Extreme Home Makeover in 3 Weeks! Uplift Mission #1

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You can watch Uplift Mission #2 here:

If you'd like to be a part of our next Uplift Mission or know someone who could benefit from an Uplift Mission click here:

Interviews shot on: RED Weapon 6k + 85mm Sigma ART
Documentary Footage shot on: Canon R5 + 15-35mm 2.8 and iPhone 12's.

Huge thanks to everyone who made this project happen:

Flooring and Carpet donated by:

Half off Countertop and Installation:

General Contracting for shed discounted by:

Clean out and organization of the home donated by:

$500 dollars of bins donated by:

Kitchen Cabinets set and Banister donated by:

Bathroom Cabinets painted by:

Bathroom Cabinet Paint donated by:

Kitchen and Wet bar Cabinets painted by:

Tile donated by:
Tile installed by:
Tim Engel

Lighting donated and sold at cost by:

Hardware sold at cost by:

Mattresses donated by:

Mattress Pad and Covers donated by:

Bedding donated and Furniture sold at cost by:

Pillows and Poufs donated by:
Woven Nook:

Piano and 1 Month of Free Lessons donated by:
The Piano Place:

Pianos moved by:
Safe and Sound Pianos:

Christ painting donated by:
Havenlight Art:

Computer monitors donated by:
QFloors Software:

The "Reveal" Song:
Now - by Tanner Townsend

If you'd like to be a part of our next Uplift Mission or know someone who could benefit from an Uplift Mission click here:

00:00 The Plan
1:57 The Renovation
12:33 The Reveal
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Wow the amount of time people spent just volunteering and the materials the generous companies donated just to help out one family was so amazing. People that care for other people.


I like to call this a "Heavenly Makeover". Thanks for blessing my daughter and her family with this beautiful home makeover. Every time I watch it, my heart is touched.


Faith in humanity? Restored AF.
This is absolutely heart warming. I'm glad that there are still people out there who care about others, and can help without hesitating.
God bless y'all for being such kind, caring and giving people <3
I hope this video inspires more people to help others in need.


Truly amazing, Parker. Thank you for giving back what Lord has giving you and being an example. I loved seeing this.


Not only is the place fucking beautiful but the fact that so many came and helped and/or donated for free makes me cry... its just so beautiful, everyone coming together for a good cause. This breaks my heart.


This is so overwhelming. Brings tears of joy to my eyes seeing these families’ reactions


So true. When our 9 year old special needs daughter passed away in August of 2014....we knew SHE was doing the best out of all of us. No more seizures, no more disabilities, no more limitations. It was our 12 year old son who struggled the most. Our other daughter was 6 at the time and was somewhat sheltered with innocence and acceptance of “sissy is perfect and I’ll see her when I get to Heaven. Yes she grieved but our son....he mourned. And mourned. I didn’t realize how much pain i held back due to the strength he NEEDED me to have. I told him from the very first day that if anyone came up to him and told him to be strong....he was just to walk away because he did NOT have to be strong. He’s 19 now and he said that was the best gift we could have given because it allowed him to grieve as he needed to. I can’t explain the feeling of burying a child...because no words do it justice, but to overlook the siblings can be detrimental.
Today....we miss her so very much...but we are a family who grieved and grew together instead of apart. Today....as impossible as it once seemed....there is joy once again.


Me during the entire thing “don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry” *bawling by the end*


Nov 2021, I'm still recovering from my second battle of cancer and this touched my soul.


God bless to everyone who contributed and helped for free..


The fact that they did this real quick in just 3 weeks is something I couldn't do in my activities and assignments.


I ugly cried through this WHOLE thing. When people go through pain this big, the worst feeling as a bystander is the helplessness. Every person involved in this makeover put their whole heart into this and it shows ❤️ I am so proud of you all


This is actually my brother in law's sister. I've met them several times, they are an amazing family. Eli just got put on hospice. This has been such a tragedy for the whole family. I'm so glad they were able to have this done.


Thank you Parker and Lexi for doing so much good in the world. We need more people like you.


Wow, that's amazing what you all did! I lost me wife of 46 years together from Breast Cancer, seven years ago. We have three daughters and five grandchildren. Made a huge impact on all of us. I can understand how they were feeling. So awesome what you all did for the family. Thanks for sharing this video, it really touched my heart. God bless you all


Just when I had completely given up on 2020, along came this video. Parker, you and your wife are amazing for putting this together for this family.


I'm Adam and Elaine's oldest nephew and I'm so grateful that you were able to do this for them. Thank you guys so much.


These selfless gestures keeps my faith in humanity, beautiful people helping beautiful people 🥰 This is what we were put on earth to do, help each other!!


You just give them their dream house and take a huge burden off their back. Thank you for doing such kindness for a total stranger. May god rewards all of you for what you did. Beautiful house built with beautiful people all around.


Thanks for this and for that great makeover! This family is SO deserving. I can't begin to imagine the strife they're going through while treating their son. You've given them one less thing to worry about. I soooo love this.
