American Reacts to 5 Things You'll ONLY Find in Canada

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Today I am very excited to learn about 5 objects that are so Canadian, you can only find them in Canada. As an American I am very curious about what these secret items could be. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!
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As soon as I hear JJ use his fake put on “aboot” affectation I classify him as nothing but a cartoon and can no longer take him seriously.


The other day you had a video about things that make Canadians angry. JJ McCullough videos are definitely one of those things.


What is this hate on Canadian Tire? I call bs on this. Canadian Tire is an amazing store. I don't share jj obtuse opinion.
Furthermore, don't knock Bob & Doug McKenzie. They're uniquely entertaining and enderingly humourous. JJ doesn't speak for me.


The first thing that you should learn about Canada is that JJ McCullough is full of crap. In almost all of his videos, he simply makes a lot of stuff up.

Canadians do not "slather" vinegar on their food. Some people sprinkle it on their fish and chips. As they do in the UK, Ireland and a number of other Commonwealth countries. In the UK, they usually use malt vinegar. Canadians often use white vinegar.

Canadian Tire is like Tim Hortons in that people love to dump on it but in reality, they love it. Canadian Tire stores are great. They do not smell. They are not messy. The only legitimate claim against them is that they often do not have enough staff around to help people. It is most people's go-to store for almost everything not grocery or clothing related.

Canadian Tire money was a loyalty program introduced in the '50s. It has not been around for a few years. The Canadian Tire bills were actually printed by a company that printed real money, using very similar paper. Everyone in Canada would have a few bills shoved in their junk drawers or in the glove compartments of their cars.

HBC blankets were traded to first nations people (along with other useful items) for Beaver pelts. The blankets were often used to make winter coats and other clothing. They are of great historical significance. And their stores, known as "The Bay" are nice department stores.

I am not sure if the stubby bottle he showed was a real stubby. It is certainly similar, but it does not look quite right. Jamaican Red Stripe Beer is still sold in bottles that look just like the stubby bottles. Stubby bottles were created to set a standard when all of the breweries wanted to set a standard bottle so that when they were returned for the deposit, they would all be the same. Before the stubby, beer came in longer necked bottles. In the '80s, Breweries decided to go back to the longer neck bottles.

A few years ago, some of the breweries went on a nostalgia kick and re-introduced the stubby, but they did not last for long.

Canadian Footballs are a bit wider than NFL footballs. Canadian football has a longer, wider field, with bigger end zones. There are 3 downs instead of 4. 12 players instead of 11. A few other rule differences.


That JP is full of it. Please don’t take anything too seriously out of his mouth


Vinegar on chips is a very British thing and has been in Canada for decades .Some people prefer vinegar and salt on their fries instead of ketchup.


Canadian Tire gives it on top of your change. This man does not speak for me I love Canadian Tire


Who doesn't like Canadian Tire? I've never heard that before, as a Canadian. I got a free frying pan with Canadian tire money.


Skip any JJ McCullough videos - he takes pride in putting down anything Canadian.

Vinegar is found where you can buy fries, and typically not where you can’t get fries. In Britain, it would be malt vinegar as part of fish and chips, but in North America, white vinegar is more commonly available.

Canadian Tire started off as an automotive company - you went to the counter and they went back into their stockroom to get what you needed for your particular model and year of your car. They also usually have some garages and mechanics and you book time for any work you need done. They expanded into hardware, sporting goods, and eventually kitchen appliances over time, becoming broad ranging hardware stores. The Canadian Tire Money was created in the days long before affinity programs such as “get money back” credit cards - you get it for paying cash (3% of the before tax spend) at their stores or if your credit card is one of their’s you get 1% on any purchase.

