Doctor Dies In Car Crash; Shown Other Side And How To Access Your Spirit (NDE)

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⭐Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Rev. Dr. Laurence Brock who has a Doctorate of Spiritual Science and holds a postgraduate degree in advanced ministerial counseling. He is an ordained minister, a certified Polarity Therapist and a fully accredited advanced biofeedback practitioner.

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My father was brought back by Doctors from a heart attack and told me it was so peaceful on the other side, he said don’t ever let them bring me back. This gives me so much peace even now 50 years later.


I’m hoping when I die that I’m greeted by all the hair I lost on this side of the veil.


When I left my body, the first thing I remember doing is looking back and saying, “you mean thats not real!!!” All I can remember after that is, it was very peaceful and very organized. I’ve come to realize that if your life is organized, your way more peaceful!


"Being a parent is the most spiritual thing there is." - Dr. Laurence Brock


Hi all, I have worked with Dr. Brock for quite some time for help with healing and coping with life with a special needs son .
Dr. Brock ( he goes by Laurence ) is the real deal ! I can’t really describe what he does, but it WORKS !
In my experience, I feel better during the session with Laurence . It doesn’t take days to feel better .
Laurence is very kind and has walked me out of some very dark places when my hope is just gone .
I will continue working with Laurence and truly not sure where I would be without him .
Thanks Laurence, Eric


When I see people actually being saved and not given up on by doctors, it makes my heart glow. Glad you’re here man.


thank you for having me on your show. It looks great.


You radiate joy, wisdom, humility, and warmth. Thank you for your service to the world and sharing this incredible story


Please people, stop telling others they are going to hell!! God is love❤❤, there is no fear in love❤❤


This sounds a lot like Reiki healing, the key is to get yourself out of the way and become an open channel for Christ healing energy to flow freely through you. Always remember that God is the Doer, the giver and the receiver.


Omg I was scrolling forever unable to decide which NDE to watch and of course the one I click on, this one, had someone from Longmont which is where I am!! 🤯 spirit is wild


Interesting. I am the same age as you are. No NDE for me but converted to Judaism many years ago and have been learning kabbalah for 20 years. That is awesome about the healing. Tai chi is awesome. Thank you for sharing your experiences. I would love to experience healing right now. Personally i am intuitive.


Really not a fan of these snake oil hair loss treatment adds I’ll be honest.


Beloved child,

I see the pain and the hurt
that you carry within your heart.
I see the tears that you have shed,
and I am moved with compassion for you.

I want to heal your broken heart
and to bind up all your wounds.
I want to restore the joy of your salvation
and to give you a garment of praise,
instead of a spirit of despair.

I want to comfort you and bring you peace
in the midst of your storms.

I understand the struggles
and the challenges that you face in this life.
I know the temptations and the trials that you endure.

I will never leave you
nor forsake you.

I am your refuge and your strength,
an ever-present help in times of trouble.

I want you to know
that I have great plans for your life.

I want to use you
to touch the lives of others,
to bring healing and hope to the brokenhearted,
and to set the captives free.

I want to use you to bring light into the darkness,
and to be a beacon of hope to a lost and dying world.

My child,

I want you to know that My love for you is unconditional and unchanging.
I want you to know that you are My beloved child, and that I delight in you.
I want you to know that you are precious in My sight,
and that you are more valuable to Me
than the finest gold and the most precious jewels...

I want you to know that I rejoice over you with singing.
I want you to know that I am always with you,
and that I will never leave you nor forsake you.

I want you to know that I am your constant companion,
and that I will guide you and direct your steps.

I want you to know that I will give you the wisdom and the understanding that you need
to navigate the challenges of this life.

I want you to know that I am the God of all comfort,
and that I will comfort you in all your troubles.

I want you to know that I am the God who heals you,
who binds up your wounds, and who sets you free
from the bondage of sin
and its consequences.

I want you to know that I am the God who restores you
when you have gone astray,
and who brings you back into the fold of My love.

I want you to know that I am the God who gives you the desires of your heart
when they are in alignment with My will and My purposes.

I want you to know that I am the God who blesses you abundantly,
and that I am a God of more than enough.

My child,

I want you to trust in Me with all your heart,
and to lean not on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Me,
and I will make your paths straight.
I will guide you with My eye,
and I will lead you to the place I have prepared for you...

I will never leave you nor forsake you.

With all My love,


Dr Brock helped me over a number of years to develop a greater sense of spiritual connection and to learn greater awareness of inner peace, clarity and power. Without a shadow of a doubt, Dr Brock's understanding of the 'big inner picture, his wisdom and his ability to channel healing energies, is astounding - regardless of distance. If you have the opportunity - do it! If you think you don't have the opportunity - change that by believing that you do - and you will!


I've been on a spiritual journey of ny own after illness and a spiritual experience. I am hoping a spiritual Sufi master will come find me the way he did for you. Pray that happens for me! ❤


Beautiful. Can't even imagine the ddgree of bliss. What are we all doing on Earth ?


Grrr. I pay monthly for a YouTube "premium" subsciption yet still get an ad. Wtf Google!


I love these videos, I love the people and their stories. It actually gives me something more to live for. Knowing there’s more to this life. And it helps knowing that our hard times on earth can actually be positive growth experiences.

Thank you.

P.s that struggling with hair loss advert didn’t sit right though. I’m bald, I should not really feel the need to be ashamed it or struggling with it. It’s not a ‘struggle’ hair or no hair. Does it really matter?
