Gear Hack: Increase Your Grip with DIY Zipper Pulls

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Need a bit more grip on your paracord zipper pulls? All you need is a length of paracord, shrink tubing and a lighter.

Measure out about 9 inches of paracord and remove the inner strands. Fuse the ends with a lighter to clean them up and avoid fraying. Now run one end of the paracord through the zipper housing. Next, hold both ends of the paracord together and insert them through a 1-inch section of shrink tubing.

Tie an overhand knot with both ends of the paracord to trap the shrink tubing. Slowly use a lighter on the shrink tubing until it’s formed to the paracord and doesn’t slide. Once complete, cut and fuse the ends of the cordage past the knot.

This quick method gives you a straightened zipper pull with awesome grip.

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Been doing his for years, never occurred to me to remove the strands! That's genius, my pulls were always too thick and stiff, and for zippers you don't need all that cord strenght. Awesome man, thank you!


This method can also be used to store lock picks in your zippers (or shims and Kevlar cord for a compact E&E kit).


I've been doing this a couple years. Also much easier to pull when you are wearing gloves


Can shrink tubing be used as aglets for aramid shoelaces? Or do I need something tougher?


Nice, I'm definitely going to try this. Thanks


Looks better with a couple of single or double snake knots, a mathew walker knot, small monkeys fist or diamond knot