HBC Blankets were traded to trappers as payment for animal furs they sold to the Hudson’s Bay Company, going back to the era of when they controlled all of the lands draining into Hudson’s Bay (nobody realised that was about the size of the Roman Empire) and HBC sent the furs back to England to make fancy clothes. The stripes were a branding and people seeing a trapper with one knew that they had earned it. There were also HBC Coats and various other items for living needs - growing up, they were also known as Bay Blankets and Coats, which has to do with the company having shortened its store names to “the Bay” for a few decades. It is now the parent of Sak’s, including the one on Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Stubbies were the industry wide beer bottles because they were the same for all brands, before canned beer started being available. When you get beer in at least Ontario, part of the price is a deposit on the bottle, and you can return it to The Beer Store where it gets sent for thorough washing and then provision to the breweries for bottling more beer, slapping on the appropriate label for that brand. When “Long neck” bottles started arriving in the mid-80s, the government wasn’t sure about them, as that lost the flexibility of using them with whichever brand needed them, especially as some of the early brands had the beer brand logo in the glass itself.

The CFL football now is the same size as the NFL one, but it used to be thicker although a bit lower air pressure to help in making it easier to grip. Because the CFL has one fewer down per play set, and a longer and wider field (although 12 players a side, rather than 11 in the NFL) it makes for a much more arial game with noticeably different strategies. Each season, a few games result in teams who were largely beaten after 56 minutes of play turning things around by the time the hour of play is done.

JJ McCullough (pronounced MicCulla) deliberately overplays “about” and argues for a vastly more American Canada - he had been an occasional columnist in the Washington Post on Canada that could not sell his columns to the largely pro-American (and American owned) newspaper conglomerate PostMedia, as they recognised that his ideas weren’t worth their newsprint. I see that he has recently joined Nebula, but the viewers there likely won’t give him much attention, and as the creators own it, and a number of them are Canadian, I expect that he will fall by the wayside before long there. An example of him being ill-informed about Canada - he kicked up a fuss about Justin Trudeau sitting in the front of Westminster Abbey at the Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, while the American President was near the entrance, feeling it should be the other way around. Canada is a Realm of the Crown, like Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica and a number of other nations, she was our Queen (the Canadian Crown is a hockey helmet from Canadian Tire) and so we were there as family rather than supportive community guests such as the French and American Presidents.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect is strong with that one.


In spite of JJ, Canada Tire is not losing any business. In fact it’s getting bigger. Canadian tire money hasn’t existed for some time.


Canadian Tire is actually a quality, go to for everything store. JJ is obviously not a handyman (easy to tell just by looking at him).


Canadian Tire absolutely sells tires and has an automotive section. I love CT. One of my favourite stores. Not sure why anyone would hate it. Most everyone I know loves CT.


I find that if JJ wants to teach Canadian things to others, he should learn to keep his opinion to himself. If you want to teach things, stay unbiased... picky ONE of the things I hate about JJ... besides his way too big fake ABOOT all the time


I find this person's comments to be more his opinions and not really indicative of most Canadian's opinions….though I do agree that the Hudson Bay colours are iconic!


The video host has no idea what he is talking about. Vinegar is food safe in Canada and in America and Canada we both use Balsamic Vinegar. Americans and Canadians use a stronger % vinegar for cleaning. Canadian Tire stores have a wide selection of camping, fishing, household, electronics, tools, car parts and supplies and the Canadian Tire money was used as an incentive rebate program. They no longer have the money any more but instead use a savings card to collect the Canadian Tire rewards points. The stubby bottles were around for many years until the bottling machines were redesigned to handle the taller bottles with less chipping of the bottle lips and to accommodate twist tops. Canadian footballs are bigger than American footballs and we only have 3 downs and not four.


What he says about Canadian Tire is not true. It’s a very popular store and it does not smell. JJ is not a good subject matter expert on all things Canadian. Sorry.


Don't trust this one guy's opinions.


Tyler, you CAN get brake pads, windshiels wipers and TIRES, but also housewares, sports equipment, kitchen appliances, get keys cut and garden equipment


Tyler, you've really got to stay away from videos that J.J. makes. He is rather controversial in his views. Just want you to know. I see other comments from people agreeing with me. So remember: J.J. ...bad, all other Canadian videos... good!Cheers from 🇨🇦.


Canadian Tire Money was modernized to a discount card many years ago. Customer service and quality of the store are impeccable today.
