Are you using the Microsoft Power Automate Filter Array Action wrong?

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Do you know how to properly use the Microsoft Power Automate Filter Array action? The Apply to Each action used to be my go to action. However, if you need to sift through a large amount of data in your flow—the Apply to Each paired with a Condition action is not efficient.

When you use an Apply to Each and Condition action, you are essentially looping through each item and checking whether the item matches your criteria. For a small number of items—this can be okay. However, it’s always best to filter out the items first before using an Apply to Each action. Why loop through 100+ items when you only need to loop through 20?

The Filter Array action is a Data Operation action. This action can help you reduce the number of objects in an array by filtering out the data based on your criteria.

In this video tutorial I’ll show you 3 practical ways to use the Filter Array action and how to use it properly.

1️⃣ Cross-Referencing Data
2️⃣ Filtering by Key
3️⃣ Substring Matching

Did you know that the Condition action has a limit of 10 conditions?

Although it might look like the Filter Array action can only accept one condition—this is not true. By using the advanced mode you can enter multiple conditions into a Filter Array action with an expression.

✅ 3 Ways to Use the Filter Array Action
✅ How to use the Scope Action to Group Actions
✅ How to Check the Number of Items returned from a Filter Array Action
✅ How to Cross-Reference Data in Excel with a SharePoint List
✅ How the Filter Array Action Works
✅ How to Access the Dynamic Content from a Filter Array Action
✅ How to Filter Items by a Key
✅ How to Filter Items by Matching a Substring
✅ How to Use Multiple Conditions in a Filter Array Action

0:00 Intro
0:59 Three Practical Ways to Use the Filter Array Action (Preview)
2:28 #1 Cross-referencing Data
4:09 Filter Excel Items to Add
5:11 Get Count of Filtered Items
5:59 How the Filter Array Action Works
7:04 Filter SharePoint Items to Delete
10:07 How to Access the Filter Array Content
12:49 #2 Filtering by Key
17:11 #3 Substring Matching
19:15 Helpful Insights: Match the Case in Strings of Text
20:07 Helpful Insights: How to Use Multiple Conditions in a Filter Array Action

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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks! You addressed all of the issues I encountered when trying to use Filter Array instead of Apply to Each. Thank you for this comprehensive yet easy-to-follow example!👍


I've watched a lot of Power Automate videos - this is one of the best I've seen. Great explanations of some advanced techniques. Thank You.


Fantastic solution and great explanation! I learned soooo much from this one video. Thank you!


Really great explanation. I still have one tip. It is possible to use contains in the Get Item action. However the ODATA command is another "substringof('Text', FileLeafRef)".


Reeeally helpful thanks!! What about if i want to update the existing data... I have not been able to modify to update existing data.


my switch to text for the select does not look like yours, it has { "":""}


Great video!, but for some reason when im using an apply to each it doesnt loop through all my items, only 1, but i already confirmed that there are 2 items in the filter array outputs:c dont know what is happening


How to do Vlookup between when a new message is posted in teams group chat with excel table which is in one drive by using cloud workflow power automate.

If lookup value matches it should post in the same teams group chat as Prod server


thanks your video, i came into one issue, one column name is lookup type, the internal name Field=Lab_x0020_Name_x003a_Country, i try the eq 'xx', bad request: Column does not exist. how can i fix this ?


Hi any way to filter using array / list ["Value A", "Value B"]


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