Why Didn't Anakin Tell Luke About Exegol?

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Exegol. Anakin Skywalker while he was Darth Vader actually went to Exegol. In the Star Wars: Darth Vader comic series Into The Fire, Anakin/Vader did indeed go to Exegol from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Since Darth Vader went to Exegol between Return of the Jedi and. The Empire Strikes Back, this brings up the question, why didn't Anakin Skywalker tell Luke Skywalker about Exegol? Between the events of Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens, it would have benefited Luke to have known about Exegol. In this video, I explain why Didn't Anakin Tell Luke About Exegol.

Vader tells Luke about Exegol
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Anakin did tell Luke tho, didn’t he? That’s why he and Lando went looking for Ochi’s dagger to find Palpatine’s wayfinder. Why not find Vader’s wayfinder? Maybe it was hidden after Vader’s death so when Luke tried to get his fathers wayfinder, it wasn’t found.


Anakin probably told Luke offscreen since Luke himself and Lando onced searched for the wayfinder but to no avail.


Different theory: Maybe he did. Maybe Luke knew about Exegol and this planet was part of his mysterious search. Luke seemingly tried to uncover many secrets (even Han told us he was looking for the first Jedi Temple), and Exegol could have been one of them.
Now, there are two options: He either failed to uncover this new threat, another reason to go into hiding. Or, and this sounds even more interesting imo, he actually located the planet and became aware of the massive fleet that has been constructed. Maybe this was when he lost his belief that the light side will always defend the galaxy and come out on top, astonished by the Emperor's forces. Perhaps he thought he could keep this secret - maybe it's all myths and visions and the Palpatine isn't out there anymore, but deep down he knew that evil would rise again and he wasn't ready as this information was too much of a burden - even for Luke Skywalker (so much that he didn't even tell Rey or anyone else as he was hoping Palpatine was dead)

yeah honestly it's all dumb speculation, but who knows. Great video as always - I really like this informative, calm style. Keep it up :)


I feel like Luke went on Mustafar but the Webbish Bog didn't give him the wayfinder to Luke.


When it comes to understanding the nature of force ghost and what they can or can’t do, the answer can best be found in one of Star Wars’ biggest influencers, eastern culture and philosophy. As becoming a force ghost isn’t like going to force heaven as some like Alex of Star Wars explained believe.

Because learning the secret of preserving one’s consciousness within the force after death is very reminiscent of eastern and specifically Buddhist concept of achieving enlightenment or nirvana. I mean when Buddha achieved enlightenment, did he go around solving everyone’s problems by shooting laser beams from his eyes or something? No, he instead took a passive role as a guide and a teacher. Helping others to find their own path to enlightenment.

And that’s force ghost are in the Star Wars galaxy. As yoda in empire said “luminous beings are we, not this crude matter”. I believe that the force ghost and by extension the force at the end of the day want everyone in the galaxy to become force ghost or something similar. But this power cannot simply be given or taken, it is taught, learned and earned.

Because much like the path to enlightenment and nirvana, we each walk down our own different roads and journeys in life. As such, we each have to find our own way to enlightenment. And before anyone says I’m talking out of my butt, need I remind everyone that George Lucas (much like Jim Henson) was all about new age philosophy, which was pretty big during the 60s and 70s.


I just got my wisdom teeth taken out this morning so this is perfect timing 👌


Actually, matpad from movie theory has made a suposition about how force ghosts work. He thinks their powers depend on the quantity of living beings nearby, using the life of a planet as an anthena to proyect their power. That's why obi wan only is able to proyect his voice on the death star, but in endor and dagobah he is able to interact with the physical plain. This also explains why he would proyect a physical form on hoth that is midly visible.


I like the idea of the force ghosts just getting better at being force ghosts over time.


The problem with the theory that they learned more over time is that in TCW it’s said that as a force ghost you no longer experience time. The past, the present and the future are the same for them


I thought it was canon that force ghosts can only interact with the physical world if the place is a center of the force.


I bet we'll get tons of details on this stuff as more comics explore it. 😊 Thanks, Gold Man!


Maybe lightside force ghosts lose memories that they gained whilst on the Darkside


I see it like this:
The force ghosts can interact with the living force but can't influence it to the point where it changes the face and timeline of the galaxy. Like they can give them guidelines hand them lightsabers but not fight the battle for them! This improved my viewing experiences and now I love the Rise of Skywalker!


I think that the cosmic force works a bit differently from the living force and some things are still left to learn even for those who have passed on


From my point of view, anakin didn’t tell Luke about exegol because he thought it was pointless. Vader killed the force sensitive experiments, killed most of the cultists (present at the time) and observed an incomplete fleet with a theoretical piece of tech. I assume he told Luke all he knew once he started looking for it, but there was probably no urgency.


Wouldn't be the first time a force ghost doesn't do enough to help.

To be honest, I feel like when you become a force ghost, you become kind of detached from the mortal world. You exclusively see the bigger picture and don't bother to interfer unless you have to.
The will of the force and all that.


Great video! I thought this was a plot hole at first, but now it all makes sense! Thanks, man!


This is interesting. I would be unsurprised to see an explanation to this question and others in the near future. I don't doubt this time around LFL and Marvel thought about and planned this out.

Great as always, Gold Man!


Because the concept of Exegol didn't exist before The Rise of Skywalker. Obvious.... ;)


Vader only saw the Star Destroyers and the Sith Cultists on Exegol. He never saw the Sith Eternal legion armies. Also, Vader thought Sidious was dead for good after throwing him down the elevator shaft in the events of "Return of the Jedi". The Sith Eternal only existed for Sidious and if he fell, the Sith Eternal would crumble. Vader underestimated how independent the Sith Eternal was from the Galactic Empire as well as underestimated Sidious' power in the Dark Side (Soul Transference). It should be noted that the Sith organizations easily fall apart once the Siths in charge are dead. Also, I think Sidious built the Sith Fleet with the purpose of conquering the Unkown Region (a region deeply entrenched with the Dark Side). Sidious did tell Vader that the purpose of the Death Star was to replace the Sith as the main figure of fear in the Known Galaxy so they both can have the freedom to explore the Dark Side and unknown regions in the Galaxy (Force Nexuses and Dark Side worlds). The Sith Fleet was to be the symbol of fear in the Unknown Regions. Anakin likely told Luke about Exegol and the Wayfinder in Vader's Castle. However, the Wayfinder was already gone and stolen, forcing Luke and Lando to find other Wayfinders. It is also likely Anakin followed the will of the Force and that it is not right for him to tell Luke the full story of Exegol (similar to how Force Ghost Obi-Wan was vague about Anakin's backstory to Luke). The will of the Force mostly revolves around the balance between the Light Side and the Dark Side. The Light Side was stronger during the years of the Republic. The Dark Side was stronger during the years of the Empire. The Light Side was stronger during the years of the New Republic. The Dark Side was stronger during the years of the First Order. The Force is conflict in STAR WARS.

In Legends, the Sith see the Force as conflict and the Sith themselves as War Manifest. Darth Traya (Kreia) hated the Force and its will believing the Force must be destroyed.
