Should LGB Drop The T?

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In a worrying revelation, Gallup Poll revealed the percentage of Americans who believe gay and lesbian relations are 'morally acceptable' has gone down seven percent since 2022. Could it be the last twelve months of radical gender activism have tarnished LGB people by association? Is it time for LGB to drop the T?

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LGB is sexuality the T is an identity. They're incongruous.


A gay couple live down the end of my street, two great guys, and when I asked them whether they planned on marching in our city's Pride Parade this month, they responded, a bit to my surprise "How can we be accepted into mainstream society when we dress up like clowns and dance and prance in the streets like fools?"


I don't remember getting an e-mail with a clickbox in it from the High Priests Of The Alphabet Community to ask for my vote on changing the flag, adding all of these letters, getting involved in movements that have absolutely nothing to do with us, bullying everybody, and when we decided to call everybody Cis. So who decided all of this for us?


1:38 Gay dude here.
Preach queen. Thank you so much to say this out loud.

I've been indifferent towards the Ts 5-8 years ago. Nowadays I want nothing more but to separate ourselves from the Ts.
Ts have different goals than us, and gender identity is not the same as s*xual attraction.

I'm too tired of being lumped together with the crowd who brings us down


As a bisexual woman I can say that I don’t need a flag, I don’t need a club, I don’t need a parade, I just need everyone to stick with their own business and move on with their lives. We were doing just fine until the wokeness took over


I completely agree! As a G I’ve been using the LGB for a while and been called a bigot, Self hating, a brown shirt and homophobic/transphobic.

I’ve never worn my sexuality on my sleeve because it’s not important in majority of the scenarios in my life. Unless you’re trying to date me, I don’t see how it’s relevant.


As a gay man I have hard time denying that once the trans movement got involved the community got thrown under the bus.


Yes, absolutely. I’m a gay man and feel like the trans stuff completely flies in the face of the existence of gay people.

I liked the pink power ranger in the 90s. I wanted to be her. Thankfully I grew up in the 90s. I grew up to be a perfectly adjusted gay man, perfectly comfortable in my male body. If I was growing up today, the Rainbow Reich would be telling me that I’m trans because I like the pink ranger. It’s sick and exploitative and child abuse and I’m so glad people are waking up to this nonsense.


All the letters after LGB are doing crazy stuff and setting us back. I refuse to celebrate pride anymore because its not what it was meant to be. Im ashamed for the first time in my 40 years to be an out gay man.


Honestly, as a gay man, all I wanted was to be monogamously married in a house with a white picked fence and not fear being beaten in the street, and I've known trans people (fully adult transgender people) who want the same. Thankfully, due to our hard work and by the will of God, I have finally achieved that. Now I have to fear people who, while very vocally protesting for their own... situations, will group us in with them and ruin everything we finally won after MANY centuries of persecution. Now, again, I have to have this worry about letting people know I'm married to a man without them making violent judgments on me based on some crazed person who was screaming on the CBC News, and I especially feel rather betrayed by the "Pride Community" who push it even further.


Drop all the alphabet because we don't need a full for who we sleep with


You know how they say a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link? Well an alliance is only as tolerable as it's least belligerent member. There could be 999 normal-ish queer people and only 1 authoritarian groomer - and that authoritarian groomer will p__s off all the normal people, start a fight, and then the groomer is going to raise the banner of alliance and drag the other 999 queers into the fight.

That's the downside of having this massive intersectional alliance. You may not think you're crazy, but you're in the same group as the crazy.


When i see LGB i think Let's Go Brandon
They may need to re-brand


Society sucks at moderation. I don't know if we're ever going to be able to sustain a healthy middle ground, where its not socially acceptable to discriminate against people based on characteristics they can't change, but we also don't give special treatment to people in percieved "victim" classes, and look the other way when they behave in unacceptable ways. As soon as we have one, it quickly turns into the other.


A flag based on sexual preference is just ridiculous and morally bankrupt.


Totaly agreed - it became embarrassing to be LGB these years because of those alphabet lunatics with whom we are lumped in together with


I veheminitly disagree with the "Love is Love' yard signs. That is aside from the insult that I feel eros for my granddaughters. Not all erotic behaviour is acceptble morally to me. I don't accept S&M. I don't accept peadophillia or hebophillia. I also don't accept people confusing children about sexual matters. Sex is physical. There are no menstrating men. There are no women with male body parts. We do not have the ability to change a woman into a man or vice versa.


Most have tolerated, not accepted. You cannot force people to accept what goes against their own morals.


They should drop everything that comes after LGB


As a G, I've never understood why/how Ts were lumped in with us and the Ls. It's not the same issue. This is part of the reason I have distanced myself from the "community".
