan makes me feel so normal. I have really bad sensory issues and even touching my fingers to a paper towel can make me so upset.😭 Morgan has helped me realize that I’m not alone in this. I love her ❣️


Lol... yeh. I said "nope not me no sensory issues" then remembered i was the kid who'd scream coz i didn't like certain voice textures and tones, and i bolted across a busy road to get away from the sand at the beach first time my parents took me there. The fluro lights in class gave me a headache and flickering fans make me feel like vomiting... i pick clothes by texture and wore layers to "protect me" from the scratchy school uniform and would gag on certain food textures etc etc 🤣


*someone lightly touches me*
*reacts like i just got shot*


Man this speaks to me so much, been like this my entire life. It's NOT fun, alright.


The rain jacket one... I REALLY hate that feeling!!! 😵‍💫 And sound when someone/something rubs it!!! My ears hurt by just thinking about it...
I'd say it is the feeling I hate the most!!!
Violins 🎻 also make that sound when it's played, I used to play violin when I noticed that the sound hurted, but I couldn't quit because my classes were already paid, so I stayed till the end of my classes, every class was a hell... I finished feeling weird and gross in my ears... Then I finally quit, now I'm learning to play the guitar!!! ⭐⭐⭐


Never thought i had so many issues before running into this channel
