Why 'LGB'

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What do the letters "LGB" mean and what does our organization represent? Find out in this video.
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Honestly, what we need is that i hope lgb bars and coffee shops return to a less woke place where we can feel normal again, in a safe space just for us.


Im not transphobic but i feel that LBG and T need to be split, LGB is sexuality and who you are attracted to, all based on sex, and T is based on expressions and Identity, and you can’t change sex since sex is biological, also LGB rights dont effect non LGB, where T rights do, like trans women in women sports shouldn’t be allowed biological men are stronger then biological women it’s biology thats why weve always had men and womens sports, if men and women were all equally strong theyd be no need for that devision, also allowing biological men into womens locker rooms shouldn’t be allowed, lockers rooms should be separated by sex which is XX or XY, you cant change chromosomes, and also with biological men being able to considered women erases actual woman, If people want to be trans they can be, but dont affect other people who have nothing to do with you, LGB just wants to be with who the love and T wants stuff that effects other people, and to end it of I say all of this as a gay guy


I am LGB. I am thankful for this. The trans movement is out of control


Thank you, I think the terms LGB and T are very different and even contradictory. We should see both as separate things.


Oh thank god there's people out there who don't just jump on the bandwagon because they happen to fit under the LGBTQAI/2&+ umbrella.

Imagine being told you're transphobic for acknowledging that biological sex exists and that the distinction is relevant.


the LGB i support but every thing after that is bullshit


Nicely and civilly done, with the emphasis on where it should be: rational distinction and emotional/psychological support.


Thanks for pointing all this out. It is sorely needed.


You do realize that trans people don’t just make everyone’s biological sex vanish right?

LGBT have been together since the beginning, and neither of us will go far without the other.

The community just means “anything not cisallohet” and we’re very intertwined. I have met many gay and bi trans people, what do you do with them?


I LOVE that this exists. Keep up the good work.


I am heterosexual but I want to support the LGB Community. I'm an ally!


remember that the leopards will eat your face too


659 subscribers sounds about right. This LGB only idea was dead on arrival.


Thank you for this channel and video I am a 28 y/o gay man and I am tired of all this nonsense I believe in live and let live and I respect all but I have never felt apart of the lgbtq community because of my differing opinions and have always wanted to be proud of my community but as I indulged in its vile behavior from a safe distance and witnessed many videos and stories I have been repulsed I have been called transphobic for my beliefs in not wanting to sleep with trans men and women and I have heard similar stories in regards to lesbians as well I wish people would stop forcing their agenda on people it’s not the road towards acceptance


It sounds like you have more in common with straight people than with trans. Biological reality is the main factor. It also seems that T has more in common with religion - requiring the acceptance of a magical, disembodied spirit that has nothing to do with the actual physical body that created it or in which it lives.


Thank you been unsure of myself it there was a group like this possible since I've been told that I either support all of LGBTQ++++ or non of it when I don't agree with the T at all.


Good, if someone says there is a gay man with vagina 🤮 that is so offensive, that's not how being a gay man works....drop the T.


Why can’t you fight for both lgb and t people at the same time? There is no point to separate the 2 at this point. Gender ideology is not part of the trans identity. What you are pushing here will only create further division and it will destroy both communities. We don’t need more enemies. Keep LGBT together. A house divided cannot stand


dont forget, you owe your rights to a transwoman, for starting stonewall


I couldn't care less about how people feel about what's in their panties, but this is an absurd and divisive distortion of the T in LGBT.
