The Hazbin Hotel Alastor Voodoo Controversy Explained

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In the past few days a controversy relating to alastor in hazbin hotel has blown up. There’s tweets with thousands of likes calling for the character to be redesigned because of his voodoo imagery. I’ll cover it all in this short.

So recently we got some new hazbin hotel trading cards. Alastor’s card features his voodoo symbols. As a result many threads were made on the topic. One complaint is that voodoo is a closed religion, so vivzie didn’t get permission to depict alastor with those symbols. The second is that his although alastor is half-creole, his design doesn’t reflect his culture or race enough. And lastly there were complaints that alastor’s portrayal is reinforcing harmful stereotypes that voodoo is evil.

I have a full video on the topic up on my channel. You can head over to the videos tab of my channel to learn more, or you can click the link on this short.

#vivziepop #hazbinhotel #hazbin

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Alastor isn't in Hell because he practices voodoo, he's in Hell because he kills people and eats their corpses.


"Their designs dont reflect their culture!!!"

The 7 foot tall white and pink mafia spider, the winged cat and the sentient eggs:


Can't believe a 1920's serial killer in hell would be politically incorrect, you know?


“She didn’t get permission to depict him with voodoo”YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT DISNEY DID FOR FACILIER BACK IN THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG?!


You got to love it when the “stereotypes are harmful” people get upset when a character isn’t enough like the stereotype 😂


everything that happens on twitter should be ignored completely


Alastor: faces backlash

Dr. Fallicer: 👁👄👁


I heard someone make the argument that he’s also enforcing the “Aro/ace stereotype that being asexual or aromantic is linked to psychopathic characters!”

When in truth it’s just a fun fact about him as a character and has nothing to do with the story or his development 😭 and certainly not with him being psychopathic.


Imagine being offended by a fiction character not being a stereotype


Bro he has (debatably) the coolest and sleekest designs in the show, do not take that away from him it’s part of the reason he’s so menacing


“Doesn’t reflect his race” is a wild take. He has tan skin even as a demon, he’s performed in two jazz songs in the series, talks about his mom’s jambalaya, IS a vodou practitioner. Y’all want a snubbed nose and curly hair, or is that not enough either? 💀


"She didn’t get permission" Who was she supposed to ask?? Dr. Falcier from the princess & the frog???? 💀💀


And Angel and his entire family are Italian. Vaggie is Hispanic. Nifty is Japanese. Cherri is an Aussie. NOBODY looks like their ethnicity. People tryna find reasons to be mad. I say that as a black woman, btw.


Debunking some stuff, from the perspective of a POC:

"Alastor doesn't look Creole" Yeah, not everyone of a certain race looks like a spitting image of their genetics. We don't know if Alastor was albino as a human, or he could've just had light skin. (I say this as a very light-skinned Middle Eastern dude)

"The symbols still look like Voodou" As another commenter pointed out, they're more similar to alchemy symbols if anything.

"Isn't it racist that Alastor is in Hell and practices Voodou?" Tbh, no. (As a second commenter said) he could've been a Voodou practitioner for malevolent purposes. Kind of like how some people practice witchcraft but only/mainly for negative karma rituals. Plus, this[practicing Voodou] could be Alastor's way of connecting with his heritage.

All in all, I think that people should let this go. Unless team SpindleHorse puts something in that's blatantly racist (which I doubt they ever will), then there's no need to pick on an indie show that's going for inclusivity.


at this point, the fandom is doing controversy for nothing 💀


As a creole born and raised down da bayou in deep southern Louisiana I loved when it was confirmed he was from here as well and it made me so happy that they included him liking jambalaya (which they had done okra gumbo or hushpuppies) and even getting a recipe from his maw. I don’t see what the big deal is that peeps are so unhappy about, honestly I would love to have gotten a bit more Cajun mannerisms when he talked but that’s about it


Saying the show depicts voodoo as evil because Alastor uses it is like saying it depicts Christianity as evil because of Adam's existence


"Alastor needs to be redesigned!! 😡😡🤬"
Alastor: Ha! No


I think it's funny that he doesn't always use it for evil. He uses his voodoo magic in multiple occasions to protect the hotel during the battle


Random person: voodoo is evil

Any Intelectual: Yea he’s in hell I don’t think he’s gonna use the power of friendship
