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February 22, 2024

The all-new Emergency Lock Pick Card is credit-card sized and perfect for your wallet or bag.

Snag a First-Strike Bypass Bundle for a limited time for ONLY $24.99! #LockPicks #LockPicking

For Friday the 13th we have a limited number of “Boo Stick” SPIE Sticks that include a free sticker!

The ITS Mini Signal Mirror is a great addition to your survival kit or emergency pack.

Learning to pick a lock is a fun hobby, but can also teach you a lot about your own home security.

While supplies last, you can get a Titanium Concealment 2-Piece Toolset for ONLY $19.99!

Snag yours for a limited time for only $99.99!

They might feel like magic, but the Lishi Picks are actually just good tools.

Looking for some fun things to do? Check out our outdoor products to help you sharpen your skills.

No movie magic needed, the Lishi Picks just work super well.

The Lishi Picks may not be quite as fast as using the key, but they give keys a run for their money.

Everything you need to practice picking pin and tumbler locks. #LockPicking #Locksport

The SPIE® Marker is your Emergency Overt Escape & Evasion Kit.

It’s the key by milliseconds but the Padlock Bypass Tool is no slouch!

Now available for only $19.99, the Ti Entry Toolset makes quick work of pin and tumbler locks.

This demo with our Modular Practice Lock shows a view of how the Lishis work when in the lock.

The Lishi 2-in-1 Picks are easy to use and work quickly, as you can see from this demo.

Discreet Messenger Bag is back and better than ever! Check out more at store.itstactical.com #EDC

Is This Our Most Discreet Messenger Bag Ever?

Great method for storing and keeping paracord ready to go. #Knots #KnotTying #KnotOfTheWeek

Quick tip for silencing the slosh that can happen with hydration bladders. #GearHack #Gear

Pro Tip: Don’t post photos of your keys online.

The Alpine Butterfly knot is perfect for creating a fixed loop in the middle of a line. #KnotTying